Why is she drawn like this?

Why is she drawn like this?

Why are boat names written like this?

>no dick


what is the history?
i saw a lot of doujin of her with dick


Trapfags are like furries, corrupting everything.

She has wide variety of fetish appeal, chances are people are attracted to something.

The better to masturbate to my dear.

So she can take off her panties faster

Because japanese was written/read from right to left.
They changed after war.

Her boobs aren't that big


HER boobs should be barely noticeable


You Iowa fans better be ready for god damn C90

She's a grill no matter what you mentally ill freaks say.

Pretty much.


>that face
Jesus christ no thank you

this style had better feedback from the focus group

Why is Ro so lewd?

She's not lewd.

She was just a little drunk

>actually typing twitch memes

Please kill yourself, not even a joking haha kill urself lmao. Actually take a gun stick it in your mouth and pull the trigger. Drink bleach you subhuman trash.

>better feedback

more semen on the floor?


>Drawn like this
like fucking WHAT?

Is she the lewdist of the kantai?

Most unintentionally lewd

Because she was a good U-boat that was down to buisness and was proper, than the Japanese "culturaly enriched" her and made her a slutty loli sex boat.

The real question is why do the Japanese ruin everything they tough?


I meant character-wise, but thanks for giving me another excuse to post a pic

This is a good question, i mean just look at what they ruined.

you must be gay.

Post mostly unintentionally lewd DDs?

I don't follow the series, so I seriously can't tell you anything about any of these girls. All I can do is point out the ones that make my dick happy

This one makes my dick happy too, especially when she's tied up, naked, in the middle of the courtyard, with some of me leaking out of her and all the younger girls staring as they walk by



>Being a secondary
I am no so sure i'm ok with these people.

Come now, we're not taking away that much dignity from your fap material

Not everyone wants to play awful games.

It's not her fault.

>Not everyone wants to play awful games.
And almost everyone wants to fap to at least one of the characters so it's not a big deal.

More than a few, if they've looked into the series enough

But you can't truly appreciate them unless you play the game. And it's not like it's not fun to some people.

You can read and hear all the lines in the game, the only thing you're missing out is the grinding and boring gameplay.

I'm pretty sure almost every single line the characters say is translated on the wiki. And I don't see how the game is fun, only addictive which is a very different thing.

Game was too repetitive for me. Grinding is very popular among Japanese players but sometimes it can be a real turn-off for me.

because you posted bad fanart?

Because she wants to go fast, what faster way than a bunny ear ribbon and minimal leg clothing?

Hibiki is such a good girl.

Yes, yes she is.

And she has good taste in girls. Something best girls tend to lack

lmao japs got nuked so hard they feel the need to draw girls with atomic wedgies

>twitch meme


There's more than one case of this in kantai.