>Britain is reportedly preparing for the possibility of war breaking out with North Korea as concerns rise thatanother provocative missile test could trigger a military response by the US.

>North Korea is being closely watched amid fears it could launch another long-range missile test on Tuesday to mark the anniversary of the founding of its ruling party.

>Among the plans disclosed by theDaily Mailis the deployment of theNavy's newest aircraft carrier,HMS Queen Elizabeth, before it has undergone flight trials.

>"We have plenty of ships to send… the Type-45 destroyers, the Type-23 frigates. Britain’s new aircraft carrier could be pressed into service early if things turn south,"a senior Whitehall source told the newspaper.

The British are prepping their military for a possible conflict on the Korean Peninsula. Ships, including the HMS Queen Elizabeth, are being fitted up and getting ready to deploy and join the U.S. Carrier already off the coast of Korea.

NATO is about to rip open Kim's asshole and fill it with TNT.

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when the whole western world cucks and cries, the eternal anglo has our back.



Our military has a responsibility to be prepared.

We are never going to hit NK, but we must prepare for that possibility.

Also our new carrier has no birds, we are waiting on delivery ...

it's sapping my life. i don't fap or anything, i just watch nork developments and wait for ww3. a burger needs two things to sustain himself: 1. a burger, 2. a war.


Its a big ship with lots of new toys

I'm sick of brown-nosing Amerikikes with their wars when they have never once had our backs for anything. This is their manufactured problem they should deal with it themselves.

The Plan Failed! PLAN B Guys!

But i thought the brits were selling all their warships on gumtree?

Why do British carriers have a ramp at the end?

Why do I feel like there is so little space on an aircraft carrier? For all the aircrafts.


What military?
The cuts have been so savage we can't defend our islands and even had generals referring to it as "third world tier". We should stay out of it and let them kill each other. They are no threat to us.

I'm going to redpill you as to what is happening right now:

Special forces of the Delta Force(task force lead),SAS(with SRS assistance) and SK special forces to the tune of 260 men with air and naval support are making a plan to assassinate Kim Jong Un and seize control of North Korea with the aid of insiders within both the regime and military of NK and have made a special broadcast to be played on all TV's,Radio's and public announcement channels declaring an end to the Kim regime and for the people to rise up and prepare for reunification.
It has a 40% chance of success but its been given the go ahead for execution in the next few months. If it fails, an agreement has been reached for a simultaneous attack from three sides by USA,SK,Britain and Japan(the real reason Abe called a snap election to get support to send Jap military on combat ops abroad for first time since WW2) with the targets being the nuke sites and artillery batteries(16k pieces are aiming at Seoul 24/7) with cluster bombs and non stop air operations attacking the underground airbases,submarine ports and underground tunnel networks which are beneath each and every city. Russia and China have already placed over 500,000 troops on their respective borders with NK to stop a refugee invasion and have been informed of the plan. The real reason why China and NK relations have nosedived recently.

Keep an eye on deployments to the area. When at least 5 carriers are in striking range. That's the go ahead signal.
Got given the shittest birds available. Yet again the MoD can't do shit correctly.

To bring back more valuable refugees.

really useful without any planes on it

Ramps make take off easier.

>terrible bureaucracy
>inept leadership
>inept "ministers"
>Short sighted decisions
>Overblown budgets
Like everything the UK attempts. The entire system needs purging and starting over.

why do they have those retardedly big flags attached? usually they just paint the name on the boat itself

>Sold the entire Harrier fleet to the USMC for scraps.
>We get new aircraft carriers with no planes available till 2019/2020 and even thats not guaranteed
>Had a budget cut so one aircraft carrier will now be a helicopter carrier instead.

Once more an example of complete and utter inept leadership with total lack of foresight and naive world views of utopia.peace and (((multiculturalism))).

>HMS Queen Elizabeth

Hol up. I mean, it's a great carrier, but I thought it wasn't actually getting planes until next year?

It actually is. It can be used as a giant amphibious assault ship and floating base. We used a carrier in a similar way during the beginning of the war in Afghanistan.

>never had our backs for anything
Without us you'd be speaking German right now.

man, I sure hope they're bringing kneepads to suck some NK dick

what were both world wars you retard?

yeah, that would have been a shame.

So you're saying we'd be white,proud,intelligent and 30 years more technologically advanced than everyone else and free of Jewish control with no non whites?

Gee thanks.


good, the more islanders dead, the better.

yeah, we goofed bad on that one.


dat ramp lol. also they named a ship after the dog show lol


I'm just waiting for Britain's betrayal citing the rights of refugees



No shit sonny, you think you're the only one around here who enjoys the divine taste of non-anglo blood?

Can't wait to drink my fill of these commie slopes, I hope we don't turn them all to ash first.


Always Burger Bro

Can't wait for Brussels to ree at you for daring to oppose a totalitarian Communist regime, (for the 2nd time in as many years.)


and im proud to be an american where schlomo cuts my cock, and i wont forget the men who died who made this place nonwhite.


>Wanting your countrymen to die in a war that only benefits Jewish profiteers
Sad! Still, have some patriotism.

America doesn't fight wars alone. We love our allies.

Join our coalition for Operation Korean Freedom.



Let 'em reee, they're still salty that their time in the congo wasn't as fruitful as our time all over.

As far as Empire building went, you've got to give the Belgians a hand. Their subjects certainly did.

Trump has lost all connection with reality. The war in Korea that he's so intent on starting will kill hundreds of thousands of people: North Korean, South Korean, and American alike. If China and Russia intervene, as they did during the last Korean War, it will be World War Three.

Trump is blindly, madly stumbling towards a nuclear holocaust - motivated purely by his primal urge to feel "respected" and "feared" by Kim Jong Un. I can only pray that the North Koreans obtain nuclear weapons before Trump initiates an invasion, so that the possibility of war on the Korean peninsula, and the neocon fever dream of "regime change", is eliminated forever.

Operation Korean BBQ



Operation Chargrilled Gook

We're too poor to afford catapult. Don't bring it up again!

what is, was
what will be, shall

Ishnallah, Brother.

These dumb infidels will die at the hands of Kim Jung Un!

But probably not.

We're always the first to help you yet you guys fuck us over every single time.

Our aircraft carriers got blue balls. We need this war. RAWR

>cannonfodder dying for the greater good
Anyway North Korea must be stopped

You're a pussy and always will be. Kim needs to be stopped you traitorus scum, stop siding with our enemies and kill yourself, you have nothing to live for anyway

>big ship
for you

It's not him, it's the military industrial complex.

He's fighting them too, obvious shit it's obvious.

Gotta take responsibilities for your kids, otherwise you're no better than a nigger.

Ready for Nork refugee swarms into the west?

Then you have to deal with Nork terrorism as revenge for blowing up their home and dear leader.

Argentina should take over the Falkans in the meantime!

they have nuclear weapons user

fission fusion

where the fuck have you been?

The Falkland Islands could take over Argentina at this point m8.

For anyone who is seriously interested in how this war will play out, and the global ramifications, read this report by a well respected think-tank.

Not if your kid has flown the nest and is actively fucking shit up without your permission. The U.S should deal with the consequences of its actions on its own.

If we're going with the doddery old dementia ridden relative metaphor, the U.S shouldn't expect us to riding to their aid all the time when we're supposed to be over the hedge.

This. The Argentine navy isn't even a quarter as powerful as in the early 80s.

I'd gladly take a nork qt grill in

Kim Kong vs Trumpzilla


why do burgers not have ramps?

we will nuke NK then nuke Goymany for their EU shenanigans. check um

Asian bitches can't resist muh dick

Seconding this. RUSI is one of the best and truly authoritative think tanks in the UK.

That image is just begging to be shoped into a cripple in a wheel chair and rules replaced with ruled.

How soon we forget the TWO world wars.



>Not gang raping a fresh gook qt who had never even seen a white man before you and your chums levelled her family's grass farm
Mate get with it.

Our army is more skilled than yours.

What can I say we like to fight

China has said that they'll be forced to defend NK if the US fires first. Here comes nuclear war. Been nice knowing you, faggots.


Must be hard, having to look back through so many pages of the history books to find a war you won by yourself.

the bongolian war machine will crush the fish head menace, and free the noodle people, real world opportunity to test our new carrier, north ikea to fall one way or another

>USS Philippine Sea
Chinks BTFO

>he thinks we're preparing for war with North Korea and not the EU


>Kim needs to be stopped

You've read too much Breitbart. Why don't you try broadening your sources a little bit, and look at what the North Korean regime actually says?

Referring to his atomic arsenal, ol' Kimmie said:

>“They are necessary to protect against the long-term nuclear threat of US imperialism"

He explicitly said he is developing this capabilities to PROTECT against the THREAT of U.S. IMPERIALISM - in other words, to ward off the invasion that Neocons in D.C. are so intent on initiating. He doesn't want to nuke the U.S. - that would be suicide. He doesn't want to invade South Korea - that would have equally disastrous consequences.

Rather, he just wants to ensure his regime is secure from foreign threats.

>our enemies

Kim Jong Un does not threaten my life, liberty, or property. He merely desires to protect his own cronies and regime. Therefore, he is not my enemy.

He is only the enemy of Donald Trump, who cannot stand the idea of a leader who doesn't kowtow to him like your beloved Theresa May.

If not wanting to murder hundreds of thousands and potentially millions of people to satisfy the ego of a deranged and senile orange ape makes me a "pussy", then I gladly accept the moniker.

At least when I'm drafted, I'll die in the muddied, corpse-filled trenches outside of Pyonyang knowing that I did everything in my power to prevent this instead of following the herd to war like some subhuman and thoughtless animal.

You fascists have this idealized picture of war. It isn't that way in real life. It may be glory and conquest for the generals and statesmen who organize it all from the comfort of their quarters, but for the average soldier it is Hell on Earth.

Learn from the mistakes of those who came before us. We've had two world wars already. Don't unnecessarily make a third.


>tfw your country is so geographically small that if nuclear war broke out you know you'd be vaporised instantly instead of having to survive the horrors of post apocalyptia

Why would you deploy the HMS QUEEN RAMP if you have no fucking planes available?

Cause we use steam driven or electromagnetic driven catapults launch systems. These also help us launch bigger and heavier planes and payloads.


>Beloved Theresa May

lmfao, millenial soldier faggots would get crushed by NKs brainwashed army.
>b.b...but I just wanted a WRX and GI Bill

we gotchu senpai. we'll put some planes on it. it's called sharing resources

Why would you speak English when at one point French was the world language?

Great... We have the best navy and air force the world has ever seen.