So the Jews are trying to kill him before Trump takes down the deep state? KEK.
Seal team 6 isn't a group like the fucking A team.
It's just a number applied to groups of navy seals on missions, 1,2,3 etc. It's all arbitray and routinely random.
There's no esteemed seal teams that have the same people in them over and over, fucking plebs.
Like ur mom its not the same dude givin it to her.
U jelly
You are 100% wrong. You have to apply to be a part of DEVGRU... That's beyond your normal SPECOPS training.
Its happening! Seal teams kill gonna kill rocket man
Leave it to the Ruskies to jail people for making a music video, or compromise our missions for no reason.
lol assassinating kim jung un would be a direct act of war against north korea. there is absolutely no point in assassinating him and not just launching a full on war.
>There's no esteemed seal teams that have the same people in them over and over, fucking plebs.
>no one understands this, everyone thinks michael jordan still plays for the bulls
Your intellect is truly dizzying.
This seems very unlikely.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenevs Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
it sounds like the mission is compromised already
There's a huge difference between killing a Osama and Kim. No way a team of 6 soldiers (albeit highly trained) could eliminate such a highly protected and paranoid man.
Big if true
The six is not a headcount
Clearly I'm dumb
>Russian says anything
Kek, like the one time their MoD said Seal Team Six was in Syria because they spotted some Hummers from the sky.
I love the Russians but God bless them they are born propagandists, they will make up the funniest shit for propaganda reasons. Like that RT article about how Ebola originated in a CIA lab.
im a seal team 6 soldier and let me tell you our men are so highly trained we could take out any leader if we so wanted to. we plan in the light and move like swift bats in the darkness of the night to remove any target we want. our success rate is more than 100% and we have been on missions so secret even your great great grandchildren wont hear about them. so fuck off
I thought team 6 was just the term used to designate the active team and give the illusion of multiple teams?
What I just read were the ramblings of an idiot.
I kek'd
Like Russia would know if our Seals were deployed.
europoor here, is seal team 6 the best of the best? Those secret soldiers who are tougher than the concrete in the building?
If he sent them to take out kim that would be awesome.
Wait, my recruiter said the CIA still runs J-teams and Seal Team 6 was totally a ninja outfit who would teach me how to 360 no-scope. Was I lied to ?
Posted on Tuesday, May 30, 2017 18:00
No way! My dad also works for Nintendo!
Kim got about a few thousand armed soldiers guarding him. The nature (isolationist+surveilence state) of North Korea makes this mission almost impossible.
We'd use our airforce and navy if we were ever coming after him.
*teleports behind you*
Didn't see this one, did you? Nothing personal, seal...
My dick is possibly inside Sarah Chalke. Let me check....nope, it isn't. How disappointing.
When will they learn that the SEALs are fucking retards and should stick to frogman missions like they're trained for?
>trains for months
>crashes helicopter
>our success rate is more than 100%
Swift bats in the darkness. Larp harder
>some guy posts some fake news
>reeeee propagandist
Seal Team 6 has been there since Trump took office
Back in the day there were only 3 teams. Dick Marchinko created DEVGRU the cream of the crop of the Seals. Basically getting the best seals from the other teams. They called them Seal Team 6 to confuse the russians into believing there were more teams.Seal Team 6 now has 3 groups. But they do it by color.
TlDR Seal Team 6 is DEVGU. The best members in all of the Seals.
Originally there were teams 1 and 2. Richard Marcinko then created seal team 6. It was made as an elite of the elite group, and named 6 to literally throw off espionage by making spies wonder where the other teams are and why they have zero intel about them.
you're no match for a real Marine like me, shithead. I could pick you up and break you in half.
How is this a happening? Even if we declared war on North Korea tomorrow what the fuck is that little shithole country going to do?
>inb4 "WE HAVE THE NUKES" saber-rattling
NORAD who gives a fuck about South Korea anyway. Also I really doubt Chyna is going to care.
Norwegian insider here. They slid and fell of the balcony at the hotel they where staying there.
seal team 6 is like fake media faggot seal team
That same rumor has been circulating since April.
The the USS Michigan inserted a team after their visit to Busan where they stayed at anchor without response for several days. Then disappeared.
Story goes that the mission failed with a partial extraction.
North Korea issued another statement today referencing an assassination attempt months ago.
quality shitpost
DEVGRU is too busy in Afghanistan to focus on the North Koreans. Delta is too busy in Iraq to do the same. There won't be any military action in the DPRK unless a large scale invasion starts.
>"direct act of war"
The war never ended, desu.
>Tuesday, May 30, 2017
>some russian tard on twatter spewing obvious BS with no sources
>some tard on Sup Forums makes a thread, gets 50 replies
stay retarded
>The Sup Forums will gorge itself on gay.
I thought all of seal team six died in a helicopter crash a couple of months after the Osama assassination
no, that was seal team six feet under.
Aren't they JSOC, effectively the POTUS's personal hit squad?
That article is from days ago...nothing is going on right now.
>jizz will spray in the night but not impregenate
and now Sup Forums is goldfish memory like the rest of the mainstream media.
how sad.
The only use they'd be is to go in before it kicks off and to try and secure nuclear warhead storage.
How the fuck did they train sea mammals to be assassins anyway? Not like seals can hold guns.
>Story goes that the mission failed with a partial extraction.
I don't find it believable because it's hard to believe anyone thought they'd have any success infiltrating North Korea in the first place and greenlight it.
Seal Team 6?
these are american seals
How the fuck does this even work? How do people with rifles sneak into North Korea? Do they Solid Snake it up and just slit guards' throats? How?????
You've never met an American seal before, have you?
Assuming this is true, you do realize that nobody cares and that you're a piece of kike, dick sucking shit, right?
Burn in hell, traitor.
It happens more often than you could imagine.
Real SEAL would not even post about it.
No it doesn't. The subject is North Korea, not some Paki shithole. Stick to it.
All the Russians here lie like its coming out of a firehose.
>Russian insider
Just more Kremlin shit stirring. The Russians don't have fuck all in North Korea.
>North Korean War is worthy of The Happening
Feel sorry for ya if you don't realize SEAL has been on the ground in N. Korea many times. They provide really great intel when asked.
Okay, but gathering intel isn't their top priority. What was the last time they assassinated a top leader from North Korea? Never.
If that were true, they would have deployed SOG not the fucking SEALs/book writers.
Never say never.. for all we know they actually offed the last one. Neither Goobermeant is what I would call totally honest, in fact both of them lie a great deal.
are you fucking kidding me kid? who the fuck do you think you are? i went to military academy from the time i was 3 years old and have been trained in the highest levels combat skills by the elites in every branch of the military. i have been in some of the most dangerous lands in the world without feeling a even an oz of fear running thru me. have some respect
>some weird armchair rus bro makes claim
>reliable source
> can almost hear you snort as you push the glasses back on your nose from laughing as you type
Go watch porn before mommy and daddy send you to bed
If the U.S. wanted to assassinate Kim Jong Un then they would use a tiny drone with a biological weapon or poison.
So Thats what they meant by regime change
kek knows it's true
>gathering intel isn't their top priority
Christ Almighty. Reconnaissance is their bread and butter. They're literally an intel gathering unit. One of the core activities which emerged after the end of the Cold War was nuke recovery. If they were there, the likely mission was ground intel on nuke sites. Not assassination. As they actually suck at that.
Gigantic if verifiable!
They can make retarded shit like this but hoverboards are still somehow impossible.
JSOC is a sub command under SOCCOM which controls the Tier 1 assets. There's more than Delta and Team 6. Those are just the shooters. Though Rangers have been under their command since the wars started and are usually used as the DA arm.
Welcome to XXIth century.
We've got all the things you ever hated about a cyberpunk dystopia without all the cool things you ever loved from a cyberpunk dystopia.
I think we all know we are going to war with NK.. it has been telegraphed for about a month now. This will provide some good entertainment for many of us, as it's been awhile since America was in a war.
laaaarp larp larp laaaaaaaarp larp larp laaaaaaaaarp larp larp.
larp larp larp!
larp larp laaaarp larp, larp larp.
Navy Seal is little girl...
I thought they were all dead or chicks. Wtf?
trips don't lie
There is a constant waiting government to overthrow his family. If he's dead they will assume power and stand down