What's your favorite KyoAni show?
What's your favorite KyoAni show?
Either Hyouka or Nichijou
This one
Sora no Woto.
Phantom World.
hirake hirake hirake hirakete, ten no senri shirabe.
shirabe shirabe shirabe shirabete, shi wo shimashimete!
it was bad
K-On of course.
Tamako Market/Love Story a close second.
This one.
Hopefully Koe no Katachi, otherwise:
Hyouka is their best TV work. The Disappearance is their best work overall.
Not kyoani you fucking retard.
We're a whole 18 posts in and there's no Haruhi.
What the fuck, Sup Forums. I thought you were better than this.
probably true
Haruhi was great but not the best KyoAni show to be honest.
absolute good taste
My favorites are K-On, Nichijou and Hibike, but I like almost all of them.
I still can't get through this fucking show.
It had all the makings of a show that I would like but I still haven't summoned the enthusiasm to watch past, I think it was episode 9 (if that was the joke episode). It was actually kind of amusing in parts. I think it was my favorite episode of the show so far, but it still had the same weakness as the rest of the episodes I've seen, and it left me with the same question that the rest of the episodes have so far.
Specifically, why is this show so FUCKING BORING?
The joke episode was ep 6. (If you mean the piss exploding monster/Idol episode) People seem to hate it but for me it was the calm before the storm.
Well, nevermind, I just took a glance at the beginning to episode 7. I definitely watched past that. I don't remember any of this, but I recognize it. I honest-to-god don't remember 90% of the shit that happened in this show.
Mostly, it bothers me because I can't pinpoint why I don't like it in the first place, or why I can't remember any of it. I've watched shows where less happens; hell, I've watched shows were virtually nothing happens but I still remember them better than this. What is it about this show specificallly that makes it so mind-numbing to sit through?
It's even got cute girls. I don't get it.
The entire plot is really cliche. Mirai has special blood, Aki is immortal and prone to going on rampages etc etc
The only thing that sets apart KnK from other anime/Kyoani is its god tier atmosphere, arguably best character designs, and its colors.
Yey,I only like chuunibyou and Haruhi.
I love everythings that show.
>god tier atmosphere
But that's Tamako Market. KnK had great colors and char designs.
It was well done for a generic LN, but it's still a generic LN. I think Ishidate has a lot of potential as a director, so I'm glad he's getting better material this time.
I don't really have a favorite. They all have their own charm and...
...oh who am I kidding?!
It's K-On!
Hyouka quite easily. The animation and mysteries were really well done even for a school mysteries.
It was honestly just a beautiful well done show and Oreki was enjoyable while being a top tier cutie.
Kyoani will never top this show, It broke too many heights for anyone else to catch up.
how is TM relevant in that conversation?
They aren't mutually exclusive but I agree.
Why do people like Tamako Market?
Because it was comfy.
It had some good scenes too. And the movie.
Which one has sex scenes?
He said KnK had the best atmosphere in. a KyoAni show and that sets it apart. I corrected him that TM is the best atmospheric anime in the whole decade.
It has a theme of "heartwarming character interactions" and it does it very well. All the side characters are just as great as the main ones. Very comfy stuff. I love it just as much as Love Story and it's one of my favorite anime.
Good characters and a really relaxing vibe.
Fuck that romance garbage, No one watched TM for that.
Because of the movie.
Why do you even bother posting?
Only Clannad AS holds up to it
That's not Shinsekai Yori
Anyone who thinks Hyouka is good should be force fed a whole bottle of sleeping pills
I literally take sleeping pills every day and Hyouka is their best.
Watching Lucky Star right now and I gotta say it's my favourite so far
The Second Raid motherfuckers.
Post your favorite from
After Story. Would be Nichijou but he didn't solo it
Tamako Love Story
Haruhi, keion, Haruhi.
Lucky Star is a masterpiece lost to the ages
Lucky Star
Watch Free! ES nigger
Love Story.
It's probably boring for you because you're looking for an action plot in it. There is none. The plot in KnK is written for the romance first and foremost. Literally every major plotpoint was written to develop the romance. Start again, ignore the action, and pay attention to the characters, don't be fooled by the "megane fetish" facade.
TV show? Hyouka - movie tier animation, fun light hearted mysteries and fantastic characters.
Movie? Haruhi - literally a masterpiece, every single frame has 10/10 animation, perfect adaptation of the LN.
I've watched all of Hyouka 10+ times and Disappearance like 30+ times. I have Hyouka running on my second screen right fucking now.
Honourable mentions - Tamako movie and Hibike.
As for older shows (2008 and back) I love pretty much every single one but they feel different from more recent KyoAni stuff.
He did Nichijou as director. He didn't have anyone below him except episode directors.
FMP Fumoffu
Keion S2
Nichijou had an assistant director.
The thing about Ishihara is that he's very good at managing the production of a show, so he is very often paired with someone else that will do the "artistic" side of the director spot, while Ishihara manages the production. For example, Nichijou had Ishidate, Hibike had Yamada, and Haruhi had Takemoto, even when Ishihara is listed as the director for those.
I came in here to post "Full Metal Panic: Fumoffo".
shirabe shirabe shirabe
Does Sup Forums have this big of a hard-on for KyoAni? Because I do. Watched PW and Hyouka and was simply amazed with the animation itself.
Adaptation by Kyoani when?
I will impregnate him while you watch lelouch.
all that I've seen (including second seasons etc) scored and ranked:
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
Hibike! Euphonium
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Tamako Market
Myriad Colors Phantom World
K-On! Movie
Amagi Brilliant Park
Tamako Love Story
So far I'm yet to be too disappointed with the studio. I just started Gonzo's first season of FMP! to then watch the KyoAni seasons, but other than that what would you guys suggest I watch next?
My favorite series is Hibike and My favorite movie is Kyoukai no Kanata: I'LL BE HERE Mirai-hen
I do too. The only show they've done with disappointing animation is Amagi and even that is still above average. It's only disappointing because I'm used to being impressed by them.
For what I have seen:
>Good tier
>Fine tier
K-On! / K-On!! / K-On! Movie
Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu
Tamako Love Story
>Average tier
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
Hibike! Euphonium
Tamako Market
This made my long-suppressed fetish much stronger than ever.
Is her ribbon sentient?