Shouldn't we be paying or somehow incentivizing attractive and intelligent people to have more kids?

Shouldn't we be paying or somehow incentivizing attractive and intelligent people to have more kids?

When artificial wombs come online

No, we should commercialise negrocaucasoid babies

For the all natural route

The world would be a better place with eugenics

One hapa :)

Uh oh preggo again

No we just need to start killing all the different races from the asian/african continents


2 happy hapas :)

>literal IQ test for gibs
>attractive and intelligent whites are graded differently than blacks and other non-whites
>cute blacks get 23% less gibs than whites
>dasss raycis

Hapa factory!
They did their part and went pass the 2 kids threshold! And females too :) we all know which kinds of guys hapa girls go for

Good job!

Happy Hapas
Smart parents

What's going on, big guy? why do you shill these unrealistic images?
Attraction isn't passed on genetically. "attractive genes" are a specific combination of genes that work well together, you take two attractive people and maybe their genes coming together in their children will produce someone beautiful, but then again maybe they wont.
It all depends on how the genetic structure forms.
You can have two supreme uggos who end up having a child with a genetic pattern that makes them attractive.

She just pumped out her very first hapa

More to come

at least none of them will identify as asian.

I agree.
I know a lot of people who are very attractive but their children are ugly, and viceversa


nah, just let the chips fall as they may.

apparently the futurists have faith that we'll be genetically manipulating superhumans.

we still going to be stuck on Earth or at the very least limited to the Solar System.

More along the lines of not incentivizing the leaches through welfare and tax credits to pop out a gaggle of useless twats.

Dude you're like obsessed with other people and their kids huh?

is this supposed to trigger us? we all agree asians are at least partly human, unlike the fucking niggers.

How can you say that when you have no evidence? I mean I have no evidence either, but I think there is a lot we dont know. And possibly it could be the key to an interstellar human race.

This is supposed to be for you

t. r/asianmasculinity

Better still, address the dysgenic end of the equation as well -- i.e., make the receipt of social welfare benefits contingent on voluntary sterilization

Because women are inferior, and should be treated as such, they're retarded money loving whores with "high standards." (AKA Thugs with no brains)

yeah it sucks being us :c

you don't get it. if attractive and intelligent people populated the world it would just create a new system of working class, ugly people etc. a society where everyone is beautiful, genius and has a millions of dollars won't function. someone has to be the janitor, food server etc.

pfffft that dood is a cuck. kid aint even his

There is already plenty of attractive and intelligent people out there who will produce similar offspring.
What we need now is dumbed down cheap labor that follows a fake idea of freedom.