Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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>all the links in the guide are on megajewishload
Thanks faggots, I really enjoy not being able to download shit right in front of me
are therr any djt memes i should catch up with? lol all i know is the you cant learn japanese girl and thats it hehe
now now, pol is that way
we aren't memelords in here unless they're in nip
Have no taken any nip course or text book.
After years of animu, I somehow can understand the grammars (i.e. conjugation) ,also because of chink's base stat boost the vocabs also seeps into me, ( sometimes some out of place kotowaza, jap's 四字熟語, 和製漢語 and 熟字訓 still amuses me )
Able to make out meaning quite accurately from news portal articles, however i still can't write a shit sentence (like : that will be a pleasure if you let me go with you) other than やらないか.
walking into /djt/ first time, i tried tae kim, but starting from は を の へ で is just plain ass pain.
How do I self assess ?
also any suggestion for learning thru chink?
oh well then it motivates me to learn faster so i can meme lol
remembering the kanji
>just plain ass pain.
>How do I self assess ?
You asked for memes
Well here is one
There's never any memes you have to learn in any community unless you're trying to use memetics to give yourself an appearance of experience.
All you have to do is be humble and have fun
>have fun
i think i fuckin did it guys it took a while but the paradigm shift is real
>i think i fuckin did it guys
No me
if everyone has fun i dont even give a fuck about the cred
some vg generals showed me otherwise
especially those where noone plays any games actually
is there an option to turn on furigana in this? i don't know my kanjis well enough to read long ass names yet
Fuck. WaniKani costs 300 bucks. I knew they charge money but that much?
Anyone here long time experience with it to tell me if the price is justified?
I've been sitting on that masterpiece for too long. I'm glad you can get some use out of it.
I have lots more but I can only recall them when the words come up. I don't actually use them as mnemonics, just curious little connections between languages that happen to pop into my mind.
VNR hooking gives you furigana option.
Yeah totally worth it
i bet youve been working on flexibility exercises and can get barely the tip of your dick in your mouth at this point
>300 bucks
decisions decisions i could get a playstation or i could get wanikani
Can you go more in-depth please?
What was your experience like etc.
Haha trolled you wanki kankiy sucks
Does it not have sound? If so, you can just listen to the names. If not, then it sucks as a beginner VN and you should go read Hanahira, which is genuinely good.
Why are you even considering it when everything you need is free?
Why do Japanese books come with bookmarks?
just use the free trial and figure out if its worth or not yourself
i remember things with it a lot better than anki, and the vocab list isn't 80% useless newspaper words like core6k either
Well of course a paid service will have more attention to detail than a free side job.
People here only hate wanikani because they gotta shell some money for it
It's a locked down Anki with a pretty UI
Is a pretty UI and less control worth 300 bucks to you?
I guess once a slave always a slave
I wonder when I'll have the courage to drop anki.
>Only 10k in 2 years? I thought 10k per year was generally considered the minimum.
I have had great success in subscribing to the school of "read more". I always focused more on reading than anki, when I started reading anyway. Before that I was just lazy about flashcards because memorizing kanji hurt.
I stopped mining about six months ago, and before that didn't do many new cards anyway.
At some point it becomes so easy to just read and have a good time that's all I end up doing. Don't even bother to add unknown words to anki. Of course, I don't need a texthooker to read. I only let myself get this slack because reading got so easy, in general.
>80% useless newspaper words like core6k
Reminder that the vast majority of the words that seem useless to a beginner turn out to be very useful when they actually start reading Japanese porn games.
Holy crap
I just want to say, thank you.
I don't come here often anymore. Stopped a while ago. I came here to post about an incident with anki, because it's the first "learning Japanese" relevant thing that's interrupted my months of solid reading.
And, what do I see, but your post. It made me laugh out loud. It is just so excellent to see, the exact same replies being made to the exact same posts, that were being made months ago, a year ago. It's so funny. The whole time I've been gone, the same things have been discussed. It's an endless loop. It's funny that people participate in it despite knowing its looping, and its funny if people don't realize they're in a loop. What a wild place, DJT. An endless recursion of time.
What was the first thing you read?
My first manga was To Love Ru. I was afraid of Yotsuba because it was THE easy thing. I didn't want to read it and fail. So I just thought of a shounen harem and started it. Was a good read.
The first VN I read, though, was Mako Hunter.
I want to re read it, because at that point I remember being in the "a new kanji every line!" state of mind. How wild! It would probably be a whole new experience now.
By the way, I mention both VN and manga, because the experience of reading with a texthooker in a VN was life-changing. With manga, looking up words/kanji (I didnt use kanjitomo) was so tedious I didn't actually get through much text. But texthookers sped it up so much, it was like another world. I probably read more Mako Hunter in 2 days then I did manga in 2 months.
No problem. Although I don't see why you consider it amusing or interesting. Everything repeats. You talk with IRL people in IRL conversations and it is the same boring topics, the same inane pleasantries everyone uses. You go to other threads on Sup Forums, there's the same memes, the same style of posts, the same arguments about best girls using the same reasons. You read porn games and they repeat the same archetypes, the same general structure and ideas for plots and generic lines thrown in to fill up line space. What do you expect, each and every line to be a unique, invigorating, new experience of creativity, a collection of geniuses constantly generating new and fresh ideas and opinions? 笑わせるな!
Is this pasta?
Sounds like
Im going to read yotsuba for the first time /djt/
Anything I should be aware of?
>Does it not have sound?
it does but i don't pay attention to it
it actually does have furigana as well but its tiny and blends in with the background so i didn't notice it :^)
I would be incredibly happy if my post became pasta because in that case it would join the infinite loop.
It's mainly the back and forth that makes me laugh. Yeah, people repeat themselves. Because what they're repeating has a service. Okay, a guy posts about his waifu. He wants to express love. Okay, people talk about boring topics. They want to be polite. Okay, someone posts a meme. They want to be funny. Okay. But people repeating themselves, and then getting a repeated response? Now that's funny. That's two people engaging over and over, of their own will, in an endless battle. It's comical. Thinking of the service, is comicla. Why would two people, of their own will, repeat the same posts to each other? In a serious discussion? Why would two people repeatedly type up the same posts in an argument that's been held over and over? What are they thinking? Do they know they're in a loop? Do they think what they're saying is meaningful, and will change something? If they knew they were looping would they stop? It's really funny to think about. Well, it's funny to me, because I was in this DJT loop, and am seeing it continue, a year without me, it's still continuing, same thing. It's just plain funny.
Walls of hiragana text with no kanji in them.
Where do you guys go to get manga raws? They seem practically impossible to find in non-complete-garbage quality.
I see your point. The idea is that arguments, normally, are to convince people of things, whereas ours consist of the same points repeated over and over futilely, in the knowledge we'll never succeed in convincing the other party. There is some meaning though, namely that the people in these threads do change, as you left, and as new beginners join and start lurking. Each time the loop repeats, there might be a new person who's never seen it before, who reads each point as if it was freshly invented and carefully has to consider which side he chooses to believe in. You break the loop, you allow the other side free reign to spread their arguments unrebutted, that beginner is going to see their thoughts as if they were unquestioned fact, which is of course unforgivable. And that's, at least partly, why the loop continues, and will probably continue to continue until the thread dies.
It is pretty funny now I think about it.
Is that the bad guy in Amane's route?
Sachi best girl by the way.
Something strange happened. I put off doing my reps for a really long time today, telling myself I didn't have the energy, and was almost ready to just go to bed without finishing them, but barely managed to push myself telling myself I'd just rush through them as quickly as possible and go straight to bed.
Not only did I do my usual amount of cards much, much faster than usual, but somehow it felt like pushing myself to do them quickly made it easier. I thought that doing them as quickly as possible would be more mentally straining, but it was as if letting myself throw out the first association that came to mind freed me of the noise of all the uncertain associations that I usually go through before I arrive at one I'm confident in.
Can anyone relate to this, or am I talking nonsense?
Use the Reading Pack html file
For some reason the import function on Rikaisama has stopped working for me. When I press the hotkey it plays the audio but there's no popup in the bottom right and it hasn't added any cards. I tried restarting both Firefox and Anki but nothing changes. I haven't changed any settings since it was last working so I don't know what the issue could be.
What was the loop exactly?
Nah, that's very true. It is not always easy to get into that golden mindset but once you're in it you could probably do 1000 cards in one go.
Sometimes this happens to me and the only thing that works is restarting my PC. If even that doesn't work I have no suggestions.
the loop is where the world resets every sunday and i have to get to the hokora to save my memories before then so i can remain myself while everyone else remains the same
Why even bother if you're just gonna fuck up this much?
You're just cluttering your brain and overloading yourself with information, this should just be considered the opposite of learning.
You need to spend more time watching anime and less time doing anki
what's ピッチピチ?
Untagged spoilers are against the rules.
if it was a spoiler to something then you drawing attention to it makes you just as guilty
Lets play a game
>May's fly
>Thanks for your running
>horned rabbit
>flowing stone
What's the difference?
the words themselves
Don't worry about it, it's just an example of nips bloating their vocab count to keep gaijins out of their country
Is the only reason nips still have an infinity alphabet due to not wanting filthy gaijin to learn it?
Same thing with English but it went through the opposite route: gaijin introduced them.
Fucking retarded zipper heads. Why can't they just learn english like the rest of the world instead of trying to act special with a 50,0000 character long alphabet?
Kanji isn't even that hard, why do people make such a big deal out of it?
I don't get it, what's this meant to imply?
that girl is literally a slut with a nice cunt
How do you get that from 字面?
Then we're gonna get anime with english dubs
He's trolling dude.
Whenever you get something like that you can always try a japanese dictionary:
So, something along the lines of "from the looks of it" I guess.
Protip: ignore any post in DJT without capital letters.
Those still just say it's something about the kanji's feeling or literal meaning though, is he actually saying 欲求不満 has a delicious 字面 or something then?
from the looks of it you might as well just write "textually delicious" lmao
Personal experience, probably.
Check definition and example #2.
Impression you get from a sentence/word.
I'd guess something like:
But well, that's my guess.
「字面だけでオイシイねぇ!?」roughly translates to "arent you stoked to have me clear out those cobwebs baby"
Can confirm, am a doujin translator.
That's fantastic. You should write porn.
I-if there's images I'd read it.
>Impression you get from a sentence/word.
表面的に示す意味 would mean more just the literal meaning of the kanji/phrase though wouldn't it?
Pls no troll bully, I just want to figure out what the dick this means, for my dick.
> mean more just the literal meaning
Why are you overthinking it?
Look at all the definitions and try to grasp the concept: impression of sentence, word, letter shape one gets.
Now try to imagine that and apply it to オマンコ.
You can attempt to get a (shitty) literal translation along the lines of "what I'm getting from my impression (of your オマンコ) alone is that this is delicious, right?" or you can take 's fitting translation for it.
grammar learning is so freaky, ill remember lines then suddenly know what they mean through the accent/slang
its not 3d but 2.9d?
あふれかえるような人の中でも、売れてないところは売れてない unsellable things are unsellable?
i think the difference between the words is that of "legend" and "myth".. legend is a story that details an event that could've happened a long time ago and a myth is closer to do with creation of the earth, the universe...
伝説 I have been told is like a story that is passed down from generation to generation...famous tales of a legendary person like Musashi or someone like that.. don quxiote
神話 the first character in this compound is the one for god/deity and the second character is for story.. so I would guess it would be about shinto gods... along the same lines as the myths about greek gods
i may just grasping at straws but that's my guess at the difference
Learned my 2000. kanji today. Only 4000 left to read a children book
Read it and find out.
That's pretty much my score everyday after I hit like 1500 words.
40% on my worst days and 70% on better days and 55% average
Still doing find imo
step it up senpai