Are half elves pure
Are half elves pure
>half elves
>it's a crusader image dump thread
Yeah, they're pure alright. Pure shit
Yes but only if they are dead
They are a crime against God
Pure sluts.
Emilia-sama is my queen!
Emilia is a smelly whore
They're half pure.
Guess which half?
Doujins when?
>half elves
you answered your own question.
Hospitallers > Templars
Did someone say crusades?
>tfw you will never purge the world of elf scum with you fellow crusaders in the name of God
Thats not how racemix work user.
Gray isnt black nor white its just gray.
Same with race.
For example human + elf have child
That child isnt elf nor human
Its just bastard, or so called "gray"
Pure sluts
Is rape considered sex?
Is it only half-rape if it's a half-elf?
Elves are pure. Humans are not.
What about Dwarves?
Only half-human, so they at least deserve the rights of a slave. "Pure" elves are only useful for a quick rape and discarding.
Pure sex
Yes. Pure shit.