Nazbols of the world unite. We're coming for your heads and decent women liberals and you fucking kikes are getting gassed inside of a gulag. Get fucked (((sionistas))). Kikestanis get the oven too.

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NAZBOL is the gayest thing i have ever heard.

At least you tried. Go ask the kind man in the white room for your lolipop.

Reporting in

Yeah. Even the other name Duginism is retarded. Either way it sounds like you’re digging through someone’s ass.

Well it's basically Strasserism so they are all fags like Rohm was,.

You faggots should at least show your flag. If it’s anything other than Russian you’re legit fucking retarded and have limited understanding of your “nazbol” bullshit.

I wanted to say this. Thanks ameribro.


It's just a big joke and also a leftypol stealth op to pull nationalists to marxism.

Yes, our numbers are growing!
Welcome comrade.

actually the opposite left economics right traditionalism and nationalism.

If it were the other way around i wouldn't say so as that might be counter productive. Let's just pretend it isn't bringing marxist filth to the light and keep hating on them, then.

this has to be a joke

Don’t lie faggot. You’re chameleon bullshit doesn’t work.

where's the lie nigger?

Trips of truth from the only sane leaf. Maple syrup licker sticker for you my good man.

Have you evaluated your life? I thought it would be pretty obvious.
Also I like to put sage in the options field. You should try it.

Nah I read dugin once, I'm a eurasianist now

Show flag faggot. That’s the lie. If you’re anything other than Russian then you’ve been huffing snowflakes again.

i have a nuclear family what the fuck do you have?


Fellow nazbol comrade reporting in!

You mean continentalist eurasianist which is the whole point. Show flag faggot. Not the hammer and cripple flag you’re hiding behind. That’s the thing. If it’s Russian then I can at least respect it. But if you’re anything but- then you’re just a useless fucking sheep.

damn i forgot to use my VPN. there is only six of us :(

A decent and steady income. It's all I need for now.


i bet you read the word eurasianist and assumed transcontinentalism. dummy you are one or the other an atlanticist or a eurasionist. atlanticist ever expands and forces their ideals on others like zog. The eurasionist is the isolationist and keeps their ideals in house like sparta.

By the way every fascist and socialist revolution has replaced the old flag with a new one. The whole point is to kill zog and replace it with better