Will Goonan save the species?
Will Goonan save the species?
People are too bunkered down in their stupid shitty lives to care about anything other than instant gratification. The book is extraordinary in it's simplification of why we act destructively and solves a lot of problems, I just don't see it taking hold with the masses.
This will annihilate the conditioning.
Stop shilling your shitty book on Sup Forums. No one wants to read it. Your writing is terrible and full of typos.
^Do you see what I mean?
Bump for interest
It's about how people act destructively when feeling powerless and how society makes people feel powerless and provides solutions.
Who the fuck is Goonan and why is he always shilling his fucking book?
I'm not even him. Why do people hate this guy so much? The book changed my life and I'm passing it forward.
Stop shilling this goddamn undergraduate tier book here.
This should be a permanent ban because I guarantee it is the author self-promoting his shit here.
Too many cucks and brainlets on pol these days.
Name one thing about the book if you read it. Or is there no time to read in Switzerland with so many conquerors to prep for your wives.
I think we need a rebrand. We have had little success in the revolution. Always the same threads. Always the same people. Need some fresh Goonan ideology when is volume 2 releasing?
Exactly. I've seen threads posted about this book for a year now and what maybe 5 people have read it? Hate to see this fade into oblivion.
So I believe in the scripture but I think we need to give the preaching a break for a while.
>I Base my life on other people's ideas.
Why don't you just join a cult or better yet kys.
You never read a book before you fucking brainlet?
tl;dr plz
You sound like some empty minded teenager.
Got a pdf? Im literally too broke to afford 8 bucks right now
How's a man supposed to make a living?
hey sean
There was a free pdf on his website but it looks like the website is down. He must've been taken out by the authorities.
so it's the unabomber manifesto but without talking about how the industrial revolution and the resulting technological society reduce an individual's power over their own lives?
It's been getting shilled for about a year now. Seen it on /lit/ aswell. Goonan sounds a bit Jewy.
>I guarantee it is the author self-promoting his shit here.
It's been confirmed in the past.
How so, still contemplating the Goon Pill.
Very similar to the Unabomber manifesto but has more of a deeper philosophical tone and is not restricted to just technology. Although his insights into tech are right up Tedd'ys alley.
His core ideas are the duality of human nature, which says we can act either destructively (wrath, depression, madness, hedonism, ignorance) or constructively (courage, self-control, wonder, humor) when faced with powerlessness, which is inherent to our existence because we aren't all powerful Gods. Then he says people can be either overly animalistic or aritifiicial (denying our animalistic nature). He explains perfectly why women (and men) being whores is bad for society and why all this fucking with genders is terrible. What makes it so powerful is that he explains things according to deep philosophical axioms based around the duality and the understanding in what makes society tick.
The last third of the book is revolutionary as well. The economics section especially and I guess he studied economics in college but dropped out in his senior year because he said fuck it and wanted to do farming. He calls for Conscious Capitalism.
Pictures of Goonan confirmed in a previous thread
Why should I read it?
He views things in a dual nature: The individual should not act destructively if they choose life no matter what, but at the same time explains that society pushes people to be destructive. His economics explain that business owners, workers, and consumers must work together to achieve not profit maximization for business owners, or cheap shitty products for consumers, with workers just barely scraping by, but good lives for workers, good communities, and a good life for business owners. It's done through free will to "do the right thing" for the best of all and for oneself (the best for all brings the best for oneself in the end as well).
Sounds like he tries to repackage Aristotelian/Thomistic ideas (mostly natural law) in a secular form (which is inherently irrational)
>His economics explain that business owners, workers, and consumers must work together to achieve not profit maximization for business owners, or cheap shitty products for consumers, with workers just barely scraping by, but good lives for workers, good communities, and a good life for business owners.
Basically Rerum Novarum/Quadragesimo Anno
It will change your perception of reality forever (don't read it if you're not ready to take that leap just yet), and if many people read it, it will eliminate a lot of unnecessary suffering for everyone (not all suffering of course) and lead us into exploring the far reaches of the universe.
>It will change your perception of reality forever (don't read it if you're not ready to take that leap just yet), and if many people read it, it will eliminate a lot of unnecessary suffering for everyone (not all suffering of course) and lead us into exploring the far reaches of the universe.
>It seemed shallow to me, no more worth reading than anything by J.K. Rowling.
Explain to me one component of the book and how it's no greater than harry potter to prove you read it.
Defending his man
>apollo and dionysius at it again
Is this supposed to be deep?
Literally every brainlet in history has mentioned this as a way to sound profound.
fuck off sean
Never done like this. I've read Nietzsche and others, I understand what you mean.
Shit sucks
enlighten me further please, your analysis is profound
OP is a commie faggot, enjoy your helicopter ride
You realize you are part of the "masses" of people too stupid to get through to with concepts more complex than libertarianism and communism?
actually a good book, I fell for the meme and read it. Struggles to get going but the last 50 or so pages are gold. Its like 100 pages worth a skim if you can find a pdf.
/lit/ told me not to touch it, and they're right. Not only is this fucking thing shilled so hard there, but it also needs a fucking editor. Read it then gave up.
If you're an easily impressed kid it's probably interesting, but not to me.
Also the posts claiming "I'm not the author lol" is so fucking obvious, I've seen it too much over the past few months.
>/lit/ told me not to touch it
I've seen this once on lit in the past 3 months!
I've posted about this twice on pol in the past 3 months and haven't seen it otherwise! Which is sad because it needs to be heard. In no way does this need an editor, you are just used to all your fag books with big words!
Lit.... lol
I found Goonan on kike book
Exactly what Goonan would say.
I agree 100%. The philosophy in the beginning is not a spectacular read like Nietzsche, it's just solid. Once he starts talking about man/woman, animalistic/artificial is where he opens up. Also the section about how the aesthetic of existence influences your being is something to take home.
Totally not (((Goonan))).
I wish I could kill this faggot
What's going on in this thread?
something important
Who is that faggot?