Balkan Hate Posting Thread

This thread is for all Subhuman Balkanites to hate on each other and debunk each other's historical "facts". Everyone knows these are the comfiest threads. Today's discussion: was Skanderbeg a Serb?

-Historically knowledgeable Croats
-Shit posting Boogars
-Turkish Rape Baby Serbs
-Self Hating Slavic (likely albanian) Russian
-Friendly Romanians
-God complex Slovenians

NOT welcome:


Shit post away friends!!

Other urls found in this thread:

This thread is to replace the last thread about Skanderbeg being a kebab remover that filled up. Please continue entertaining this Czech, Balkan hate threads are the MOST comfy threads ever. At the end of each thread, posters usually become friendly to each other.

>implying anything constructive will come from this thread
>implying it won't be the biggest shitposting thread currently on Sup Forums

But I know it will, that's what makes them so comfy. Why are balkanites so stupid btw?

Gypsies drag the numbers down

I saw something on (((Vice))) about young bulgarian nationalists hating gypos, when are you gonna remove them?


Skanderbeg was
>Ottoman taught
>We taught him Slavonic, Persian, Ottoman , Arabic and Latin
>We taught him combat
>Same with Vlad
>They both make little uprisings
>Get BTFOd in the end anyway
Balkan(Turkic word) """"heroes""" lol

Why are Albanians so dumb? Is it the turkish blood?

Balkans are a stupid mess my favorite Euro hatred is between Swedes and Danes

Then why did he kill so many roaches, roach? Is it that, given enough time, every roach becomes self hating? Is self-hating the biggest contribution Turks have given the world?

Rank the Balkanites:

1) Serbs
2) Slovenians
3) Romanians
4) Macedonians
5) Albanians
6) Croats
7) Bulgar*ans

Circumcised peoples currently outbreeding euros in their own continent.


They are the powder keg of the Balkans. They are not dumb, but are just generally very hostile and aggressive, therefore becoming a liability for strong and united Balkans.

Please no animes thanx

- Albanians
- Croats
- Bulgarian
-Slovenians I guess
Greeks and Serbs are utterly last place nigger tier countries.

Why are Serbs such victim card playing niggers. I've never seen a more war mongering people act like such pussy victims.

from my experience

1. serbs
2. croats
3. bosnians
4. slovenes
5. bulgarians/macedonians - same thing
6. albanians
7. kosovars
8. diaspora

you're not from the balkans my czech bro but I'll let you get comfy in here

Why do you guys hate Cro-bros? Is it cause of football? Why do brits like Serbs?

is there a difference between stupidity and consistent hostility?

They remove themselves going west already


please no meme flags, dont be ashamed of your country user :) this is a designated self hating thread

Why are you so weak my friend

There is. They bought into the US friends meme, which is basically a divide et impera thing to make Balkans divided and weak. You can call it stupidity, but more accurate term would be delusion and lack of education.

so, stupidity?

when you have 320million ppl
you're bound to get some riff raff
one day you might understand.

tell us more about your time in KFOR

It has only gotten better for us what do you mean?

1. serbs
2. romanians
3. slovenians
4. croats
5. bulgarians
the rest

Low literacy rates, Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania are probably the last places in Europe where you can find a significant portion of population living in 19th century conditions

If these maps were made using data from only people who live in major cities/get educated, the maps would be drastically different

How can you expect to see any knowledge or IQ from someone who never heard what school is and spends his days plowing land with this

are you a diaspora?

Macedonians are greeks

Also, this map

See how literacy roughly correlates with "IQ" ?

That filename its the only triggering thing

This map says Albanains can read better than Serbs but the other map says Albanaisn have lowest IQ

Theyre' slavs, they're not related to ancient macedonians

What part of roughly correlates didn't you understand you fucking retard

+- 2/3 IQ or % can easily be accounted as statistical artifact

no, just basing it off the immigrants I've met here. they were all very nice.

Croats not polite? Serbs polite? really?

Oh yes I forgot they were a bunch of butthurt slavs

>Why do you guys hate Cro-bros? Is it cause of football? Why do brits like Serbs?
Brits were recent enemies of Croats.

I hate Croats and Bulgarians because they hate us. I don't really know anything about them apart from they look like Pakis.

I like Serbs because they remove kebab.

when? ww2 or the Euro qualification?

Croat = #1

I just discovered I have Croat ancestry and started researching. Seems to me they are the most intelligent and successful of all the Balkanites.


Fuck Croats. They are Turks that wish wish they were Germans.

nah slovenians are

but how do you like Serbs? arent they also turkish? or are they turk killers and you have a good rapport with them?

I like them both, I guess having met a lot more serbs than croats it might not be accurate.

I m pretty sure skandenberg was born in Albania, or at least that s what EU4 taught me

Mate, we have like 120 million spics and niggers, yet our numbers are nowhere near yours. How do you subhumans explain this?

>I have found out I have Croat ancestry so I went online and found a couple of texts that reassure me I;m the most intelligent and successful of all
>I have found out I have Serbian ancestry so I went online and found out Serbs are literally the smartest and most based , making me super smart
>I have just found out I'm 5% Montenegrin so I went online and found out Montenegrins are the Spartans of Balkans, and are the most intellectually enlightenment
>I have found out my dad is a Macedonian so I went online and found a couple of texts that show me how brave and super intelligent my ancestors were, just like me
>I have just found out my great great grandfather may have had sex with a Slovene prostitute and I realized that Slovenes are the smartest and most respectable of all Yugoslavs, also Nikola Tesla was a secret Slovene
>I have just found out I am of Bosnian ancestry, I did some digging and decided to shop for a cheap rope to kill myself


>Romania 5.2%

FeelsGood man

They are Turk removers and also sided with us in both world wars.

yea he was but his mom is called Voislava, sisters named Jelena, Mara etc


nice low res picture faggot, wtf is this?

Go to sleep mane
Sage ing this post to make you sleep

Albozergs are the pinnacle of shitposting, they don't follow any rules
For Albozergs, norms are the chains of modern society, or they are too stupid to follow them hard to tell

Never change Albos, never change

Why do you dismiss my thoughts and opinions so easily? I didn't say this out of ego or bias, I really think it.

What the fuck has a Serb ever done? Or a Mentenegran whatever the hell that is?

I mean look at this shit, this is the postmodernism of shitposting

>mentenegran, whatever is that

Yup, burgers

> What the fuck has a Serb ever done?
Your mum.

Kek. With his supposed Croat ancestry might be even true.

>moved to U.S in the early 20th /late 19th century
>literally invented electricity
>fucked a shitload of bitches
>claimed he was a virgin for reputation purposes
>Burgers consider him a Croat

He definitely fucked his grandmother


you are gypsy, yugomutt. it's ok, don't be ashamed of who you are. think of it as being gay. gays are born gay, and most yugomutts are born gypsy.

do any ancestry test - they'll be "South asian" I guarantee it

1) Slovenians
2) subhumans

Albos arent subhuman, they're antihuman

lmao yes!! he's finally made his appearance in this thread! the slav hating russian!! how you doing ol' sport?

are you diaspora or a real mountain jew?

>Slav hating
Yugo subhumans, cockholes aren't Slavs. Just because some monkey speaks English doesn't mean it's Germanic

t. mongoloid "slav"

Ah yes, Russians are Germanic, how could I forget?

t. shitskizoid nervous about his sad future
You all will be slaves again, deported or killed

>Based on student assessments only

Albanians love Americans and vice versa

Jim Belushi

no one likes Albanians

t. serbshit diaspora

Who's more pathetic:
or serve subhumans:

Albania is the most pro-US country in Balkans and I have never heard anything bad about them here

they have statues of clinton and bush, you burgers sure love ZOG dont you?

"Zbog ovoga ima i Rusija da nas bombarduje."


>Albos are idiots
Who would have guessed