Did Miyazaki direct this episode? That was an absolute thing of beauty...

Did Miyazaki direct this episode? That was an absolute thing of beauty. I have no complaints or ways to make this a better work than it was


Fuck off, you only make bait threads like these on the days the episodes aired.

Not him, but that episode is easily the best episode of the year

I heard Kyoani was behind it

It was yamakan bruh, saving anime and shit.

I heard it was directed by Dezaki and animated by Kanada.

I'm OP but that episode is easily the worst episode of the year

I heard it was written by Okada

It was actually me

I'm Miyazaki and this year has easily the worst episodes of anime.

I heard Hideaki Anno decided to turn 4.0 into a series and made this.

Can someone direct me to the shitposting thread?

It was really well done but you faggots need to watch more cinema and anime, your new faggotry really shows.

It's in a pretty devastating state.

Do we actually know who did direct it?

15 was a fucking thingy of beauty.

Being this dense.

>Not him
>17 posts, 11 IPs

You are easily him


Not that user, but I'm not that user.

How do we define being him? We are ever changing, and because of this we will never be like another- not even our previous selves.

This (You) was too deep for (Me)

I don't know if (You) have to disappear or if your life is worth living here


1 decent episode in shit series. Goddamit.

>Very good series with genuinelly interesting plot and direction
>hurr its popular so its shit

Why is this allowed bros?

Normal people (like the sheeps of Sup Forums, addicted to social stimulus) are usually embarrassed of buying products to alleviate butthurt
