ITT we guess what shows get cancelled this week

My money's on 91 Days. Maybe even Berserk.

Other urls found in this thread:

Definitely Berserk and Thunderbolt.

Hope not, theyre like amost the only one I'm following right now.

Why would an anime get cancelled? If this has to do with the attacks then ban all video games as well.

>new studio
>already making shit that won't sell
Did they learn nothing from Manglobe's death?

Definitely Fate/Kaleid

What did I miss

Wait what

Why would anything get cancelled?

Nip massacred a bunch of disabled people in a old people's home.

They won't becompletely canceled, just taken off the air for the next week or two. Like when Madoka got pulled aafter the earthquake.


91Days is pretty awful, I wish they'd actually cancel it.


What episode got pulled? I can't remember.

Was it one with city-wide destruction?


What's wrong with it? It seems oka so far.

It happened but it was overblown out of proportion, like with the jews.

Full of shitty cartoony tropes like OP pic or his boss aka "Kill this guy because there's too much butter in my lasagna" or protag constantly doing "le evil grin"


>Mob members killing during prohibition
>having anything at all to do with a massacre inside a home for disabled people

This isn't like with Madoka when the earthquake actually affected power and television distribution systems. Nothing's getting canceled. 91 days isn't popular enough for there to be an outcry about knife violence and the Japanese won't have such an outcry anyway.

>overblown out of proportion

Nips bought into the master race shit more than the germans. The civilized world didn't really care about what happened to Koreans and Chinese though so it gets like no coverage.

If I remember correctly, the last two episodes were pushed back for like two months.

Pushed back and they redid the scene where the city was flooded and ruined

One month.

anime are contractually obligated so they don't get cancelled

>or protag constantly doing "le evil grin"
This won't last much longer, he's going to become friends with the guy he's trying to kill.

How new are you?

there was never a time when an anime was truly cancelled
maybe run out of episodes and not get a second cour but never cancelled

your Sup Forums article doesn't change that fact

probably due to stabbings today

that thread was a riot


I'm dying.

What about Brave Beats? Sup Forums told me that it was cancelled and that's why Sunrise had to come up with the Gundam Unicorn TV series.

He didn't kill him, dumbass. He fired him.

because people don't die if you fire them with a gun?

Yeah if someone can actually accurately predict what would sell and what wouldn't that would help.

it gets no coverage because the "evidence" for the "horrors" of nanking are all (((eyewitness))) testimonies and (((confessions))) that definitely weren't forced at all

>this guy reason was to free the world from useless people
Why not just go to an anime con?

You are one dense motherfucker user

So he's reassigned to some farm? That sucks.

They're already running on extra since I fully expected them to disappear after DRRR.

Do pigs even have a taste for human flesh? I know they eat slop and shit, but you'd think they wouldnt be fond of fresh human.

Wait, thought the attacks were a joke.
Did they really threat elevens to not produce an anime?

Broadcasters in Japan usually show quite a lot of self-restraint after something like this, pushing back episodes that might be insensitive at the time. I think it last happened when the Kumamoto quakes were happening.

Where was Japan's hero when they needed him?

He was never real.

He died in 2011 protecting some kids from the tsunami

They eat most anything, even humans. In fact, one of the ways you can kill a person AND eliminate their remains at the same time is to render them incapable of movement then chuck them in a pen of really hungry pigs.

nice boat

It's a common trope in crime shows. It's also possible for them to eat bodies in real life if they are chopped. Pig eat pretty much anything.

The farm were all your old dogs live

When did Dio become a manlet?

This place is literal cancer. Don't post this shit ever again

Fuck off back to Sup Forums

sage for left cucks bumping shit thread to shitpost


>probably due to stabbings today

You better provide for what you have said son.

I hope none. I don't give a crap who got stabbed. I want my puppet show.

>be disabled jap
>get stabbed

Sup Forums is not a safe space my reddit friend.

We have a serial killer here in Canada who fed his victims to his pigs.

Stab yourself to death for liking that shitty puppet show

Is this bait?

There was a case a few years ago of some Italian mafioso feeding his rival to pigs.

Well here is what the International Community said in their research.
>According to the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, estimates made at a later date indicate that the total number of civilians and prisoners of war murdered in Nanking and its vicinity during the first six weeks of the Japanese occupation was up to 200,000. These estimates are borne out by the figures of burial societies and other organizations, which testify to over 155,000 buried bodies. These figures do not take into account those persons whose bodies were destroyed by burning, drowning or by other means, or whose bodies were interred in mass graves.[58]

Pigs will eat anything

Alderamin probably? next episode red girl go to berserk and kill lot of people with sword.

Wtf I hate mass stabbings now

>new studio
>Already making shows with more substance than anything most older studios have ever produced
Wew lad

Last episode of 91 Days was filled with quality especially comparing to previous two.

I'm not going to watch Berserk until I've finished reading it (~200 chapters in). Why does everyone hate it so much? Something about a rabbit?

They use 3D animation and it's completely and utterly unjustified because it looks like a complete and utter shit.

Considering what the Chinese are like these days, I don't blame them for not giving a shit.

It's got shitty animation, bad sound design, and skips one of the best parts of the manga.

I would, but I don't have a cool skeleton bird to fly off with my head.

maybe it wasn't so dumb for all of relife's episodes to be released at once

Are you people just assuming this is going to happen?

Never forget.

Pushed back, definitely. It's not like this is something new.

Jesus christ this thread is full of autism and cucks.

"Cucks" being the derogatory term originally used towards liberal SJW faggots who entertain ideas like the ones sweden put in place that led to them letting immigrants come in and fuck their wives cuz "muh multiculturalism" - but in this case, it's just a bunch of ledditor faggots who're completely unprepared for the real world due to being busy getting that feminism studies degree.

Cucks being people like Mcintosh or Steve shives, or, most of tumblr feminism

Spoiled for blogshit.

Mods, pls. Pls mods, pls.

None of the shows are going to get fucking cancelled, OP, you're a fucking retard.

If you read the fucking thread, you would know that I said I meant shows would be pushed back, not canceled indefinitely. Go back to /pol with the other Conservatards.
Don't worry, it's a knife free show

Please please PLEASE cancel KanColle S2.

>disliking a show because someone smiles
Are you mentaly disabled?

Yes, because that's exactly what he said.

91 Days is juvenile trash full of edgy tropes on par with, or below, any LN adaptation we see these days. The people I see trying to hype it in other threads as a serious historical drama have to be either baiting or retarded. 91 Days has a lot more in common with Gangsta than with Joker Game.

You're fucking delusional. This show so far is pretty rote and does nothing stylistically to really set it apart from other dreck as well as having bad animation outright. Cartoonishly flat characters in a so far generic conflict can be fine, but the way the show treats itself as mature and serious is not only laughable, but also the denotation of pretension.

oh fuck gil is in prism illya picked up

inb4 kizu delay

Beware! This thread is absolutely retarded.

You are a literal cancer,my reddit friend.If you want to censor speech why don't you post there or better yet don't you have some nigger cocks to suck?

Fucking normalfag,kys.

>Calling anyone else a cancer

he bought an ABBA CD and had to spend time moving them all down a slot in his tower so that they would be sorted alphabetically

That's a reason to stop broadcasts? What the fuck?

Guys name is Bradon and he isn't interested in anime nor Japan culture.

They're making Natsume next season. Literally guaranteed profit.

Sup Forums is going to turn into Sup Forums if you keep posting Sup Forumsshit here

How many anime have actually been canceled in the last decade? The only one I can remember is Brave Beats.

I get that reference.

You got the wrong version


Natsume S5 is a guaranteed 10k