Why are the smartest and most successful people in the world left wing/ lean left?
>Mark jewberg
>Warren Buffet
>Neil tyson
>Stephen Hawkin
>Albert Einstein
>Elon Musk
>Bill Gates
>Noam Chomsky
Why are the smartest and most successful people in the world left wing/ lean left?
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Remember folks, put "sage" in your options bar before replying to this garbage
idk seems like a legit question to me
Thanks for the contribution moron.
People choose whichever ideology benefits them most. All this means is that Mark Jewberg, Buffet, etc benefit most from left wing.
Am I really supposed to believe these aren't the same people?
they steal patents
einstein was a plagerizing kike "whose" theory was used to push moral relativism.
jewberg, are you kidding, an industry based on the MEDIA
gtfo retard. jewish iq is a myth. they have a ridiculous notion of ego and get lost in their minds, where we can't make any sense of their bullshit.
how is this relevant?
Because their to intelegent to be right wing bigots like Sup Forums is.
>I've never heard of a limousine liberal
They're fucking everywhere to both the absurd and minor degree.
not only that
but that OP isn’t using a proxy and posting with a fun flag just to be a faggot more efficiently
Hey OP, why don’t you tell us where you’re from really.
*crickets chirping
Very shitty anti-b8 but clever ish
Because leftism is just a code word for globalism, which suits owners of global corporations very nicely.
The scientists you mentioned are mostly popular because it suits theses globalists interests to make them popular.
Thanks Alex Jones.
Lol I don't even watch Alex Jones.
Alex Jones is a moron.
>Donald Trump
>Ronald Reagan
>Henry Ford
>John Locke
>John Wayne
>Fuck you asshole
Something Something Left hand side of the brain governs logic.
>changes fun flag to larp as a european
god damn why does anyone give this troll the time of day with actual replies
once again, what country u from OP
>Donald Trump
>Ronald Reagan
>Henry Ford
>John Locke
>John Wayne
>Fuck you asshole
>>John Wayne
I don't even feel like responding to this list lol
how many of "you" are there?
Trump is many things. Smart isn't one of those things.
Left cannot meme
But successful and historic, he is
>Neil tyson
>Warren Buffet
A money maker and a AA scientist. Dont make me laugh.
Because at some point you start to lose respect for humanity. You "leave humanity behind" and start to think you and your user (your peers / social network) could rule the world better then a democracy. You are drawn to the ideology of a technocratic elite ruling in benevolent dictatorship which feeds your ego and desire to be recognized as a homo superior. This is the crux of the whole Talmudic socialism, which is the basis of all left wing ideology. Everyone thinks they will be that special snowflake ruling the world. To left wings, it is hard to create, many left wing people while smart are not creative. So they invest in government lobby and cronyism to help them build monopolies. Warren Buffett called it his "moats", before he got into buying government sanctioned monopolies he used to invest in cigarettes and coke-cola. It is the same reason why Zuck spent so much money stealing code and lobbying for DCMA.
The biggest red pill is that many of the elite know that no matter how big they get, they are always just one rung below the true guys in power. It bothers them to no end that their super genius never will allow them to create true power or prosperity.
>asks about the smartest people in the world
>lists Neil Tyson and as an example
I'm not left. Trump just isn't the answer to every question ever posed.
Im not OP and I didn't make his list. I would say buffet is well beyond trump in wealth and intelligence. So it's a bad response to buffet
He's listed as the top 25 smartest person in the world.
What has Buffet created, besides wealth for himself? What lasting impression on society will he leave when he dies?
>I would say buffet is well beyond trump in intelligence
I would say you're a fag.
Left wing implies equality
>bunch of extremely rich bastards
It’s just a strategy to keep they goyim on side “we are really all the same and just like you”
He's arguablely the most successful person to play the stock market. Its no small feat. Just because I disagree with his politics doesn't mean I have to disparage him. He's leaps and bounds beyond trump who merely managed not to lose the money he possessed.
Buffet through his wife was singularly responsible for the development of the birth control industry. He also saved the banking industry twice in the last 60 years (1x more then JP Morgan, his cult hero) and Berkshire's insurance arm has done a bunch of cool shit since 1980.
Lasting impressions ?
A ironic talking lizard (proto-Pepe)
Standardizing fundamental analysis ( CFA society)
Leveraged reinsurance
A multi-billion dollar conglomerate
Birth Control
Banking Act
Buffet Tax plan (it will pass someday soon)
Invented Green Mail, alongside Peltz and Ichan
Dank memes (serious. look up his old 1960's investor memos, him and Ichan inspired alot of old Goons in the 1990's).
Because if they weren't left leaning, their careers would have been scuttled. Moron.
lists of top things are the future obviously
They're all retarded
Liberal Hegemony, (((CONNECTIONS))), & **TALENTS**
lmfao some random, relatively charismatic nigger who happens to be an average astro physicist listed top 25 smartest in the world... okay guy...
what has tyson discovered? whata contribution has he made to his field outside of being on tv? that's like someone saying bill nye is one of the smartest people in the world.... just because they're famous for being on TV doesn't make them among the smartest
who wrote this list? if it wasn't an echoberg who write it, who was the writer's editor?
Neil de grasses Tyson is a fucking retard, as is chomsky. How do any of them hold up against Thomas sowell or any notable rightwing intellectual? They fail miserably and always will because their beliefs are based on feels rather than facts. A more pertinent question would be "why are smart people such pussies?" Liberals aren't liberal because they're intelligent, they're liberal because they're pussies
It's a characteristic of the Left to imagine that utopia is only just out of our reach because their intellect has yet to be properly applied to an ism.
Neil is a scientist, Sowell is an economist.
Apples and oranges jackass.
Neil is one of the most critical thinkers in scientific community.
He's not wrong
>>Mark jewberg - thief
>>Warren Buffet
>>Neil tyson - floating head
>>Opera - floating head
>>Stephen Hawkin - great physicist retard on every else
>>Albert Einstein - thief plagiarist
>>Elon Musk - welfare queen
>>Bill Gates - thief
>>Noam Chomsky - hobo
Buffet and Oprah are the only two that has any real success without being thieving leftist
I hardly think Sam Walton was left leaning. Henry Ford sure wasn't.
Besides, it's easy to be left if your bags of cash insulate you from reality.
I see what you are saying, but he's not wrong.
Smart right wingers are great human beings.
And are beyond measuring their iqs.
Chomsky is an intellectual you retard, was it really that difficult to spot some logic and work out that you have to compare the apples to the apples and the oranges to the oranges