What is this expression trying to convey?
Macross Delta
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I am in love with this mouth
how much lewd is in this show? i might just have to pick this up
>he's clearly in love with her
You're the one acting like a dumbfuck buddy.
I think he's obviously noticed his feelings for Freyja and Freyja's feelings for him first and thus their romantic potential but that doesn't mean he's in love.
You can be infatuated as an example.
Saying he has to first fall out of love with Freyja sounds ridiculous when he hasn't had a scene like either of the girls where they went "why am I hiding?" or "Why am I crying?"
Part of his blushing obviously comes from realizing how much he's staring at her and her staring back. Sometimes blushing in anime is purely out of romantic feelings sometimes it's mixed with embarrassment. Saying any romantic feelings equals love is ridiculous.
The lewdest thing about this show are lyrics to the songs.
Not much. It picks its moments.
Cash money, boys.
>ywn fund your mercenary company with idols
>ywn be the actual idolmaster
what is this hell im living in
>OP by a tripfag
I'll pass thanks
>Now, do as you please and penetrate me.
Very much.
Trip for the best girl,Reina is a cute,CUTE
Are they gay?
Kaname is my snow princess.
If I was Makina, I'd be gay for Reina.
If i was Makina, i would be gay for my tits.
Trips confirm best girl
He's soo cute.
>Holyshit I almost fuck Windnuker's son.
Messer, pls.
>33 years old
Messer didn't stand a chance. Kaname wants daddy dick.
As soon as they started showing off Walkure's valkyrie outfits, the first thought that came to mind was "oh shit, is Freyja's outfit going to be this lewd?"
Well, second thought. First was MAKINAS MAKINAS.
I was pretty sad when they dropped those outfits before the performance started. I thought we were entering a glorious new age of sigrun walkures.
>Fake boobs.jpg
That THICC boobs is fucking attractive. Freyja in valkyrie outfit still the cutest though.
Walküre, literally the word "valkyrie", hasn't had a concert in valkyrie outfits. This is a genuine cause for outrage.
>so cute she's defying science to give you a hug
I wonder if they were scared in that scene.
this is one yuri pairing I'm completely okay with
Bogue is a guy, user.
Boogie pls
>kawamoe proves once again that he is the best idol producer
was it ever disputed
Literally my dream.
bogue will fix her
Which Walkure would you Attack?
all except reina
in order of who i want to impregnate the most:
The hoina had some really lewd looks this episode.
>*9,999 マクロスΔ
Are you fucking kidding me?
Hasn't been a full week yet. It's a funny number to land on though.
What happened to her smile and optimism?
Stop that!
I'm not the dude you think I am. I just don't find reina as fuggable as the other members
the looming inevitability of her premature death, if I had to guess.
Why is the song called Giraffe Blues?
It's something about a constellation I think. There was a reason for it, and it wasn't about the animal
Reina. I'm not Bogue, btw.
sup bogue?
Fuck off Bogue.
It's gone.
That was pretty creative.