So apparently archmages are Jews now
So apparently archmages are Jews now
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What else did you expect?
quality thread
Jews do look like witches though.
Here's my prediction how Berserk will end
>guts gets his revenge
>kills all of godhand
>is consumed by his armor completely and loses his mind in the process
>will be the monster of the demon realm that kills everything in sight, talked about in fairy tales for generations, unsure if he's real or just a story to scare children
tragic end
>monster of the demon realm
cool story bro
So that's why Griffith wants them dead
Miura said it would be bittersweet.
Wtf was up with that translation?
There is literally nothing wrong with being an Archmage.
He actually sayed something like "I feel like I can't end such a tragic tale with a tragic end"
I think he will actually let Guts be happy after all shit he went through
What was wrong with it?
>Guts kills Griffith
>picks up his demon wings
>"Now I am the Griffith"
>flies off to Falconia
>expecting some shitty manga to accurately portray the pinnacle of humanity
In that case I predict it be a duel between Griffith and Guts, just like before Guts left the hawks on the exact same spot with the same background, except this time Griffith purposely lets his guard down and is impaled by the sword with a smile on his face and dies by Guts' sword and Guts sees him as the friend he once was for one last time before he lives happily ever after with Caska
The only thing I am confident of predicting is that:
>There will be a moment when Guts has to choose whether to sacrifice his friends to pursue Griffith
>There will be a moment when one or more of his party dies (or is raped and dies) and the beast takes full control of him with no restraints
>He'll stop using the Berserker armour or nullify its weakness so he doesn't turn into skellington knight
oy guts you expect me to heal caska for free you fucking dirty goyim
What did Miura mean by this?
Birdman vs Dogman.
Oy vey, come closer and hear our demands.
For Cascka to be healed, many shekels must be reveald.
I started laughing my ass off when I read this part.
I read that the "Star of David" is actually pagan in origin and crept it's way into jewish culture through some shady process
it probably involved sacrificing children to moloch
Holy shit I can't believe I missed that
What bothers me is the behelit. Is it really for Guts? Or is it just using him as a vehicle to get close to Casca, waiting for her to get her sanity and despair back?
>tfw Guts sacrifices his jrpg buddies to become...
>this summer, etc
I thought people said Miura couldn't draw anymore. This page looks great.
Skelly knight is based though. Would start a chapter with.
What the fuck is with the low res scans and smearing screentones?
Is Evil Genius slowly turning into mangastream?
I mean, look at this shit, it looks fucking awful.
They're looking for someone who can provide decent raws.
>Always wanted Guts to be recognised for his merc day deeds
>It's about to fucking happen holy fucking shit
>Isidro still clueless.
>Continues: Next Time
If I can recall this is done digitally instead of hand drawn like were used to
I think it looks okay but I prefer the hand drawn stuff
Yeah, the Hexagram is a much older symbol and represents the Star of Saturn.
Jews used Kabbalistic Magic non-sense in Medieval Italy to defraud dumb goys.
>What bothers me is the behelit. Is it really for Guts?
guts will use it to defeat griffith by sacrificing him and the whole of nova midland
>not dayman vs nightman
That was a huge cockblock
Fuck off
>Not Guts defeating Griffith and then the God Hand abandons him for losing leaving him the broken cripple he was before the eclipse just staring back up at Guts at his strongest
its a very important moment
the fundamental proposition of the manga since the eclipse was:
guts declares war on the godhand, setting out to defeat them while holding on to his humanity
>"I will beat them with this human body"
However, the moment guts puts that armor on is the moment of ultimate defeat. Guts first realized he could not do this on his own when he took in farnese, serpico and isidro as followers, recognizing his limits. Then, he recognized his inability to defeat his enemies when he put on the berserker armor. At that exact point the premise of:
>"I will beat them with this human body"
was dead. And from that point on the manga was transformed, in the story that it was telling.
Berserk went from a story about a human battling inhuman monsters, to a story about a battle between two inhuman monsters. The transformation was literal as well, as at the same time we went from low fantasy to high fantasy setting, with the transfiguration and overlapping of the planes of existence.
Then guts realized he has no hope even further and abandoned his quest to defeat Griffith and got on a boat.
You could argue this is the legitimate reason people have been whining about berserk becoming shit. The author violated his own premise, the idea he sold us on. In order to make his story work, he had to change the entire setting, violating all established rules, so he set up a huge sacrifice. Arguably Guts' fall represents miura's fall, and the sacrifice to create the perfect world reflects miura sacrificing the original promise he made to his audience, to create a way to force his story forwards.
ugh god damn ,what the fuck is this falcons bullshit
It's literally just two equilateral triangles put together in a geometrically reasoned way. It's been used by various cultures with no real connection to each other, such as Indians.
Lol it's basically anti white propaganda
flower king is soros
guts is #blackedswordsmanmatters
Griffith's meritocracy is somehow bad
what gobbledygook
you must like hearing yourself talk
Fuck off
I bet your diet isn't even rich in iron.
fuck off
Someone mistranslated it ten years ago and thought it was a bright idea to fix it now instead of just keeping it incorrect but familiar and cooler sounding.
are you serious? It's not fucking band of the hawk?
Who is top right?
You see, in 20 years from now on, when Guts finally returns to the continent, we'll be more familiar with falcon than hawk, so it's just the waiting game.
Berserk will end with Griffith trying to conquer reality itself, Guts will have to kill the World Tree, thus ending all magic.
Ok so the band is
鷹の団 Taka no Dan
According to google translate falcon is
ファルコン Farukon
so this is all just a mess up somewhere.
no it is not
But 鷹 could be a hawk or a falcon.
But hawk sounds cooler at this point.
Taka can be falcon OR hawk
Japanese doesn't make the distinction
However, Miura stated that he named it after the Millennium Falcon starship from Star Wars
Therefore the correct translation is Falcon
here's a source too
>Q2: Regarding the kanji "Taka," do you intend that to be Falcon or Hawk? Was there ever a conscious change in its usage, such as after Griffith's reincarnation, or has it always been "falcon" to you?
>“Falcon” or “Hawk”, both mean [鷹] in Japanese. In some dictionaries, “Falcon ” is translated as [隼(はやぶさ)] but there’s almost no difference. I used "Falcon" from the great name of the “Millennium Falcon" ship in Star Wars.
this bait is atleast 5 years old
But they should keep it Band of the Hawk but the White Falcon ruling Falconia if anything.
>You have to sacrifice a loved one, a part of your soul, etc, to use a Behelit
>Griffith is such a big part of Guts that it works, Guts can sacrifice him
Don't forget a timeskip, since time flows differently in Fairyland.
this is like full circle for Guts and his admiration of Griffith, being forced to understand his motivations like this
>Miura dies
>His assistants pick it up and actually releases chapters at a decent speed
>Guts uses the Behelit and kills Casca
The Guts party supports Trump. Thats how you know they are the good guys.
Dayman fighter of the Nightman.
But they both look like Nightman.
Which is which?
Dayman is the good guy.
>Art takes a deeper nose dive
Why would you ever suggest such a thing?
>scratched out puck attempt.
playing doom much?
Yeah, it's nice
its weird, the art looks better, but somethings slightly off about it
Ok so Casca is gonna need to retrain her body after being a potato right? Will she help Isidro with his training?
>Casca trains with Isidro and Guts
>she now protects Farneese
>She was barely useful in her prime
>Serpico has her skillset x1000
At least Farnese has magic. Casca is like Isidro+1 tier.
well meme'd my friend
Maybe she will be given some magic boogaloo like everyone else
I don't care what Miura says, Guts has always looked absolutely ridiculous in that armor when he's not aping out.
She needs a magic chastity belt.
I dig it dude.
I took a literary theory class in college, and this sounds way less like utter shit than most of the stuff in that.
And I suppose he expects us to also refer to Griffith as "Griffisu" and to Guts as "Gattsu." Fuck that autism and fuck you, Miura. Band of the Hawk sounds better.
The dude's is a valid interpretation, yeah.
I'd argue that this change is real, and important, but is not necessarily bad, though. After all, there are serious consequences in the coming. The beast has promised quite intently that there will be a day Guts will lose to it, and that's where this is going, narratively speaking.
Abandoning his "human down to the marrow of my fucking bones" bit will come back to kick his teeth in, mark my words. And I think that moment will be glorious.
Casca has the brand, she can't be sacrificed.
Is it out yet? i cant find it
It's just in english that it sounds better retarded. In japanese, it's Taka.
> supporting drumpf
> good guys
Yup. You are a noob, literally every site has it
Huhuhu Drumpf that's a good one my friend.
What? Its not like Bernie is a good guy since he endorsed Hillary tonight
>Then guts realized he has no hope even further and abandoned his quest to defeat Griffith and got on a boat.
He got on a boat because he was already basically destroyed after fighting dozens of monsters, getting impaled on their teeth, getting burned, nearly drowned, and then electrocuted several times. Not to mention the prospect of recovering Casca, which he's had as his temporary primary goal since he went nuts on her.
Fuck off retards.
Thanks for taking my bait so graciously.
meanwhile, in reality...