Russians are just as cucked as ameri-


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That news is totally real uhu sure

There are still Christians in Russia? I thought they became atheist during their communist phase


Orthodox Church is growing in Russia.

>christfag leaf

Why are nazi flags always libtards or other subversives? It's the go-to choice for falseflaggers.

how did they get captured?

fair play to them, they knew they were dead when they got caught, they must have been out of bullets

All my respect to Russia. Putin is truly the leader of the Christian civilization

Rest in peace, warriors.

The jews didn't get them all.

Putin is a good lad and so are Russians when they're on our side, but I do worry about Russia and Putin

Russian Orthodoxy has become a Zionist scam.
Jesus fought the same kikes Putin bows to.

rest in peace lad

i like russians, too bad we cant be friends. See you lads on the battlefield, dont forget to stick a 4 of clubs in your helmet.

Fucking Good and WELL OVERDUE.

Its important to face death with the same strength and energy you use to face life.
Conviction is everything.

t. Pallative care nurse

>paid by Russia
>equipped by Russia
>fighting Russia’s enemies

Russia and Russians seem really cool, how did they fall suspect for communism for like 80 years?

vodka bender

Patton is literally turning in his grave. You dumb shit, Russians and Slavs are asiatics, just whiter Arabs with a different language and religion but essentially the same anus.

They should be shot on site.

good lads

>how did they fall suspect for communism for like 80 years?
germany send over some cummunists

how it happened

Why do Americans know so little about countries - but are so keen to threaten to newk them?

nah man, russia seems pretty comfy

They're martyrs and will go to heaven for rejecting aposty

The US centacom in Djibouti gave coordinates to ISIS.
It's a big fucking deal.
Russians are furious.

>Russians and Slavs are asiatics, just whiter Arabs with a different language
you moron, look up genealogy

I could understand as to why Patton would think that after how corrupt the USSR Govt made the average man
Communism fucked them, not being Asiatic

Shut up frenchie before we light you up too

When the government is telling you not to go to Church, you would be surprised how many will..

Well, that's their choice.

Patton referred to Russians as blue eyed gooks

[citation needed]

patton wasnt a anthropologist

> Russian mercaries get caught because they fucking suck at war and get executed by sand niggers in sandals because Russian special forces sucks too much and cannot rescue them.



angina Merralee is a man dude

>terrorists execute other terrorists for refusing to renounce their terrorist religion and embrace the other terrorist religion

Sorry, why should I care about this?

>believing propaganda
>misses the fact that these mercs were shit enough to be captured by sandniggers

You know that our special forces are under no obligation to rescue them? Even more, mercs get jailed for being mercs, because it is prohibited here.

>You know that our special forces are under no obligation to rescue them
Sad. Many such cases.

>Decide to die for refusing to pretend to believe in one fairy tale after giving up another fairy tale

Putin is the cancer. Homophobic version of Justin Trudeau, if you will

Russia is becoming very diverse, and it must, otherwise it won't survive

>The Chinese are invading Russia — not with tanks, but with suitcases.

>Alexander Shaikin, in charge of controlling the Russian-Chinese border, said on June 29 that 1.5 million people from China have illegally entered the Russian Far East over the past 18 months.

>It’s IMPOSSIBLE to know the exact level of Chinese migration into the Russian Far East; Russia has not run a census in over a decade. But by all indications, a significant river of people is surging across the border.

>The Moscow Carnegie Center, the only organization to launch an independent study, claimed that there were about 250,000 Chinese in Russia in 1997. The Interior Ministry has claimed that there are 2 million. Other estimates place the Chinese population at 5 million.

>Regardless, the Federal Migration Service fears a flood. The service has repeatedly warned that the Chinese could become the DOMINANT ETHNIC group in the Russian Far East in 20 to 30 years. Such an occurrence would require an annual influx of about 250,000 to 300,000 Chinese, LESS than one-third the rate that Shaikin currently claims

The Luberetskiy City Court ordered the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to grant temporary asylum to Khadri Amer, a refugee from Syria. Such humane decisions are extremely rare in Russian judicial practice; according to the Federal State Statistics service only 1137 Syrians were granted temporary asylum in Russia for the entire year 2016.
Russia has THE SECOND BIGGEST amount of immigrant filth in the world. BASED PUTIN

>misses the fact that these mercs were shit enough to be captured by sandniggers
Russian PMC fighters usually fight in small groups alongside the Syrian army, they were captured in a desert where ISIS tactics are difficult to combat, usually a shelling, followed by a couple SVBIEDs and then the assault starts. SVBIED's are armored vehicles filled with hundreds of kilos of explosives


Even in Russia where Putin PHYSCIALLY ELIMINATES nationalists this guy is running against him

The guy who will run against Putin

RT report on this guy. RT is financed by Kremlin and is run by Armenian subhuman Margarita Simonyan. Russian Refugee Council is run by Armenian subhuman too

Putin's subhuman dogs arrest nationalists


>far east
couldn't you just make a new vassal state of them? you've already got all the caucasians and tatars and so on.

>t. lost war to rice niggers with broken ww1 rifles

Respek for slavs

Why don't you fuck off,subhuman civic cuck? Russian is European state. Tatars, caucasians and other scum will be put back under apartheid or exterminated

t. mongol rape babby

t. subhuman shitskin that is scared of his sad future

You all will be slaves again, deported or killed

Atheism has existed for thousands of years, it's not the end-state of humanity or anything like that. The Orthodox church is making a big comeback in Russia.

To be fair every western nation lost to the rice niggers.

those muzzies got btfo

>let me just casually shit on these men who are better men that I am

Would YOU die for what you believe in (i.e. nothing)? No. Hell, would you even take your hand off your dick and close the other 40 tabs full of hentai? Nope.

So shut up

Its going through a renaissance, since it was suppressed by the government for so long heaps of young people are going to church and shit now, its kind of a counter culture thing.

Ethnic Russians are one of the most non-religious people on earth and that's a good thing. Christians are anti-racist subhumans with slave morality

big if true

Russians realized with the founders of ISIS cut off from the white house they could just start blatantly making shit up for propaganda against "ISIS"


cuz we are the do you care about sudan?

What the fuck does this have to do with Americans? You Russian shills literally cannot go one thread without mentioning us, almost as bad as Democrats and their Russian hacking schizophrenia.

True, but somehow China conquered them for 1000 years. I wonder how they did that.

Rest in peace brothers.

shut the fuck up fucking eurofag!

>Read about some Russians who were murdered in one of those fake, shit, Muslim, Asian countries by Mujahideen for refusing to denounce their faith
>Clergymen said they should be made saints
>(((Church))) refuses for literal (((hair splitting))) reasons
>Even their (((semantics))) didn't work
>In the end (((they))), (((the church))), just point blank refuse
>Still held as something of Saints by Russians regardless
>People say they find it hard to believe
>Unironic video of the whole thing on LL
>Muslims got fucking REKT afterwards because of it
>Based Russia

Based Russians*. Russian state is run by anti-White subhumans

Vechnaya pamyat.

May the Theotokos receive their souls