
I've been having a discussion with a friend of mine about what defines an edgelord, and perhaps the only thing we've come to agree on is that Sasuke here is the definitive edgelord, with other examples including the likes of Shadow the Hedgehog (shudder) and Vegeta. However we're struggling with a couple of aspects, I would like the opinions of you learned gentlemen.

1.) How would you define an edgelord in a single statement?
2.) What word would you use to differentiate between an edgelord character (Sasuke, Wolverine, Sephiroth etc) and real-life edgelords who troll online and would typically cosplay as one of the above?

That second one is the real sticking point, the only word we have for both is 'edgelord' but they're very different things. Little help guys?

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Overemotional faggot

Edgy isn't in what you do. It's in how you do it.

Not sure it really works. I wouldn't say that applies to other leading edgelords such as Wolverine and Sephiroth...

How is Wolverine edgy?




god damn it

That's a fair question. As I said in OP, it's hard to define exactly what makes a character an edgelord, but he seems to fulfill a lot of the criteria. Magnet for real-life edgelords, dark mysterious past, driven by revenge, doesn't give much of a fuck about 'the rules', lone wolf..... see what I mean?

you mean like this?

Oh come on.

I see edgy as someone who indulges in violence and murder with glee or satisfaction in a way that is poorly done, or at least not done well.
For example, you can have a character who has a well done mental fucking illness as to why they're so fucked up, and it's not edgy,
but if it's a character with like a two page sob back story, or they just love killing, then pretty edgy.
And the type of enjoyment is purely from violence and getting off on one's self image, even if the person they're killing isn't a bad guy or isn't bad enough to make it justified.
Also when they start to talk about shit like darkness, and wear all black.
To be honest I see more edgy women in anime and manga by that definition, though.

Explain to me why he isn't, and I'll give you a cookie.

Reaper is a parody of edgelords

Because anti-hero =/= edge
I do not see how he is edgy at all so I cannot begin to describe how he isn't. I could only properly refute if you said why he is edgy.

Naaaah, not sure I agree with all that. Perhaps edgelord isn't the right word I'm looking for? Like I said a minute ago about Wolverine, there are a lot of characteristics that in my mind make up an edgelord, and Sasuke is the best example I can think of. His past, his attitude, his demeanour, just everything about him screams edgelord. He even has a power that makes his fucking eye bleed for god's sake. Who is edgier than that, or is edgy the wrong term??

Your problem is edgy is a broad term
I just used what I find make an edgy personality
other factors contribute to making a character be, or even just SEEM edgy, for example Ryuuko's hair makes her look edgy as fuck when she's not really that edgy at all.

Being edgy isn't inherently bad. If the edgy character seems like they're trying too hard then it's bad.

It's more Vegeta from a certain point in time to be fair, he's mellowed out a lot, but during say the Frieza saga up until perhaps Majin Buu, I would say he demonstrated a lot of characteristics that I would define as edgelord (though like I said in another post, perhaps I'm using the wrong term). He's irritable, lone wolf, rule-breaker, kinda cruel, thinks he's the best, kinda dark, cocky attitude.... if you think about the people I'm trying to group together for this definition, perhaps you can help me come up with a better one? Ideas for edgelords so far include:

Shadow the Hedgehog (shudder)
Liquid Snake
Rikku (from KH)

Edgelords are people who buy their clothes at hot topic and claim to be pro-anarchy. Mass murderers like vegeta aren't edgelords, he was just a psychopath.

>Liquid Snake
Okay I'm done we clearly have differing views on what defines edgy.

Sasuke, Shadow, Sephiroth, sure, add Dante from DmC, but fucking Liquid? He isn't edgy in the slightest and I don't see how he would be.

Other ideas to your list would be Esdeath from AgK. She's actually edgy.

This. There is nothing wrong with edge.

Edgy is edgy.
Dark and basically everything you described.
There is no inherently good or bad, just how you view it. Danganronpa, for example, is edgy. Berserk is edgy. A lot of it is up to you to decide whether it's "good edge".

Edgiest thing I've seen in Naruto was that scene where he shoots chidori through Karin.

I have to be honest, that was my friend's suggestion. I've not actually played MGS.

No. Edgiest Naruto character award goes to that immortal Akatsuki dude who was immortal because reasons.
Objectively bad writing.


Do you know what that word means?

Don't think there's many that can top Sasuke's edge. Not only did his shit had made you cringe, it got to the point where his purpose made no sense later on because even he didn't know what he wanted to do. All the edgy shit he did, screaming darkness all the time, talking about/planning to kill everyone all to end up with, "Yeah, sorry". His edge was just all over the place and yet you just couldn't look away.

I also thought about making a gif when I first saw that scene

>couldn't look away
i dropped right after itachi died and not because itachi had died, mind you.
it was pure trash by that point.


Liquid Snake isn't edgy at all.

>Don't think there's many that can top Sasuke's edge
Hes done it in like 2 episodes

He's not a parody of anything, he's just edgy on purpose.

No the Edge Award goes to Obito who turned into a faggot because his waifu, who loved another dude, died.

These guys disagree

"Liquid Snake
Where to begin with Liquid Snake's edgieness? The rage against his father and the world? The bitterness towards his supposedly superior brother? The desire to menace the world with nuclear weapons and then sell them? The rebellious mullet? The fact that he used Wite-Out to paint his jacket with a phrase he thought sounded cool?"

Sasuedge is still edgier.

The edgiest character in anime is definitely Nishi from Gantz, though.

So is Itachi.... and Madara.....

.... basically, the entire Uchiha clan are fucking edgelords.

Itachi isn't really an edgelord.


I only really remember him being an edgelord in the movie.

He seemed like a real bro in Crisis Core, and was just weird in FF7.

An heroic character starts to do anti-heroic things because mental trauma while shrouded in bad/cliched writing
emphasis in anti-heroic things wich makes the character not a villian

Is there an edgelord larger than this cock sucker?

u wot m8
1v1 me ill fukin fite u

His edge is so sharp I can feel it cutting me.

disregard that
A badass character does evil things or lets evil things happen because bad writing to look cooler

What do you think of pic related, is he edgy?

LOL where is this from?

He has his moments.

Being an assassin doesn't make you edgy.


Don't think too hard about it. Edgy means provocative or controversial. It's not inherently a bad thing --it doesn't stop a character from being well-written or likeable/fun. Edginess can appeal to aspects of ourselves and our experience, like our desire to be individualistic or break the rules, or it captures our loneliness or desire for identity. There's a reason the characters are so prominent in works for teens and young adults.

I guess people dislike when a character is up its ass in edginess and there's nothing campy about it either. Like Sasuke, it was like his entire character was defined by it (antisocial, tragic backstory, angsty, obsessed with power, backstabber, vindictive, hateful, DARKNESS) and author kept feeding into that with shit like "Curse of Hatred".

I don't know, I dropped the series years before it ended, but you have characters like Kurapika and Guts who are more balanced and feel more human. Then there are wacky edgy characters. Sasuke was just awful.

I'd say a "sob-story background that's supposed to justify a character's unjustifiable actions and behavior" is a decent determinant. I think the "you are supposed to sympathize with the character" part is pretty important.
There's also the "don't talk to me", "sssh nothing personnel" etc. part - the way they actually carry themselves; this over the top behavior is what separates a morally ambigious character (like Edmund Dantes) from what we can qualify as an animu "edgelord".

Vegeta had actual character development though whereas Sasuke was just a faggot.

How does Sup Forums feel about a clown who hides his edge with a smile and happy demeanor? Like that guy from Tales of Symphonia, Zelos

I thought kirby was the ultimate edgelord. Saucy is tame in comparison

Edgy is something where the sheer shock value/"hardcoreness" of something is its only selling point. Something inherently edgy can have good moments.


I swear I'm an edgelord IRL. I'm always lying and saying stupid shit to make people react.

OP here returning. Here's the problem I'm having. That list of features you've given (antisocial, tragic, angsty etc etc) is a good demonstration of what I think of, these comments combined. The whole "pssh nothin' personal kid" demeanour. Here are my problems
1) Is Edgelord the best word to describe these characteristics, of which Sasuke is king?
2) If it IS, then what word should be used to describe the real-life internet 'edgelords'?

Basically there is a situation where one word is being used to describe two very different sets of characteristics - what I define as edgelord, and internet edgelord-wannabe types, who are typically anything but.

One of these things needs a new word/name. Any ideas?

(Pic mostly unrelated, but hilarious)

I challenge you to find an edgier faggot than Bakugou.

You just replied to one.

Bakugou isnt edgy. He's just mad and angry especially when it comes to deku. When he's under a stressful situation he can be coolheaded and calm. What makes him so great is that he's basically a really annoying prick, but almost no one in story can stand him so he basically just becomes a joke.

I never found Sasuke all that edgy. He walked around like he was hot shit and mostly kept to himself but other than that he only barked out those edgelord responses after shit heads like naruto stepped to him.

>bullets? blades? fire? uh. I'll take it without even blocking, my life is pain anyway
>weapons? nah I got my claws
>society? bunch of faggots. better live alone forever
>problems in my life? better hit harder and take more hit
did you have enough?

"edgy" basically defines supposed mature themes seen through the lens of a junior high kid without a hint of irony

if your character looks like he'd be the favorite of the goth kids from south park and spouts one liners that seem to come from the original devil may cry then he's probably edgy

Shadow is like one of the biggest edgelords ever

man... what the fuck

Thirst of blood doesn't mean edgy since she's evil from the get go.

Actually got me thinking of how to put this in words, so I actually tried, god forbid people calling me a faggot or an autist.

A definition of an edgelord for me, as a character is someone that is effectively written to appeal to pre-teen or teenaged boys.
This is generally achieved by having the character either not play by "the rules" or outright rebels against them (see where I'm going?).
In this way, many anti-hero characters often fit the bill.

By going against convention, edgelords essentially embrace the following:
>Darkness (in opposition to light, as that's traditionally portrayed as 'good'), which involves the color black, sometimes red.
Invoke shadow imagery and maybe blood.
Can be metaphorically dark and not in a literal sense.
>Acting anti-social (not asocial), as in, enjoys or embraces things like death, killing, assault, etc. This point might not always be true, but is a calling card of edgelords.
>Sob backstory that explains why they enjoy killing/why they have dark powers and shit. This can take other forms as long as the character "suffers" in order to justify their demeanor. Don't get me wrong, there are characters that can have shitty (in two senses of the word) backstories and not be edgelords.
>Sometimes some display a "code of honor" (you're not worth killing), or some sort of restraining factor that elevates their "coolness". Another way of saying this would be acting "cool" (basically cringe, one-liners, etc). The standard chuu2 routine.
>Usually view themselves on a high ground of sort, either in authority, moral, or something other. Results in smug and arrogant behavior. Even if not in actuality on a higher ground, can be presented or written to try to be. This also encompasses "I'm special because xyz".

That's all off the top of my head without getting into concrete examples

was he really an edgelord?

i thought he was pretty well written

He's more of a sad and broken person. Hei is similar.

The one and only Tokyo Ghoul is quite an edgelord faggot with mommy and daddy issue.

Yeah. Im sure you'd be totally alright in the head after having live centipedes wriggling around in your ears for a week.

>a week
>the centipede torture only started on the 10th day.
Keknekifag is a speedreader.


Its been a while. Whatever same idea. If you were tortured for a week and then had centipedes wriggling around in your ears for a few more days you probably still will be a bit fucked in the head.

my momma is a whore and pappa is a codependent kek
i was neglected all my life
i'm not an edgelord (only pathetic and insecure like shinji)

I will kill myself before he can torture me. Problem solved.

Well he didnt have that luxury. Cause he would pretty much regenerate everything he could inflict on himself in that context.

He should've jumped from that fuckin tower in the first place, not even ghoul can survive that shit.

Eto survived a bigger fall didnt she? And she was half eaten at the time.

But then she still died like a bitch a while later so WHO CARES.

Betaneki wasn't as strong as Eto back then he was even weaker than touka/tsukiyama.

I know I was just mentioning the fact.

He was so pure and innocent back then. Such a shame.

I prefer this guy user.


edge animes are in demand because of all of the comfy SOL shit, and comfy harem shit.

you want your feel good, no one gets hurt, fan pleasing comf anime? then dont complain when the industry pumps out the exact opposite. its just two sides of the same coin.

The thing that seperates vegeta from being edgy is the fact he always jobs. Edgelords normally win fights they shouldnt just because of how badass they are.

I haven't read the sequel yet but the only edgy thing about him in TG is that stupid mask

Its not even his mask. Uta made it like that for him.

And its a pretty fucking cool mask.

>responding to this blatant of a newfag thread
what are you doing

>Shadow the Hedgehog
Watch more anime you complete and utter newshit faggot cunt

>posting a top 10 list as evidence of something
literally kill yourself my man

>Rikku (from KH)

I was almost confused. From the way you spelt it, I thought you were talking about Rikku from FFX, who is the complete opposite.

Anyway, you just reminded me how much I rolled my eyes with the faggot during the first two games. Also, about his design...


Nomura just simply went fuck it after The Bouncer and made Riku a "Mini-Sephiroth" in design.

Bakugou isn't edgy, read the manga, he's socially retarded because all he can do is be angry at anything. His edginess really isn't taken seriously by his classmates, (the hardening quirk dude saying stuff like 'man thats vintage bakugou' after bakugou hadn't really been angry for a while)

You could argue Tomura is also an edgelord, but he is the main antagonist and villanous foil to Deku, and of course, he was raised by All Might's foil, consider the massive impact All Might had on Deku, but on a villanous scale and it's not hard to imagine why Tomura is so hateful of heroes and All Might on the level of Deku praising heroes.

Bakugou is almost a caricature of edgy characters, you can draw parallels to Deku and Bakugou to Naruto and Sasuke, but Bakugou never/hasn't become evil yet, despite the majority of the world expecting him to be a villian and many people commenting on his sinister rage. When he was locked up by the Villain Association he spat in the face of Tomura at the prospect of becoming a hero. It's not like MHA is to be taken seriously or anything anyway, pretty good B manga to read while taking a shit, has it's moments though

I just noticed the quantity of edgy characters in Naruto.


I used to heavily dislike Vegeta ever since his appeareance until the Buu arc.

Now I tolerate him better.

LOL sure he is

i got ur edge lords right here u fuckin pussies

Difference is, he pays for all that edge and was nearly broken until he was saved by saving a kid from burning to death. That's bordering extreme of anti edge.

It's yankee, not edge lords, get it right retard

Those are delinquents, user.