Why do you guys complain so fucking much about women being picky about their mating partner...

Why do you guys complain so fucking much about women being picky about their mating partner? It makes all kinds of sense from an evolutionary standpoint.

It's for the greater good of mankind.

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Because they have the audacity to deny us sex bots. If you're not going to open your legs, at least let us have our own 'partners'

Stating obvious and eating the bait:
If you are a slut for chads cocks - you are not picky, you are just a slut.

women scold men for not being real men while simultaneously trying to restrict the attitudes of whatever they define as not being "actually manly" (video games, guns, comic books, etc)

it's an attack on masculine pursuits

Men want real women. Not career-chasing, independent-minded feminist harpies.

Because they think they are the better men, when clearly they aren't

So if she want to breed with the best male and not you, she's a slut?

Males. Plural.

She doesn't want to breed, she wants to fuck 10/10s for their money and prestige and then divorce them to have all of it.

Men want real women. Not career chasing, club whoring, twerk sluts.

she fails at breeding with the chad because chad is elusive by nature, and then she simultaneously complains about how chad dumped her and that all men aren't chads

they want men to be a fairy tale picture which is not compatible with their life choices

It would made sense if they picked good ones, not the ones facebook and TV told them to pick.

>women don't have to be real to get real men
Joggin' the noggin'.

>she want to breed
You can't be that stupid to think that cock riding with dozens of guys is the same as finding a man to breed.

>It makes all kinds of sense from an evolutionary standpoint
no it fucking doesn't.
>I will ensure the death of my progeny by not breeding with my own people
It is literally an anti-Darwinian mindset that possesses these people.

Sup Forums are hypocrites

Sup Forums enjoys porn and objectifying women which is male sexual liberation, then complains when women also display post sexual liberation behaviour. Basically it's okay for men to be degenerates with regards to sex but not women

Pick one, hypocritical fucks

You're absolutely right. For women it's about having the strongest offspring you can (women being limited to how many children they can have a year unlike men who can just play the averages of having a healthy child). Though it's let down somewhat by the same roasties fucking a different Chad Thundercock every weekend, then crying about free birth control and then having an abortion if they end up pregnant anyway.
Looking at it from that perspective you're a retard, but I knew that anyway as soon as I saw your meme flag.

>men and women are the same
Joggin' the noggin'.

>limited eggs, 9 months of incapacitation, vulnerability, extra calorific intake and huge chance of death during childbirth
>versus semen that replenishes in 2 days
>women should not be picky

From an evolutionary standpoint it be easier to rape them

>Basically it's okay for men
but, its not.
Sup Forums hate's chad because he is sexually promiscuous. Sexual liberation was the importing of the bad sexual habits of men onto women.
neither is ok
It's not about the "strongest" its about reproducing period, which they fail to do in the first place.

This is true to an extent. The real problem is that men enable degenerate slut behavior. They want to affirm their sexuality by praising women walking around with their tits and ass on display, women being sexually loose and easy etc as great things but then they wonder where all the pure virgin women have gone when it comes time to find a wife to raise their kids.

>objectifying women
Feminist detection 101. Everyone objectifies everyone, this is how brain works.

well trap porn watching guys dont want rosties, so gtfo

Yes we get it, everything is mens fault, even when you're equal and campaigning for men to no longer be real men, sleeping around at ludicrous rates and being single mothers that work/take the dole as if it's a brave and good thing.

If modern women were worth sorting myself out for I'd do it

She's conflating objectification with sexual attraction.

>hehe I can apply my arbitrary moral code onto women but its male equivalent doesn't apply to me because men and women arent the same xd

if your semen takes 2 days to "replenish" you have a problem

>admits they're not the same
Joggin' the noggin'.

I don't give a fuck what this stupid bitch wants fuck off faggot

It takes longer than that, actually. Men just don't shoot it all in the same wad.

there are by the very nature of the thing more betas than alphas and therefore lots of faggots staging a LARP and having a winge instead of trying harder

>She's conflating
So it is her fucking problem and she should shut the fuck up and not try to mess with sane people.

Pretty much.

yes, the key and the lock are not the same, your point?

>be woman
>suck over 100 cocks
>take at least that many up the vag
>demand that your man doesn't do anything you don't like because you're a princess

Nah, the moment your cock total hits double-digits, you're a used-up whore who just wants to have their cake and eat it, too.

No thanks, if you've "played around", understand there are many men who consider you damaged goods and want nothing to do with your herpes-infested hole.

Why are women so self-serving and short-sighted that they think they can just convince men to overlook their biggest faults while simultaneously pointing out every flaw of the men they're trying to lure in?

Makes me glad I've been married almost 20 years, if I had to date again now, I'd just stay chaste, not worth it in this era.

Sperm does not magically appear in minutes you fucking brainlet

>sleeping around at ludicrous rates

Because men want access to easy women, and they want to have as many sexual conquests under their belt as possible. Who else are these women sleeping with?

So basically, men want a world where they can fuck dozens of girls each in their youth, and then somehow expect there to be virgin women left over when it's time to marry. You can't have it both ways. Either women are sexually liberated and there for you to fuck outside of marriage or they are chaste and pure until you actually marry them.

Because they want your soul in exchange for nothing

>a key and a lock explains human sexuality guys :)


>men want easy access to pussy
Notice how it's the men here demanding women grow up and stop being sluts and get married. Just pointing that out.

>just ignore facts
Joggin' the noggin'.

>He just finished watching the Molymeme

I don't play video games and I have two girlfriends.

Women dont want real men, trust me.
>t. Fedora Carpenter lord.

>Why are women so self-serving and short-sighted
Why are children so self-serving and short-sighted? Cause they are children. They are not grown up men who use their brains.
>or they are chaste and pure until you actually marry them
Don't even see how this is bad.

and successful men want PRIME women (16-18)

Not some used up, withered, past prime thot.




From an evolutionary standpoint the primary means of procreation was rape, most likely by multiple men in quick succession, and women had absolutely no say in their mating partner. And after millions of years women now just go for the men they feel are most capable of raping them since the feeling of being raped has been ingrained into them as a pleasurable feeling.

Well, you're not wrong.

Women don't mate for the "greater good" by nature, they mate with the kind of man who ruins societies or prevents them from arising. Neither sex mates with "good" people by nature.

Strictly by evolutionary standards, men want hot women to fuck and cum in, and women want violent, dominant, physically attractive psychos.

The """best male""" doesn't stick around for just any bitch. Everything that makes him attractive to a woman is what makes him able to fuck her and chuck her. His options are wide open. The result is a lot of ruined whores who can never pair bond.

If you think you can maintain this existence of creature comforts by reverting to the natural R-selective mating strategy, I have an abandoned house in Detroit to sell you.

A mass of unmated betas with a few alphas smashing all the cunt and kicking them out when they see a crow's foot forming is not an environment you want to live in. Betas build society.

Wrong. Female sexual selection is one of the main things that lead to intelligence in humans.

>She only sleeps with idiots because they're "manly"

Some are. Other times we have threads where the OP uses some attention-grabbing image of a whore sticking her ass in the camera and the men who call this out for the degeneracy that it is are piled on and accused of being homosexuals. This happens all the time and it helps reinforce the idea to women who behave like this that it's okay.

>Don't even see how this is bad.

It's not. But men still have the attitude that they're either out "slaying pussy" in their youth or they've failed as men.

Women don't need ideas reinforced. They never leave fantasy-land when it comes to the opposite sex anyway.

it takes about 48 hours for a "full load"

>But men still have the attitude
>But women still have this attitude about men...


>But men
Not men, but kids and retards who have no goals to achieve and no dreams to pursue. So trash men want to fuck around, good men want to move civilization forward.

She only sleeps with the chief. His name is Chad.

Women hook up with whoever will give them a good feeling at the time with little regard for the consequences. This is why there's so many abortions because it's an easy way to remove responsibility.

Not too many women consider intelligence a factor in who they sleep with.

The eternal cuckold is wrong again. Women wanted their sexual revolution and they got it. Women willfully devalued themselves and said "treat us as no more than tits, asses, throats, and cunts". This is the result.


See the problem with some people is that they worship women to such a high degree. They think women "deserve" something for just existing and having a vagina. Like everyone on the planet should just bow down to them and pay money so they can have the best things (ie chad's seed).

No sweetie that's not how it works.

Why is it so hard for cunts to admit that it's bad for men and women to be whores? Stop making it a competition of who is allowed to be degenerate. One gender being so enables the other to be.

Hilariously this. Women created their own problems and continue to fuck up their own lives because they're allowed to blame men for everything instead of growing up.

It's called, "Projection." Women have mastered it to keep from taking responsibility for anything.

You'll have to explain to me how female selection lead to the evolution of a human penis that has a head meant for scooping out the semen of other males then.

Whores of either gender are disgusting. I have two girlfriends but I am open and honest with both of them about this, and as there's so many fags out there men like me need to please more than one woman. It's hard work but I feel like I have no other choice. Step your game up manchildren.

Don't be so naive. Go up to your average group of adult males and tell them you're saving your virginity for marriage.

Obviously a trap "herself".

The human penis is simpler than that of other animals. That trait is vestigial.

Haha fucking roastie lmao

Well, hilariously, I'm not a virgin. But I'm not a whore either. And none of them have given me a hard time about it. Some even admit they wished they didn't act like they did because it fucked up their life. And THOSE are the minority of men anyway.

So yeah. Go outside, roastie.

If you're not a virgin you've already contributed to women having sex outside of marriage. You have fed into the cycle.

>outside of marriage
Nice assumption, roastie.

I used to tell women I was a virgin all the time to get laid. It's a great tactic.

Okay but you constantly get guys here(and everywhere else) bitching about muh lock and key. Saying it's fine for guys to sleep around because it's harder for them, yet wanting virgin wives. Every woman they fuck before their wife is contributing to modern slut culture and ruining society. is right
>So basically, men want a world where they can fuck dozens of girls each in their youth, and then somehow expect there to be virgin women left over when it's time to marry.
Should just promote virtue for all.

why is he making a sign speaking on behalf of women?

>reading that image
>Europeans invented monogamy

Are you fucking serious, nigga? You know civilization existed way before European snow niggers, right?

If you did save your virginity for marriage along with your wife, then obviously this doesn't apply to you. Congratulations for bucking the trend.

>but men!
And the roastie projects again.

It's also larger than other animals, correlating nicely with the function of the head of the penis. Leads me to believe that it's not vestigial, or if it is that it still does it's job.

>that reading comprehension
How many women have kids these days, fuckknuckle?
my point exactly.

This might surprise you but the overwhelming majority of men don't sleep around as much as women. Out of choice.

>Why do you guys complain so fucking much about women being picky about their mating partner?

I don't. But it is pretty fucking funny when their 30+ with worthless degrees and huge debts and they imagine they are worth more to men than 18-25 year old high school graduates who like to cook.

i love how not one of you faggots denied watching trap porn.
so much for muh degeneracy

No women that whore around are just as fucked as men retard. It's nothing to do with projection. Both should stop acting like its fine for their own gender.

Size is a factor in female sexual selection. So is social position, but to a much greater degree.
One reason both intelligence and large penises are prevalent among humans is that women preferred intelligent mates and mates with large penises.

Who do those women sleep around with if not with men? Each other?

>b-b-b-but men again!
Uh huh. Try saying it simply. Women who are whores are worthless. Just that. But you can't. Either your instinct to white-knight is too strong or you're a projecting roastie.

The same few men over and over.

I'm 20 and i have a 20 yo. chick, if i will be 30 then she will be 30 too, with 40 is it time to dump the 40 yo. one and replacing her with a new 20 yo. fresh girl.

It's for the greater good of mankind.

Who give a shit what they want.

Shittier civilizations, dumbfuck.

Monogamy is a pre-requisite to high investment parenting. A society without high investment parenting is gonna be dog shit. Look at most of the African continent, and look at the American Black community post-LBJ and the welfare state.

Women who are whores are worthless, and the men who enable their whoreish ways should be held responsible instead of being placed on a pedestal for their ability to "slay pussy". Men generally don't look down on these men; if anything they seek to emulate them.

Its litterally this simple: work your ass off and make as much money as you can. Get in shape. Even alpha tier women drop their standards a noticeable 2 points once they hit 30, I cannot emphasize this enough for you young guys on this board. Be as selfish and focus on yourself until you're 33-37 and marry some stupid 20 year old you can manipulate. Seriously.

>Couldn't help herself.
>Just had to blame men for women's actions.
Joggin' the noggin'.

God, women are dumb whores, and yet they demand equal rights.

Women who are whores are worthless. It's not that fucking hard.
>Someone thinks sexual degeneracy is bad for everyone.
>you must be a roastie or white-knight beta REEEEEE

Why do used up old cat ladies on the Internet complain so fucking much about handsome Celtic men being picky about their mating partner?