Sarah silverman sends Sup Forums a message


Other urls found in this thread:

tldr dont care

dear refrigerator women, get back in the kitchen where you belong

This would have been unimaginable a few years back. She's trying to defuse the situation now that its escalating.

>there is greatness in you
exterminate the jews gas the kikes race war now

imagine having to live with yourself after costing the DNC the election.

Can you put a fridge inside an oven? I'm asking for a friend

I live in happiness with a family of like minded people in the real world. I go to church. And at the end of the day fall asleep with my cat and woman happy to be away from the degenerative of modern society.

how can she infenticise us more ? im like all i want is to live in a peaceful town with marble statue and happy hard working people.


What sinking feeling is she talking about?
All I think about when I'm about to go to sleep in my lust for

How will women ever recover?

Remember that time she endorsed clinton at the DNC and directly insulted berniefags?

Lol her own antics have pushed people so far in the opposite direction that they'd rather be white nationalist than a batshit crazy femicommie.

...and now she's making a plea for them to come back to the "good side" as if she didn't push them away herself. Fucking dumb cunt.


>the jew
>it's afraid

she's not a nice and loving person, we have seen what she does with a little bit of power


How many evil pedos has she kept quiet about?

>they're already at the bargaining stage

>You wont be replaced by jews, (((I))) promise
What timeline are we in?

Bitch please if the government was lining us against a wall and shooting us you wouldn't give a fuck

>I promise you will not be replaced by Jews.
Whew, that's a relief. See guys? We had nothing to fear this whole time.

Loxist pretending to be something else.

I will rape you Sarah. You get that?

Wow. It seems like they are taking the situation serious. Someone must have told the fridge to do something about anti-semitism.

Someone let her know it is too late. Tell her to go back to Israel.

>sit next to me

The only chair for her

Hearty Kek

Dear jews, suck my big white balls

Forgot pic.

I love her tits desu

Post ageing Jew tits or gtfo.

Dear Sarah and other scheming kikes

Dear world,
I'm great. You might be noticing how I'm great and know everything, so why don't you just accept that I'm great and know everything? You have opinions? Those are wrong because I'm great and know everything. Just imagine how great the world would be if everyone knew I'm great and know everything. Absolute utopia, because as I may have mentioned, I'm great and know everything. All the people who makes millions off my confirm that I'm great and know everything, so therefore I'm great and know everything.

>Scared but moist Jewess surrenders when white men assert themselves
Gee who would've thought

It's too fucking late kike. You're lying Jew words will not wipe away the sins of your people.

Whites are waking up and this is (((them))) feeling a sinking feeling in their gut that they will soon experience payback

And Justice.

>Your jewish friend

the gassing wasn't enough if a jew is still allowed to post such buillshit in 5776 Anno Satanas (((YHWH)))

>rebroadcasting a tweet
>no source
>no argument
>no context
>"well?" (nudge language, the hallmark of paid shills)
Do not reply to spam. Sage, ignore or report spam. Demand something better than somebody else's tweet and one word in the OP.
California is on fire but suspiciously close to towns and with numerous overnight starts.
Soros invested in OSI (Chertoff's body scanners) and got put options (the chance to sell stock at the existing or not as bad price, in expectation that price will drop) on MGM's casinos before Vegas.
Do not reply to one word rebroadcasting one tweet.


Dear jews,

Blow it out your ass.

Who wants to bet how aroused she was hearing of big evil nazis marching in the streets.

>Pink edit lines
>swooping number 2

Hi Sarah.
We became this because you didn't want us. We have a new home now. We don't need you.

Dear Sarah Silverman,

You are going to hell for rejecting Christ.


>I promise you will not be replaced by Jews

that's not really the concern. and if we were going to be replaced, she probably wouldn't tell us.

>reading what a ((("""woman"""))) says


the same people who ostracized us are now begging us to join them, where they will still ostracize us and consort with their own.

Lmao this bitch is going schizo

What the fuck is it with older women in Hollywood?

d-delet this goy

Don't read this, it has fnords in it.


My rebuttal:

To the snivelling Ms Silverblatt, you are no longer cute or funny, the only thing you still are is Jewish. Good luck with that.

>shed your ideology of hate
>lol dead wypipo
The Jew cries out in pain as she strikes you.





That escalated quickly

Rich influential Jew says to maintain the status quo.

It seems like bargaining/defusing but you can tell it's still hostile towards whites. That filthy jew rat will never tell this bullshit to other ethnic nationalists.



>I promise you will not be replaced by jews

i aint reading that shit nigga

Deus vult brother.

I have that sinking feeling because there are idiots like her in the world

>What sinking feeling is she talking about?
shes projecting as a soulless hollywood jew

>love and acceptance
>proceeds to kill jesus and shit on a cross
>love and acceptance
i want to hunt her and seth rogen in a dark forest armed with a rusty fork only.

Are you not convinced!? They double pinky swear, cross their heart!

God. Her head must be so far up her own ass she must be peeking into another dimension if she thinks that post is anything but condescending and antagonizing.
>hi you know this country your ancestors built? yea it is ours now so sit down and stop complaining.
Fuck if I was an american I'd look for and punch this cunt.


Jews are friends to nobody. Usury and exploitation are their gifts.

Dear future lampshade or soap bar,
get into the oven.

(((sarah silverman))) is a disgusting person only out to satisfy her egotistical nature for attention.

Dear Sarah (((Silverman))),
You only got to where you are by sucking jimmy kimmel’s tiny schmekle. Please kys and (((Weinstein))) wants his blumpkin before you go

That's the best part about this eminently insane Jewish charade. The brown people they import hate them and are more willing to attack them than we are.


She's shilling for her new movie "I LOVE YOU AMERICA"

This divisive DNC puppet is really gonna try to pretend shes the "voice of reason"

She's probably trying to distance herself from Weinstein as well

I didn't want to do this Sarah, but cultural Marxism forced my hand

>hello goy, I am an extremely rich jew
>I completely have human emotions
>I'm not a lizard at all
>stop organizing goy and take out loans!

>you kike friend
>sara silverjew

>ps: I have a deal right now, only 6.3% annual interest on a loan of 5 foreskins

I'd tell her a rape joke. As I was wiping the bloody shit off on her cheek - fuck that kike-

so much this, i thought you were push overs l..le lets just forgive and forget




Dear Sarah Silverman,
Sup Forums.

Why is it always whores and prostitutes that think their opinions matter?

>as soon as we become strong all of a sudden they are friendly to us
really activates my almonds
Oh yes. I can still feel the condescending negatively maternal resent.

If this is the best typography whites can produce they deserve to die desu

so she wants us to fight the blacks ?

It is too late now, Sarah.

It warms my heart to see you afraid.

They know the holocaust didn't happen, but one is about to happen for real .
Why not just eliminate the jew and live in a perfect world

a kike.



>needs to get laid
put a fat cock in it's mouth so it shuts up

This is exactly the kind of stuff that makes me even less favorably inclined to their views. Amazing

Kikes being kikes

She's not wrong. You don't have to go leftie...just stop larping, get out of the basement and accomplish something.

Why is it always sex with these jews?
The are fucking obsessed with sex

God, she sounds like that chink on AHS lectruing the strawman Trumpite.

Yeah, no. You keep playing your identity politics game, Sarah.
And we'll take it, make it ours, and use it to spit roast you like the cock-pig you are.

>Loves Palestine
>Hates Israel
>A jew that hates and sells out other jews

She's one of the soros crowd


she knows there is an awakening and she is afraid

the jews should of just left us alone,we never asked them to destroy our society with degeneracy and niggers

i wish we could be mates with the jew and view them as one of the boys like we do with france or spain but it cannot be

the jew must know,they declared war upon us and now the white race is here for war,we have nothing to lose,we fight or we fade away,we cannot comprimise


It's not our fault Poo in loos and spics think they are white

they're naturally degenerate, read into why the 10 commandments were given. subhuman, all of them