Suicide of the West

The worst thing about being redpilled is how you realize how retarded the bluepilled seem. Take for example the current events in Germany and Britain. What do the normie retards actually believe will happen to their country 20-30 years down the line?
I have a hard time understanding how people are somehow perfectly fine with the idea of being ethnically replaced. I myself came to Sup Forums pretty bluepilled, seeking information on the SOPA bill years ago.

Do you want to know what kept me here? The realization that demography IS destiny and the almost instantaneous feeling of fear that washed over me upon the rationalization that if things continue the way they are my descendants or closest of kin will not look like me, act like me, or share an ounce in common with me. I wasn't even conservative at the time, but something in me simply understood the threat, that it was absolutely insane to have immigration policies slated to replace a nations primary ethnic group. It was almost instinctual and I know other people share it as well based on certain cultural stigmas (The black baby infidelity joke), so why do some people have it others don't?

It was so easy for me to get the picture, why does it seem some impossible for so many people? Is it massive denial? Some sort of inherent suicidal acceptance? I simply can not understood why it was easy for me and so hard for bluepilled faggots.

Over the years I've become less interested in Sup Forumss theories and insight into the (((reasons))) it's happening and become more interested in why it's so effective with the bluepilled. I want to know the most common mode of thought that drives the common man into fully accepting the suicide of his people. If we can isolate the reason that drives people into accepting it, we may find a way to get people to accept the opposite just as easily as I did.

Other urls found in this thread:

what the fuck is going on in that gif?

Naive idealism

You seem intelligent and have a questioning, logical attitude.
Those people are unintelligent and operate on feelings.
Plus, they were probably sheltered from witnessing real life at play, ex: not watching COPS, not living near brown people, etc

I don't know man. For me, I've always been open-minded to different ideas and perspectives and I started coming here to get a better idea at how "radicals" think. The redpilling came about pretty fast for me because I've always had a huge problem with modern society and Sup Forums made me understand the cause in a way that made sense. For others, modern life is pretty good, so it's harder for them to see how evil it is when they don't feel outcasted or wronged in any way. Also, extreme bluepilled people tend to be a lot less intelligent and horrible at critical thinking.

Seconded. Also you have nailed my sense of dread and frustration op, you aren't alone. I like the theory that the bluepilled are NPCs.

Yea man, I think part of it is openness to entertain new ideas. I voted Bernie, then Trump. I've gone full circle and now my theory is based on stats and nature instead of idealism.

Also, if you want to go to the core of the issue, read up on the "Dark enlightenment" its a massive redpill

>"This is a fetus at 4 weeks... look at its little feet and tiny hands. Abortion is murder.."

The Rock was viciously attacked by CM Punk.

See pic related on previous post. Basically stating that most societies are tiny minorities fighting each other and the lemmings just side with the winning position.

I don't know what is going on in the gif. It was a popular gif that was heavily used in the early 2010s but I never got an explanation. I think it might be some sort of filter placed over footage of The Rock(identical shoulder tattoo) gasping for air.

But in places like Europe you hear of things like "spot the white guy in X city" where you know population density would allow a huge portion of natives to be well aware that their country is fucked unless they start deporting.

Yet a tiny portion of Sup Forums even come from those countries and you always get a sense of a vast blue-pilled majority somehow maintaining their retardation while living among them. Most Germans I've met here in America seem incredibly blue pilled on the issue though they seemingly always come from areas with very little migrants. Basically, it's hard to gouge just how bad it is and so it's difficult to figure out the sheer strength of their suicidal naivety.

At this point, i'm totally blackpilled. We chose to be doormats and we're long past the point of no return.

You didn't chose, the fags before you chose "We asked for this" is a meme. The failed democratic system and corrupt politicians chose it for you. The sooner you realize you're fucked the sooner you'll have no issues seeking a means of solving the problem.

low IQ
high narcissism
bluepilleds are absolutely disgusting

today at school i was in a van loaded with them
this pajeet was explaining that the only reason colombus day is celebrated was because of poloticians
he said that everyone in this country hates colombus day except for the politicians
in fact, apparently, colombus day is a conspiracy created by politicians for some reason that he never elaborated on
this currynigger is a biology major
in fact everyone in the van was a biology major and not a single one questioned his "reasoning"
Meanwhile, im sitting there silent thinking about the nerve of this foreign retard
"Fuck America" is basically what i gathered from this faggot
"Fuck America, and oh by the way thanks for sharing your spoils with me, someone who has NO connection to this country whatsoever

I wanted to open the door and kick him the fuck out of the speeding vehicle

Most people are fucking stupid cattle and will happily rationalize whatever reality they're most frequently and aggressively told to believe in as good and proper to avoid bad feelings. Once you have them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.

Raised to believe big brother government has everything under control I suppose.
Literally the "it won't happen to me" mentality.
They won't figure it out until they're being raped with a knife in their own home.

That's why when the system collapses, we need to make sure that our people are organized. Look at all of this talk of "late capitalism" on leftist forums. They know we're near the end just as well as we do, and we need to be the ones to replace the system and build a brighter tomorrow for our race and nations. If we need to go through a civil war to reach that, then so be it.

Shhhhh, no tears; nothing but Open Gates now.

I think it's from the movie The Rundown

the jews reverted them to animals. it has given us an opportunity to eliminate the weak.

Here's the problem:

Every time we start making a slight advance at mass redpilling through memetic warfare, some fucking idiot with a swastica tattoo pulls off a murderous event, crushing all of our efforts.

The problem with fringe movements is that there are fringe people who are impossible to control ipso facto.

The next issue is that mass movements require mass sums of money, and while the pro-business center-right has tons of money, the far right has next to none.

This is evident in every western country - even Le Pen had to resort to a Russian bank for funding her campaign.

And (this will trigger some anons), in the same sense that far left Marxists are who they are because they fail to succeed in the current system, many on the far right are who they are for the same reason.

Blaming our problems on anyone or anything is futile. Jared Taylor tries to drill this home constantly.

For the right to succeed, it cannot play victim, it cannot play the blame game, and it cannot attempt to bolster its positions with hate-facts.

The only way for the far right to become a real movement is to obtain funding through successful capital investments and cash flow, create a realistic mission, and communicate the desire for that mission with intensity and political pressure until the demands are met.

It's simple: we want freedom of association and the right to discriminate in our own neighborhoods. The fact that we want it makes it valid, because we are a democracy, so give us what we fucking want.

I believe a huge part is many don't even understand what their losing, much less what they've lost. Making it clear that culture is a RACIAL construct is imperative. As always though, most won't wake up until it's at their front yard. It IS encouraging to see the conversation shifting, I have a feeling many more have woken up than """they""" expected. Keep on keeping on, and never lose hope.

Blackpilled Aussie here. Come join me in the outback for the apocalypse. Must have cool Mad Max name.

At this point, it WILL be nuclear armageddon. At best, there'd be job openings for Immortan Joe's Warboys more than anything else.


Instinct = right wing
Idealism = left wing

Ching Xi Li Chong

>Every time we start making a slight advance at mass redpilling through memetic warfare, some fucking idiot with a swastica tattoo pulls off a murderous event, crushing all of our efforts.
When has that ever happened?

>The fact that we want it makes it valid, because we are a democracy, so give us what we fucking want.
In a democracy, the majority's preference that we not get what we want means we don't get it.

Men = right
Women = left

Prove me wrong

Does it have to be? Economic collapse is just as if not more plausible. If that happens, then whoever comes into power next will have control of the nuclear arsenal. And unless you take rocket man's threats seriously, there really is no inherent threat of armageddon.

The Frankfurt School laid these plans years ago, it methods are precise. Most people are retards, democracy is a joke when you have an ignorant public.

You're an NPC yourself retard.

>When has that ever happened?
We got Trump in office, for a recent example.

Gen Z is much more conservative than any other Generation in their teenage years.

>In a democracy, the majority's preference that we not get what we want means we don't get it.

In a true democracy, this would be true. But we are a representative democracy. Look at movements like the Convention of States where a few thousand people in each state manage to get system-altering legislation passed.


Buddhist here

Bluepilled people literally are NPCs; they're basically human animals. If you're born with a higher level of cognitive awareness it's due to good thoughts/deeds from previous lives.

The more ignorant barbaric [Rakshasha] people are born into the world due to more and more bad actions and lack of virtue the less the world will be able to hold together and the more it will spin into chaos until all that's left is degeneracy breeding degeneracy and nothing good left of civilization.

Doesn't take much to trigger a nuclear war. Just have some chinese person tweet to Trump daring him to nuke their city.

r/DarkEnlightenment/ its a good place to start, but its a complex topic, one that i cant summarize right now.

I don't see very much hope. Most days I want to commit sudoku.

I was looking at some German people's Instagrams (normie, I know) and it was amazing how many shitskins were already tied into the German people and Germany. It's like Germany is already America-tier. And America is totally fucked. I see nothing but brown children here, rarely ever do I see white children. And most of the "white" people here aren't even white, they have admixture of some other shit.

This country is just one collection of every third world country packed into one. I can't even tell you how often I go somewhere and I'm the ONLY white person. It's not even contained to areas like NYC or LA anymore, it's fucking everywhere. Most days I don't feel like I even live in a first world country, roads and buildings and infrastructure are all fucked up. The white American vernacular that you would see in movies pre-1970 has been replaced with some sort of slang ebonics variant.

Tell me, who would I ally with if I wanted to start a revolution? There's no one left, I rarely ever fucking see white people in my day to day. Then take into consideration which percentage of the whites I see who are entirely blue pilled and you start to see there is little to no hope.

I hope it changes, but I haven't made any illusions about the matter. It only took one generation to kill off the entire West, truly incredible.


BPS has a really good video about this .. It's not that liberal idealism is necessarily wrong per se, but it's lacking in a basis in reality as it is. It plays with abstract concepts while conservatives deal with things as they actually are.

I wont blame you if you're too stupid to grasp the importance of the concept.

Don't go to dark enlightenment, go to MPC

>What do the normie retards actually believe will happen to their country 20-30 years down the line?

I asked someone that once, he said something along the lines of
>why should I care if Muslims take over? I'll probably be dead by the time that happens, and it's not like I'll be that affected anyway
So these people are pretty damn apathetic, and without love for anything beyond their own pathetic snowflake lives


Where do you live that you are the only white? I see lots of Whites (even blue eyeds) in rural Midwest.

bro this is my perspective right now completely, and i hate it

i am so depressed by current events, my asian waifu suggests i just accept it

i suppose all there is left to do is beat off to the cuck porn and start getting used to being a queer

fuck our lives

"Blue pilled" is a very misleading term. It implies innocent illusions keeping you trapped in a dream world. There are actual fanatics of multi-culturalism and multi-racialism.

The husband of a distant relative of mine basically called me a Nazi for daring to tell him that a gang of "enrichment" could have beaten me to death, if I had not been able to scare them away. And his wife basically said "people always mixed and I hope this will continue to happen". They may live in their upper class, all white neighbourhood while praising their indish collegue xD But that is not the point. They ARE fanatics and they WANT to see the German people, in our terms, destroyed/mixed out of existence or beyond recognition/replaced. And you have these people all over the west, doesn't matter anymore: one degenerate world culture from Berlin to LA.

It also forgets about the literal anti-German antifa that prays bomber harris and shout "Deutschland verrecke!" "Germany DIE!"

It's also apologetic to only lament about (((them))) and ignore the role of our own people. But that factor absolutely does exist.

The current world order, it's values and the poisoned creation myth of the western world order of holocaust and white guilt also make it easier, but they are not the reason.

I personally believe the west absolutely deserves it and the only thing that could or would prevent it, was a German victory in WW2 or even better WW1. Everything else is a foot not in history and consequence. Now only the Chinks will be a real game changer.

But you can still have white children of course.

I've been more and more enamored with the idea that this question does not have a complex answer at all, that there isn't a huge array of tricks and mind control chemicals in the water ; just one, elegant, solution:
It was shortly after Asch's results were published that Operation Mocking Bird was launched, and it has been all downhill from there.
Only 25% of participants defied the group on every question, and this is a test that was designed to be quite obvious, they were not testing for vision. 5% never differed from the group even ONCE and 75% agreed with the obvious sham of the group at least once. Again there were extremely obvious correct answer.

There's two sides to this conformity, some participants will just go along to get along, to save social stress or embarrassment, but a small amount (absolutely including that 5%, and likely higher) authentically believe they MUST be mistaken. This effect is so powerful that in debriefing and under observation it was noted that even some of the participants who got the correct answer every time experienced feelings of self-doubt.

When things become (slightly) less obvious in the political arena, we should absolutely expect an increase in those authentically confused and those who just want to not stick out and get on with their day.

And that's all it has ever really been: starting with Operation Mocking Bird Americans have been subject to conformity enforcers through the media.

Even Sup Forums starts to make more sense from this perspective: most people first come to Sup Forums to either argue or engage in non-conformity in a "safe" place, and they will either be immediately run off or start conforming to this nonconformity (even if they still retain their own personal views different than their posted actions/thoughts). This is why we have our share of idiots as well, but vastly outrank the left when it comes to actual creative intelligence.

The normie hates and fears what he does not understand

Let's be honest. We're fucked. The world need drastic depopulation and the elites are clearly moving the chess pieces for the big play. By 2030 I expect most of us will be dead. I take some comfort in knowing white elites will be the foundation of society 2.0 after the reset.

>implying the redpill isn't equally retarded and detached from reality
2/10 OP

>I want to know the most common mode of thought that drives the common man into fully accepting the suicide of his people
1. a need for reputation. Being a cosmopolitan counter-culturalist makes you an independent thinker who doesn't blindly follow tradition, you're in the same group as the wealthy and educated elites

2. This is a return of gnosticism, a sense that the world is divided and that it should return to a grand Unity. This is why equality is a popular theme nowadays, because equality means unity

Apparently, this is what is hidden in human nature and from time to time erupts onto the surface of history, like now. We used to live in a legitimist order without many revolutions and when civilizational progress was made, and now we're descending slowly into chaos and revolution. That's just the mystery of human nature I suppose

I'm in FL but I've been all over the country.

>rural Midwest

So your definition of hope is one that's just ever receding as the years go on? That's sort of a shit litmus test. I guess it's easy to say everything is fine when you just discount reality and all the cities filled with brown people just an hour or two away from you - St Louis, OKC, Kansas City, Columbus, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, etc...

Don't even bother reciting to me the bullshit census stats. I know they're a lie


i hate that you might be right
its kind of dawning on me that we're all going to get infected with HIV in cali, or nuked by NK, or culturally enriched by our outsources when the day of reckoning happens

my family is already dying. my boomers arent even going to get to see how their seeds of degeneracy will blossom into the death of their own family, we are truly fucked

Yes, it's true. You won't find a single town in Germany without enrichment anymore. I see more race mixing aswell in the last years. It's your influence and your culture on Germany. Just take Heidi Klum, a close affiliate of Harvey Weinstein, who was shilled as a role model here. The rest is internationalist leftism, which could also take hold in this country, since Hitler's defeat. The most prominent example is certainly the Frankfurt School, but is far from the only one.

Pathological altuism

>and the only thing that could or would prevent it, was a German victory in WW2 or even better WW1
Wasn't the defeat in WW1 caused by a liberal-left revolution in Germany?

Wasn't WW2 won by a marxist state?

Wasn't marxism developed in Germany?

The truth is that the only shield against this kind of gnosticism is religion. So no, no amount of soldiers could block this process from happening

BPS is anti-German controlled opposition, JIDF-tier

No, I'm not saying what you've seen isn't real, I've lived in Phoenix and it was mostly spics and fags, but I wouldn't give up, hope for balkanization is good, and hell Trump kicking out the illegals will be a big boost as well. No point in whining about it.

The Chinks are hardly any better. Jews brought communism to them and look what happened. The wealthy Chinese are too practical and too Westernized to care about Chinese imperialism, they'll fuck the rest of the country for their own gain, just like they did before.

In the US, there is a colossal fetishization of mixed children coming from Hollywood, Advertising, and Social Media.

The funny thing about it is that Black Women are the ones most pissed off about it. Them, and /pol, that is.

That's quite interesting. Could you recommend me some literature or videos polebro?

If the vast majority of people are lemmings or NPCs, then why would we want to save them? They're holding us back. They're the reason we're being destroyed. Perhaps the Jews are doing the right thing by ridding the world of these "useless eaters".

LOL Sup Forums is satire dumbass! Nobody actually gives a shit about the future of white people xD

You fell for the memes like an autist

> I take some comfort in knowing white elites will be the foundation of society 2.0 after the reset.

They wont because they will lose in the end.

>(((marxism))) developed in Germany
Yeah, no shit. We had a (((problem))) before Hitler. Just look at Weimerica for (((reasons))).

And NO, your "religion", if it's Judeo-Christianity, most definetly is part of the problem. In fact the case can be made that it's influence on Europe is much worse than that of even the Jews.

Pure coincidence

what a waste of digits, typical for a leaf

I agree 100%, I've even seen your people start to mimic the things they see on American social media. The same way we dress, the same way we post, the same shitty jpeg memes we use, etc. I don't think Europeans even realize when they are using Facebook, IG, and snapchat, they are consuming American media.

Whining? Is that what you call the brown majority demographic here in the 0-18 demographic? What do you think this country will be like when all the white boomers die off within the next 20 years? I hate the boomers as much as the next Sup Forumsack but when they die, so does law and order in this country. And do you really think a bunch of limp wristed millennials are going to take a stand against the South African-tier genocide that will take place in the boomers' absence? Not a chance.

read this guys' articles about gnosticism as an introduction. You can also search for Eric Voegelin in Google. He saw marxism and progressivism as neo-gnosticism too

This is who St. Augustine was before his conversion to christianity! Gnostics want to do away with all forms of matter, they just want a united, formless matter to exist in the world, because any form divides the world. This is why they want to destroy sexes through this gender nonsense, because then we're born as simply humans, not sexes

Also read this german goy

You're severely black pilled user. What do you think the mulattoes will do? Kill Whitey, they would get BTFO by Whites. No way they come into White towns and start genociding indiscriminately like SA.

>if it's Judeo-Christianity, most definetly is part of the problem
But you realize you dumbshit that for instance germanic tribes were practicing something similar to christianity during the fall of Rome? Or Romans during the times of Cato the elder. Like sexual restraint, monogamous family, lifelong marriage. This isn't about labels and names like "judeo-christianity". It's about a form of being in the world, a form of experiencing the world as it is. It is about the Truth. Doesn't matter whether you call it christianity or judaism, or something

The white mans survival instinct has been minimized through indoctrination. All of the savage races still have their in group preference in tact.

It's not just blacks. Go look at who votes Democrat (the future Communist party of America), it's everyone who is non-white. Asians, Hispanics, blacks - none of them vote white aside from a VERY small number of Hispanics who honestly are probably the ones with super high European content.

How do you think they will get BTFO by whites? We might not even have guns by the time this rolls around. 40 SWAT come to your door and demand guns - do you think most people are going to die for their guns and forfeit the opportunity to ever see their children again and even possibly risk their families lives over some metal toys they shoot every few months? Not a chance. Don't believe me go watch the Watertown and Katrina home invasions, people took it lying down.

All the future Communist Party of America has to do is to implement more laws which will prevent you from defending yourself, similar to California.

Thanks, good stuff

My truth is most definetly not Christianity. And I will never forget or forgive the betrayal of the churches against the native people of Germany. Neither will I forget that they were the worst shills for multi-culturalism, mass-immigration and "anti-racism". Christianity is a "universalist" death cult and what you ascribe to Christianity has in fact no basis in the actual religion whatsoever. But all of this has been discussed a hundred million times and I am sick of having to say the same things to the same reality illiterates every single time.


>And I will never forget or forgive the betrayal of the churches against the native people of Germany
I understand you, but take into account that western churches right now operate basically as leftist intellectuals, theey don't proselytise anymore. In Poland, there's also an increasingly similar trend, but if you ever wanted to search for a "national" church, then the polish one is a good, moderate example

Lying media/skewed history/propaganda movies.

They're rebooting the Matrix.

Northwestern Europe was a savage wasteland before Christianity. The beautiful architecture and what remains of your native culture was created through Christianity. The decline of Europe began when you turned your back to Jesus Christ. Change your evil ways and repent !

This isn't correct. White clans battled each other throughout history, but so did every other racial sub-group.

Whites have rarely faced the need to form a large scale racial alliance, but we are capable of it. Look at South Africa.

Black Americans lost their knowledge of various heritage, so they united together politically in a way European nations have never had a reason to. I recall some events among the criollo in South America, but nothing I could source at the moment.


>T. Newfag

It's nihilism manifest. Spengler is always right as per usual and nietzsche correctly identified the fatal effect of a people that values truth and equality equally high. I wonder if not the Jews, as an ancient and practically dead civilization of parasites, have this very well figured out. The typically German left will receive memes that are designed to destroy order and natural relationships and these memes are then subjected to memetic selection systematized. This is how the left all of a sudden became obsessed with open borders, this is how they almost went total pedi apologist in the nineties (any German here will remember), this is how they have become obsessed with trannie and brown people. It's as if lefties are simply angry flock animals and normies are simply flock animals that do whatever the flock is doing. Unluckily enough any flock movement post internet is already engineered by someone with monetary interests. Low skipped workforce? Bring in brownies under the guise of compassion, any naturally flockish human will hang onto that. Need more people to work un large corporations instead of family businesses and TRADES? destroy the nuclear family, any flock animal will support larger groups with lower connection between individuals rather than smaller groups where each individual actually matters. These ideas are first planted in the angry flock animals brains, and if they are sufficiently flockish, they survive into the brains of the normal flock animals. This is the achilles heel of any large system, it eventually gets cooped by bland flockish ideals anyway, and if you master how to control the direction of this you are in for some dosh

Exactly this. Take dear ol Sweden as an example. Scandinavians built a healthy functioning society in some of the coldest and harshest climates on the planet. If you were to suddenly turn the tap water off 20 years ago, the Swedes I'd wager would have enough nouse to band together and survive the crisis. But turn off the tap water today and watch the smart swedes get picked off by the savages. It would take a month at most for all the haves, or those with say the ability to collect their own creek water etc. to be wiped out by the have nots.

I know that your church is nationalist and your nationalist party is Christian. They will not be able to hold it. Because it goes against the very basics of Christianity. You have to go to burger levels of cognitive dissonance to maintain it. And still: look into who is funding sanctuary cities in Murica.

What truly kept Europe alive was Germanic/European tribalism and healthy instincts of self defence. I don't think the people who fought off the Ottoman's at Vienna and Karl Martell who defeated the Moors did it, because they were Christians, but despite it and that Christianization had not taken complete hold over the Germanic spirit.

It was also the criticism against Pegida by commie Jew Josef Joffe who rejoiced in the perspective that Germany would become balkanized like former Yugoslavia thanks to those beautiful refugees. He called them PAGAN-Christians. And with good reason did that commie Jew call em that.

>every. single. time.

The Church is not Christianity. Christianity is ones beleif in Christ as Lord and saviour, following the 10 commandments, and praying for wisdom and guidence and forgiveness from God through Jesus Christ.

Yeah, best sight I've seen, most intellectual!

Well I guess if it comes to that I'm American, and I'll stick around until it collapses. My family's here too, so we won't be packing up anytime soon. Guns and food aplenty! best forum on the internet, go read Pmans post about SCALE, but lurk (newfag) for a while and read the big important forum posts before making an account. Discussions are super high quality and only tolerates bull shit if its funny.

Seppuku, you tard.

It was in the 80s mostly, not the 90s. And, as usual, dominated by Jews like anti-German marxist (((Daniel Cohn-Benditt))).

All of the other race’s population is predicted to grow in the future. The white race is currently going to die by its own hand.

>You seem intelligent and have a questioning, logical attitude.
>Those people are unintelligent and operate on feelings.
This. It's one of the reasons why women are leftists and for open-borders, they simply cannot accept certain things, ie. redpills.

Germanic Pagans not only did not create civilization, they destroyed it in Rome. Be honest with yourself.

Bullshit. Swedes would organize really damn fast if that ever happened.

Lesson learned: Don't protect the weak or they'll grow and eventually destroy everything. Civilization is what's destroying the white race.

>tfw your family name came from the Battle at Vienna and now your sister is mixing out with an Injun and your brother with a Chink

Bullshit. Ive been to Malmo.

That city wouldn't last 5 minutes. Stop kidding yourself. The violence would spread from the ghettos like a plague.