Dumb American white nationalists want to convince me a ethnic German into believing that subhuman Slavs and shitskin...

Dumb American white nationalists want to convince me a ethnic German into believing that subhuman Slavs and shitskin southern Europeans are my equals.

They're both the biggest consumers of European welfare and behave like niggers on a daily basis.

We'll talk about "white unity" when Polish invaders return our ancestral lands and shit skin southerns pay their debts back to us.

whites didn't lump themselves together. try telling a 70 year old Italian guy that he's the same thing as a 70 year old Croatian guy. the fuck white people people started doing it to talk shit

You have to update you memes, this female isn't with AfD anymore.



FFS why do German politicians have such huge honkers?

Speaking for myself as an Australian white nationalist, you're missing the point. In the idiom you've adopted here, you should worry about the Polish invaders and shit skin southerns after you've dealt with the rising demographic share of actual shit skin invaders. You know, prioritise dealing with existential threats and then deal with niggling grievances.

WTF kind of political leader dresses like that


Fuck europe


Is there anything more pathetic than a 56% white American telling me to import more Poles because they are 'Le Based Slav Kek! MAGA'?

Fuck Poles and fuck Pakis.

Why not just gas them all together?
You probably drink coolers because hard liquor is too hard for you, faggot. You either go all the way or don't go at all.
Next time you call for a race war, mean it, also, fuck the Irish, even though they're 100% white.

Merkel was always a frump who's boobs could not save her. The black and white nude beach photo really shows this, her terrible posture and head shape is penis repellent.

And yet you started the second world war over them.

j/k we all knew it never was about Poland or another Memelland

And still you got cucked by Slavs. How do you feel now?

Hey german jew, whats your fucking deal? Youre right muslim-pussy slavs are not your equals, were faken supperior you stupid cunt. Our women are not being raped, we dont have to nor will squemishly like little girls get beaten and stabbed on our streets, on our lands soaked in the blood of our forefathers. You even dare to open youre fucking mouth, youre disgusting, kys faggot

t. not a shariablue

would a nigger have one of the oldest universities and the oldest bookstore in europe?

fuck germans, theyre autistic barbarians.

we don't want you to identify with them, we want you to be able to decide for yourself without fear of your life being ruined.

>t. based redditor

Are you an edgy teen or a did your cultural studies professor send you here?

Feel free to whenever you get around to establishing that Germanic imperium over all of Europe. The power to "gas them all together" doesn't exist right now and can't ever exist without cultural change and the recruitment of a greater proportion of ethnic Europeans. You impede that process by loudly declaring your intent to gas everyone to the south and east of Germany. You fix the Polish and southern issues by the dissolution or radical reform of the EU and repatriation of EU citizens - no gas required.

You don't have anyone coming into your shit countries because of how terrible they are. The only slavs I respect are slovenes and croats because they're not REALLY slavs.

Slavs are, and always will be, slaves to the jewish 1%. I have more respect for a Romanian or Spaniard than a "white" slav.

A woman

That's a fucking slut, a MIWLF

Gonna need more lesbo Kraut tits. For research purposes.

Hans is at home masturbating to the thought of being superior to slavs and meds while Mehmet Abdülkerim turns Gretel into his cock slave

How does it feel that Russians were the only whites stupid enough to fall for communism?

During the 1917 revolution there was literally one moment when the interests of russian people aligned with those of bolsheviks and the result cucked us for 70 years. The provisional government should have withdrawn from WWI and ban commies, but they didn't take the red threat seriously

I'm edgy as the cliff I'm going to push you over if you keep being a faggot.
Fuck off faggot, a few chloride based gases and you're done with your problems.
>Few sweaty and sticky brown people claiming to be white not paying debts?
A) Fix your political situation
B) Round them up, vaporize some bleach in a room and wait
>Few Slavs not behaving like proper human beings
A) Send them back with some gibs so they can fix their shit hole
B) Mix some carbon, hydrogen, chloride and sulfur and dump that shit on Warsaw

I might be edgy, but you're the epitome of faggotry.

user, they aren't niggers.

lets start there.

(you) are correct. OP is like a cunt in triage from a shark bite to her abdomen and is kvetching about a yeast infection.

Why isn't she jumping up and down on my cock yet?

"Le Huwite Nationalism" is solely an american garbage. Europeans never were united just by their skin colour.
"White Nationalism" is such an ambiguous term in europe that it can means absolutelly anything. What do you even determine what Huwite actually means?
Are southern Italians huwite? Are southern spaniards huwite? Are Slavs white? They share our language, culture, ancestors, religion, history, national love and even the hate of national enemies. How are they different than more paler counterpart of their countrymen?

As a Polack i feel more incommon with fellow slavic people then italians or germans. I'm more sympathetic to slavic interests than any "white interests". Whites can't even decide if slavs are whites or just call them white niggers.
I say fuck your whiteness and die so slavs can take your shitskin infested lands for themselves :^)

Eastern Europe is the only homeland left for the white race. Germany is done.

Holy shit give milk plz

Do you have a practical pathway that'll get you from our situation now to being in a position to execute option B? What does the process look like?

Geopolitically, how do you feel about Russia? That needs to be considered when you're considering the deployment of chemical weapons in Eastern Europe as a prelude to what sounds like territorial expansion.

Why is genocide preferable to deportation? Is it politically more expedient?

Regarding the kikes, Israel is a nuclear-armed state. Is it more useful to repatriate them to Israel or kill them all? Which is more feasible?

Perhaps most importantly, what're you primarily trying to achieve?

take off your memeflag heritagescum, you are a mediocre 105iq "german descended" piece of peasant shit with nothing in common with the vaterland that kicked you out. even the most illiterate of muzhyk is superior to you, rootless new world NEET faggot.

her skin has nearly seared itself to cover all that boob area

holy fucking fuckitty fuck fuck
i'm not going gay ever

basically, White nationalism doesn't take root in places that still have an ethnic identity, I support it for the memes though.

>We'll talk about "white unity" when Polish invaders return our ancestral lands and shit skin southerns pay their debts back to us.
Kys but first give back Budziszyn and Chociebuz.

Look at the mamaries on that milf.

Not skin color, (you) neo-liberal fucktard. It is shared blood, and heritage - genetics. As fucking compared to the shitskins let loose to shit about our lands by abject kikery and surreptitious elitists looking for better serfs.

Do you have Photoshop in greece? surely you can afford it after getting bailed out gibs?

shut up you fucking self centered idiot autist kraut

you people are dumb

and you've ruined europe over the last 100 years

everything bad about europe is because of german nihilism

>Dumb American white nationalists want to convince me a ethnic German into believing that subhuman Slavs and shitskin southern Europeans are my equals.

Oh shut up nigger

Hey there mr Sheckelberg

You dare stare at her tits?

While I was searching for Ben Franklin's hilarious quotes on race, I came across pic related: A slideshow that tries to equate hordes of browns pouring into America with the hordes of Germans and Irish who came before.

The Germans and Irish (who often intermarried), who were successfully (and sometimes forcibly) assimilated into American WASPs, were literate and had skills.

Btw I agree with OP. The Iron Curtain has been down for quite sometime and Eastern Europe has pretty much gone no where but West.

>1 Post by this ID
>Hiding flag
Come on guys.

>1 post by this ID

I think it's shopped.

Wow you've got some real edge there. You're even more white nationalist than most white nationalists. Good for you! Maybe if you purity spiral hard enough your country won't collapse into a pitiful pile of ash and corpses at the hands of Muslim invaders.

Don't mind us American white nationalists. We'll just be over here doing silly things like trying to get white Europeans and Americans to become racially conscious and begin fighting back. Don't let us interrupt your purity spiral. Enjoy your Muslims.

Isn't she basically a slav herself?

>ancestral lands everything given to Poland after WW2 was originally part of the Polish State. Gniezno and Poznań were it's first capitals. Even Berlin was founded by Slavs. There descendants live in Germany today, are called Sorbs, and speak a language related to Polish. The island of Rugen had a great temple to... Svantovit? (I don't remember) but anyway, these are not 'ancestral German' lands.
All these territories were encroached on over the centuries by German immigrants, and given leave to settle by the tolerant Polish monarchs. The Teutonic Knights asked to build a fortress in Prussia to pacify the Baltic Pagans and overstayed their mandate when the Lithuanians converted to Christianity and joined with the Kingdom of Poland. But whoops, seems the Teutonic Knights really just wanted to control that sweet Amber trade, exterminate the native Prussians, and found a belligerent military State.
Poland tolerated this because of the rule of liberal Kings, who also accepted Jews and Tartars in their country. Now, after centuries of taking Polish jobs, gibs, and land, Germans think they have a right to the area they were once guests in. Little surprise that the character of Poles is now intolerant and Nationalistic.

Tl;dr: Germany has always been the true Mexico of Europe, full of hypocritical gibsmedats who overstay their welcome and try to make everywhere they go into Germany. Now they're reaping all that bad karma as Shitskins try to make Germany into Al-emannistan. The Day of the Cabbage Knife cant come soon enough, Kraut.