Dumping chapter 683, ripped by WSJD-kun, along with the explanation a kind user did.
Dumping chapter 683, ripped by WSJD-kun, along with the explanation a kind user did.
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No one
Did the soul palace hit the ground?
Aizen as Renji
Aizen as Renji
Notice Zabimaru as Aizen-Renji's Belt and the cut off arm.
How can Aizen copy Renji's bankai? He didn't. He made himself appear as "someone else" the rest was what Yhwach expected. Yhwach knew about Renji's Bankai because of the S - Superstar and him seeing it in the future.
A second (fake) Aizen appears.
This is either Ichigo or Renji. Neither is confirmed though it makes more sense to be Ichigo. I'll explain it later.
Fake Aizen using Hadou 99.
If its a fake Aizen/Ichigo how can he do that? He can't. It's an illusion. This is literally what Yhwach expects Aizen to do. It's just like during the fight between the Captains and Momo-Aizen. There it seemed like Aizen who turned out to be Momo teleported behind people and beat up some captains. None of that was done by Momo nor actually happened. Only Ichigo saw reality then. Only he saw Momo getting bodied by all of them.
This scene is truly beautiful as its not Aizen saving Renji, but Ichigo protecting Aizen.
>that hole in the ground in the lower right
Isn't that the place from which Aizen got extracted by the Gillians? That's a pretty neat little detail, for once.
Azien just applies the illusions, and Ywach manifest what they are. That is probably how his powers always worked.
Fake Aizen
Interesting how the Hado never did anything, huh.
Fake Aizen's Fake Kyouka Suigetsu breaking
Kyouka Suigetsu broke!!? No, it's still Fake Aizen. Also it's literally the same crack Ichigo got last chapter. Because its him.
Why would he be surprised if it's a fake? Because its still an illusion showcasing what Yhwach WANTS to see. He literally expects to outplay Aizen and rape his Sword in the future. It's like Aizen looking shocked when Hitsugaya penetrates him right before the Momo reveal.
Fake Aizen (Ichigo) gets blown away
The real Aizen posing as Ichigo comes back
Notice the cut of arm and Zabimaru vanishing below that arm. Aizen's back.
Zangetsu breaks completely in this illusion.
Why would Yhwach speak about Renji losing his arm when it just happened a moment ago? It's to make the reader understand what's going on.
The heart.
Aizen gets ready for the reveal.
Fake Ichigo who was Renji before is revealed as Aizen suggesting that the two handed Aizen from before was in fact someone else.
What Aizen basically did wasn't deciding who turns into who for Yhwach, but by default make Yhwach's wishes/delusions into illusions. That's why he himself was surprised that Yhwach saw him as Ichigo. He Momo'd himself here and called Ichigo by his fullname. Basically, Yhwach WANTED to oneshot Renji, destroy Aizen with his KS and strongest Hado and then kill Ichigo.
So this is clearly not Renji, because making him attack, getting defeated, make him into Ichigo and reappear only to get pierced through the chest, then transform him to Aizen makes no fucking sense. Also Reminder that Momo also got revealed after being penetrated. Aizen is the advanced Momo and just as cute.
Real Ichigo comes back after getting blown away.
This explains why he needed so long to interfere. He just tanked the shit Yhwach did to Fake Aizen.
Real Ichigo cuts right through Yhwach. Not an Illusion.
But where is the real Renji? He's being a sidelined piece of shit.
But when did Aizen activate his powers if he never drew Kyouka Suigetsu? Back when he meet Yhwach in the prison. He became so strong during his prison time that that one meeting was enough to set up everything for this chapter.
And done. Just two days until we get legit spoiler.
>Just two days until we get legit spoiler.
You mean one day, right? We're getting Tuesday spoilers from either Yonkou or mystery user. Anyway, thanks for the explanation.
>We're getting Tuesday spoilers from either Yonkou or mystery user.
Why that? Last week legit spoiler dropped on wednesday morning. Well, in the european timezone.
Yonkou says he'll try to get early spoilers for issue 38 which is suspected to be the last chapter of Bleach. Mystery user claims he works with publishing somehow and will deliver text spoilers tomorrow.
who should my team be?
Aizen, Hollowfied Ichigo and Ulquiorra
>Real Ichigo cuts right through Yhwach. Not an Illusion.
Technically, we don't really know this.
Usually it's Tuesday night.
Yonkou always tries to get us early spoilers. Anyway, the next issue of Jump being released is #35.
Yes, but 36 and 37 are double issues. So in reality we have 2 more chapters after this week.
Information in Jump suggests that Bleach is ending in two or maybe three chapters. Three new series are being added to Jump, therefore three already existing series need to leave Jump.
Mononofu ended in Issue 34 of Jump. This leaves two more series that need to end to make room. The only two series that are close to ending is Niseoki and Bleach.
With this is mind, here is how the releases will go.
Bleach 682 7/13 Issue 33 (Early Release)
Bleach 683 7/21 Issue 34
Bleach 684 7/28 Issue 35
Bleach 685 8/4 Issue 36/37 (Double Issue)
Bleach 686 8/18 (Yonkou stated that he'll try to get us this chapter early, so maybe 8/15)
Another thing is that Bleach debuted in Issue 36/37 2001 so the editors might be planning to end it with that issue in line with the 15th anniversary.
So... How fucked is Aizen after this tanking?
Also another question: Did he ever have KS in this fight? Or is that just part of the illusion for whatever reason?
>The real Aizen posing as Ichigo comes back
>Notice the cut of arm and Zabimaru vanishing below that arm. Aizen's back.
If this is just showing what Yhwach wants to see, then Aizen shouldn't still have bits of Renji in his appearance rather than Ichigo. It's been four pages since Renji even appeared. The illusion has never taken that long to change before.
The fight will probably end in 37, 38 is an epilogue and conclusion with Rukia winning
He never created a new KS.
You realize that Aizen is still sealed? Otherwise he'd easily recreate that arm.
Yeah, I can't wait to see Rukia win. It'll be great.
>slowly starting to understand that Bleach is really, REALLY ending
If the Aizen that rushed Yhwach at first is Ichigo then were the dragons an illusion, or does Ichigo know kidou?
>You realize that Aizen is still sealed? Otherwise he'd easily recreate that arm.
This is silly. On the one hand his illusion misses big details like the arm and Renji's Bankai, but on the other hand it shows fake-Aizen's reaction to fake-Kyouka Suigetsu cracking? Even though Ichigo knows that his blade is cracked.
Its fake,probably just a getsuga or somthing.Either that or the strongest Hado is a shit jobber spell.
Viz fucked up the naming didn't they? They kept using first names instead of last names and vice versa.
Why would Ichigo protect Aizen? Ichigo is one of the few characters noted to never have been under Aizen's illusions.
I'm pretty sure that recreating limbs should be harder to do than changing one's mimic in an illusion.
>the strongest Hado is a shit jobber spell.
This surprises you? Hadou 96 only singed Aizen at point blank range.
They do that often. Viz sucks dick, but not as much as Mangastream.
Ichigo attacked Yhwach, because he thought that was a good opportunity I imagine. I don't think he actually went there to save Aizen thought that wouldn't be dumb either.
niggerstream has detailed explanations for the 'butchered' german terms being used. I'm sorry but the only thing Viz has going for it is the quality of their digital scans
Why? It's a silly limit, especially since the illusion of Hadou 99, a very complex spell, was flawless.
It's ridiculously powerful. Just summoning that dragon destroyed the ground beneath them throughout the entire court of pure souls. Then Aizen just had them chilling there doing nothing. The summoning did occur because the effects were present even after Aizen's illusion wore off, it just wasn't "Aizen" who summoned them. It's a shame that we did not get more summoning-type spells and techniques in Bleach, but the strongest kido being a summon feels okay.
Only niggas prefer NS.
At the same time when Aizen was revealed, his arm was still cut off. It's just how Kubo rolls. And without this we wouldn't have been able to figure out who was who.
thank you
>At the same time when Aizen was revealed, his arm was still cut off. It's just how Kubo rolls. And without this we wouldn't have been able to figure out who was who.
The problem is that you're assuming it is definitely Aizen at the end of the chapter and then explaining away all of the other evidence based on that.
I can easily see it going for another 20 chapters. Though jump starting 3 new series isn't working in its favor.
Yeah, you should really actually look at the differences between the two and realize Viz is trash.
Seeing how he was revealed after the penetration, it is Aizen.
I gave you prove for NS being trash. At the least show me the same amount of panels being trash in the Viz release. Otherwise your claim is baseless.
>That pic.
>Implying people in general don't talk like that.
I pulled SE Ulquiorra yesterday in the 50 orb multi-gacha
Thank you based KLAB
>Seeing how he was revealed after the penetration, it is Aizen.
If it's really that simple, there was no need to confuse the issue by showing Renji losing his arm and then having bits of Renji's Bankai appear on fake Ichigo.
team ichigo
My claim isn't baseless just because I didn't post anything you idiot. IF you don't know what I'm talking about, it's more likely that you never took the effort and just used someone elses picture instead.
These things are so stupid, every japanese TV show is like this, it's all just a giant ad.
Because he loves him.
Ichihime and Ichiruki btfo
how do we know he's not under his illusion? Aizen literally touched Ichi's chest
the gotei tried taking off his head off a few times after he was urahara'd - shit didnt work.
>the strongest hado is just a fucking dragon
I expected something more meta.
Of course. Otherwise we would think the first enji was real.
Nope. I recently reread Bleach with the scans at Madokami by Viz at they were 100% better than the scanlations I read in the past. You just hate for the sake of hating with no proofs.
>how do we know he's not under his illusion? Aizen literally touched Ichi's chest
It does seem suspicious that Aizen would be so much faster than Ichigo when he wasn't so much faster than all the other people attacking him.
>Of course. Otherwise we would think the first enji was real.
But there was no need to show that fake Renji at all, or have Aizen losing an arm.
>not faster
>But there was no need to show that fake Renji at all,
Well, he kinda is part of the final fight
>or have Aizen losing an arm.
It's probably just to show how fucking strong Yhwach is.
Tell me what Blut stands for without looking it up. Pro tip: You fucking can't. Viz doesn't translate double meanings of words.
I think that really was just Aizen being OP for the sake of it. Nothing to do with his illusions.
Blut means Blood are you drunk?
I don't get it?
Shatter, Kyouka Suigetsu
so you don't actually know. That's all the info I needed.
>Well, he kinda is part of the final fight
Not if he was just an illusion all chapter.
Quick guys, whose backstories haven't been explored yet?
Just stop it, Viz shill
He was there with them, should Aizen rather transform to Urahara for no reason?
I'm very jealous, I have rotten luck, my best is a 5 star renji.
I want to see Aizen's childhood.
But...that user is right. It does mean blood.
>A story of a boy who didn't have things go as he planned. He swore that when he grows up: HE will be the man with the plan.
You can't even follow your own conversation?
You can't even follow a conversation?
>There are various evil acts which can lead one to be committed to the eternal torments of the Avīci Hell. People reborn in Avīci generally have committed one or more of the Five Grave Offenses:[4][3]
>Intentionally murdering one's father
>Intentionally murdering one's mother
>Killing an Arhat (enlightened being)
>Shedding the blood of a Buddha
>Creating a schism within the Sangha, the community of Buddhist monks and nuns who try to attain enlightenment (eternal happiness).
He killed his parents
>putting this much effort into explaining the dogshit that is Bleach
That's harsh, luckily this event will run for a while so hang in there
there's no way you won't get something better than 5star renji with this event
Always do the free single pull, the 10 orb pull, then the 50 orb multigacha, every day
So did Aizen plant Kyoka Suigetsu inside Ichigo's bankai?
This. And if you're running low on orbs, take one or two 3-stars with you while farming the event (depending on whether you can clear it with one character or if you need a backup).
Maxing out their levels for the orb rewards is piss easy this way, and it'll only take 2 3-stars a day for the 50 orb multi.
Which event?
The Anniversary Quest.
Try aiming for 30 Very Hard clears on all types; the 30 clear reward for each is a Hogyoku, which is required to upgrade 5-stars into 6-stars.
The event also drops a fucking ton of accessories and 3/4-star characters.
>Creating a schism within the Sangha, the community of Buddhist monks and nuns who try to attain enlightenment (eternal happiness).
It's probably this one.
>as Renji dies from his injuries tho
They need to just stick to the source. Notice how absolutely no anime or manga will name a fully western character by eastern naming order. Even in current WSJ, Shokugeki shows this example by having Takumi Aldini in the same story as every other Japanese kid who goes by the reverse order.
Is America just insistent that they are too retarded to tell the difference unlike Japan? How many trailer trash crackers even buy Viz or weeb shit to begin with?
Why did you greentext there? Are you lost, ESL-kun?
I'm not even talking about order
Reversing the name order isn't the biggest problem. It's having major characters call each other by their first names. Ichigo, Ishida, Chad, and Orihime are not on a first name basis with each other in Japanese, but in VIZ they all are.
Yonkou just sent me this:
マダラとユハバッハは彼の椅子に座っ、藍染をオフに直面します。 "何してるの?"マダラとユハバッハの両方と述べました。彼らは、彼らの前に何が起こっていたか信じられませんでした。彼らは素晴らしい光景を見ました。愛染は彼のペニスを握っていました。
ポータルのうち、いちご、蓮司、ベインとCIAから出てきます。彼らはすべてのユハバッハを攻撃しようとします。いちごの卍解ブレーク、ベインの飛行機の休憩、とCIAのベルト休憩。彼らはすべてのショックを受けています。ユハ・バッハは再びyaps : "マダラをバックスタンド、私はそれらを粉砕します。 」彼は彼の万華鏡と爆丸を活性化させます。
>Shit that doesn't matter. At all.
In the west, we say your give name first. Doing that does not fuck up the plot. Caring about it is pure, unadulterated weeboo shit.
It's important for Orihime's character. That said, I could care less.