He is going to die instead of going to america isnt it?

He is going to die instead of going to america isnt it?

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It happens.

He simply had to return to his home planet

he is an alium


>muh vietnam

it wasnt that bad

>tfw Sakamoto ending hit me more than any serious/drama anime in the last few seasons.

No he's just going back to his home planet right? R-right? ;_;

Speaking of that nigga, soon.... Japans first and last homeboy ayylmao

aint that guy from Cromartie an Ayy too?

Also dont forget the tons of bullshit Gintama pulls

O-of course!

What's all this talk about Sakamoto being an alien or not human.

people not want him to die user....

Oh yeah, how could i forget!

Wait, why would he die?

Did I miss something?

did you miss the Hayabusa dialogue?

That pretty much confirms he lied about the whole NASA thing and states if he regreats anything, like someone who is going to die soon

Also he spent a lot of time in the infirmary considering he regreats not knowing how many holes does the cealing has

See, I didn't put that together, because I'm dense as hell.


There is nothing to put together. It's just a retarded fan theory from MAL.

Fuck off

Also if you read the manga there was a lot of foreshadowing too, and this too

>Also he spent a lot of time in the infirmary considering he regreats not knowing how many holes does the cealing has
It's the opposite,if he spent a lot of time there he'd know. Either he regrets not having spent enough time there or it was just a sarcastic remark to how he never gets hurt because he's perfect.