
This is the face of a girl that prevailed over sluts, cowtits, traps and beta faggotry.

Good for her too bad Madarame is a shit prize m8

Sue won the Madaramebowl?

Well, atleast he has good taste.

Didn't Madarame just wuss out?

eh I didn't think anyone won

hey remember when this wasn't about shitty characters.

good times

The glorious age of American girls is upon us.


shitty characters and tranny enablers

how can this author fucked this up so bad is beyond me, i guess he's probably a homo degenerate.

That's what I remember reading

>mfw when loving both Genshiken and Genshiken 2
>mfw retards not understanding the two series have different demographics
>mfw loving the romance arcs and wanting to find out who wins the madarame

The buttblasted idiots who don't get what a genre switch is only add to my enjoyment, really. Almost as much as I enjoy people who hate Hato because "HURR DURR HOW DARE THEY HAVE A TRAP IN A SERIES WITH THE TRAP TAG"
Why do only romance series only cause this?
I only saw them from afar, but I never got to experience in first person what it meant, drinking someone's tears.

Saki slapped some sense into him.

Sue falling for Madarame was the biggest asspull ever.

more like remember when this wasn't a shitty harem manga

>Get BTFOd in WW2
>Makes superior Aryan woman fall with the lowest member of their society

Japs in charge of not being sore loser.

Between this and nisekoi all you have to do is be blonde to win


It ends next month.



Where the fuck is 125?

Only out in moon, which I can thankfully read a little

Will there be a chapter this month?

You mean translated?

>Madarame's pov

>this is the unholy fusion of Shinobu and Hachikuji

Why the fuck did we end up trap fujolandwhales? What happened?


Sue was one of the funniest characters

Hato was one of the most unfunny characters.

Where the fuck is 126?

Hato just felt a bit out of place. The drama related to the crossdressing and being gay for Madarame was heavier than the rest of the manga, and yet he's still the most "wacky" and out-there character (other than the complete joke characters).

They won. Otaku can't compete with fujoshi money. Also a fujoshi is slightly more likely to reproduce and breed more fujoshis, and women live longer.
It's over.

Didn't think it was out yet


Can she speak more Japanese than just shouting catch-phrases now?

She always could.

Literally, a character that ruined the manga.


Faggot ass Sup Forums would rather have more Kuchiki kissing Madarame than cute girls and a trap writing their own manga. Never change Sup Forums.