What the fuck is going on here?

what the fuck is going on here?

Other urls found in this thread:


Moe is the cancer.

Industry has lost its mind!

>Erased is my fav show xD
>Ive seen like 20 anime :D
Kill yourself

Fuck off.

There are real women that look that young at my college. And the ones I've met have all been like 25.

Gotta love summer.


This. It's actually not that strange, especially since she's only 18 (I think). Would be different if she were an okaa-san or something.

>I dont know what green text is
How is your summer ?

I want to know where you study

Hell, when I was leaving highschool, there were freshmen that looked like actual 10 year olds, 4 feet tall and everything.


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, newfriend.

GAIA awaits your return.

>Left: Yuri bait
>Right: Fujo bait.



Its called moeshit and its one of the reasons why anime is dying

One is called Moe. The other can control black holes. Its anime. Deal with it.

>14s difference
I'm sorry to break it to you...

Beats me. I have no idea why that image is 474 KB and looks that shitty.

>90% of anime is SHIT you gotta watch the good stuff like fooly cooly

>attacking FLCL out of nowhere

Moeshitters are too weird tbqh

Who let these new people in ?

>doesn't know the context
it's time to stop posting, Sup Forums.
go make a "manime" thread

This picture just slays me

You're fucking retarded. FLCL is great though but you are fucking retarded.

>everyone who hates moecrap must like "manime"

Still weird

Let's all just get along. I mean, it was a shit thread to begin with.

Is this the designated Sup Forumsermin shitposting thread ?

>he thinks i was being honest by saying that
>he thinks "manime" is a real thing

Do you like Bloodborne?

If I had to guess, I'd say it's you being absolute crap at resizing and cropping images.


Weak, at least stand behind your words!

Nah. It's a thread for people with patrician taste.

>i don't understand sarcasm
Maybe if you spent all the time you do shitposting about unrelated garbage on Sup Forums and actually watched anime then maybe you wouldn't be so cancerous

>naming you reaction pics
Lmao what a fucking loser.

Well there clearly is no evidence of such.

Fuck off normalfags.

Reminder that if you care about 3DPD you are cancer and need to leave Sup Forums.


You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?

>oh my god so cancerous Sup Forumsfag!
>death to anyone who hates moe anime


Learn to reading comprehension, idiot

No one who has seen more than 100 series gets their prostate twisted by cute girls

Lots of newfags here!

>you have to be this much of a manchild to enjoy moeshit

That's right.
you should feel more welcome on r/anime

>i don't know what moe means

Men like girls.

Girls like men.

75% of the people on Sup Forums is a female, look at this pic again


Boys like boys.
Girls like girls.
Traps like lolis.
Futa like shota.
Reverse traps like old men.

Haha I love this overused shitty meme, so funny!
We're all cute girls here amitire guys xD!!


>moot died for this

>my vision of Sup Forums

The charts don't lie anons

Keep going.

I feel kinda bad for those girls. There's such strong fear of pedophiles that almost no guys would date them thinking they'd get labeled one.

Epic reply dude


Oi lads is this the cancer thread?

Sorry for being late for the party! Well I'm here now, let's start it off with calling this thread for what it is

There has to be doujins out there with this premise, that bait you into thinking it's blatant lolicon but is actually closer to /ss/ than anything else.

Erased was worse than cancer so I'll take moe

Seems you really do

Cute thread.

If people like you (who keep criticizing Sup Forums, Sup Forums in general, its culture and its posters) not like being here, then can I kindly ask, what the fuck are you doing here? Do you not have better things to do than be in a place you don't like? Degenerates.

>flat top half
>THICK lower half
Has there ever been a hotter combination?

>This thread

That's how you know anime is garbage

I'm a female. I don't care if you believe me or not. There are a lot of fujoshi in it's time threads. Now go back to being delusional and living in your little worlds.
2D male > 3D male

That's neat but it doesn't make everyone a little girl


>2D male > 3D male

Are you a virgin?



Middle schooler needs a fist in frame

everyone in this thread has posted at least two times

>western female over the age of 15