Why is this shitty edgelord series so popular? Is it just because the girls' character designs are kind of okay?
Why is this shitty edgelord series so popular? Is it just because the girls' character designs are kind of okay?
Because girls like EDGE and mystery or something.
Mystery series where members of the cast can die.
Also it is anime as fuck.
Oh is it cool to hate now? I need to be sure I'm on Sup Forums's side.
>Implying it was ever cool to like
1) Fully embraces Superflat art style. Edgy gothic girls and regular otaku alike love it.
2) "Teenagers forced into a death game" shit has been popular ever since Battle Royale and kids love it.
3) Edge
4) Standout character designs
5) Death
Anybody can make a thread and just say whatever, you know
>I hate something popular, I must have good taste!
The games are pretty fun too.
I haven't played the games nor will I but when the first one came out it was pretty good and interesting idea at the time since we had no other shows like it.
But I really can't be bothered with the others.
Also Naegi fucking sucks.
I don't know, it doesn't seem too popular compared Re:zero
It should be noted that something doesn't have to actually be edgy for the appeal, it can just have the edgy aesthetic and nobody will mind the difference. Also, people dying don't need to stay dead either. The only thing that needs to be genuine is the mystery.
>Implying popularity has anything to do with it
Garbage is garbage irrespective of sales.
Silly edginess is my fetish
ITT: Anime inferior race edgelords who never played the absolutely glorious VN
Because all those deaths of minor characters that nobody care.
Because the GAMES had pretty good murder cases you got to solve and the characters grew on you on your silly little day dates.
Play the GAMES you pleb or refrain from spouting your uninformed opinions.
Because the games are great.
Yeah I'm playing through the games right now, haven't seen the anime but the game isn't honestly something I thought anyone would hate on
Jesus Lelouch, how much shit taste can you hoard?
Play the games you huge faggot
>2013 + 3
>Liking visual novels
Read a fucking book you underage faggots.
How new do you have to be to play contrarian with danganronpa?
The games are great.
The first anime series is shit.
OP is a faggot
>Why is this shitty edgelord series so popular?
Maybe because its actually good and only secondary or happy-clappy faggots dislike it.
Kill yourself you uninformed faggot, it's a detective game.
The games are pretty good but the first anime is rushed as fuck, that's why im a bit skeptical of 3.
>death game premise
This alone warrants success. Westerners and nips alike eat this shit up
3 has been perfect so far. The OST needs to fucking come out already.
They are really fun games. I don't think they work great as a non-interactive series though. The entertaining class trials are 80% of the draw for me.
Trap character. It's always the trap character.
> 2000 + 16
> Being an uninformed faggot
>a detective game where the characters suddenly realize the mystery and there was no way of knowing that the crime occurred as it did without deus ex machina info
3 has been good so far. Mainly because there is just one(?) murderer this time around so you can focus on that case.
game's an asspull
anime cans the bullshittery in a rushed mess
Have you even played Danganronpa? Or any other detective game for that matter?
Such as? When were you not given information to solve the case before the trial? AA is a much worse offender in that regard.
how come people think it's actually written well?
>He can't enjoy both
you pretty much summed up the entire show