What is Sup Forums opinion on InuYasha?
What is Sup Forums opinion on InuYasha?
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Seasons 1 and 2 were great. It went downhill after that and started to become stale.
Dragon Ball for girls.
I wanted to diddle Shippo.
Pretty good if you remove everything from the Band of Seven arc until the final confrontation.
kikyo was the worst
that's it
sesshomaru got the bitches tho
The manga is one of my favorites but wow does it have a lot of writing sins.
dragged out to shit, just like the rest of the authors works
Too long
A decent series that would be above-average if you did a selective-episode watch or if there was some sort of DBZ Kai re-cut made.
It's not groundbreaking and has it's cliches, but the real issue is just dragging shit out in pointless and sub-par filler arcs. You could probably cut it down to 50ish episodes and have something nice.
Kagome is a top tier waifu
Is anime worth watching or should I pick up manga instead?
If it was wrapped up in 3 seasons with Inuyasha becoming an uberdemon and Sesshomaru submitting to and working with Inuyasha into order to put Naraku in the grave and Kikyo finally settling with Inuyasha with a night of undead sex and then finally moving on and Kagome realizing she has to face her problems and stop using magical fantasy Japan as an escape from her real world life, the series would be pretty top tier.
Currently rewatching it. I'm quite surprised by the animation during fight scenes as it seems to be well done so far.
My gateway non-kiddie anime.
I still love it even after all this time.
He was in love with the main character's girl because she was the only one that cared a bit about him.
Became a half demon just to kill her and made her hate Inuyasha out of jealousy.
Then all of his actions until the end of the manga were planned so he could lose his human heart (which he despised out of weakness) and become an unattached, unemotional full demon.
Pretty sick now that you think of it. I read again a couple of volumes lately and it surprised me how deep the character relationship where, and how I could not give a shit about it when I was eleven.
Not to mention that Kikyo probably reincarnated as Kagome so she could help Inuyasha to avenge her for the both of them, while also stopping him from getting the Shikon jewel that she took with herself in the afterlife. If Naraku managed to obtain it and discard his human side he wouldn't have learned shit from his feelings - which were very pervy/childish while he was still Onigumo (he decided to destroy her life just because he tought he was not worthy of her - and that's the whole catalyst for the story).
The fact that she came back zombified was probably just plot fodder/a way to complicate the story (particularly in testing the romantic relationship between Inuyasha and Kagome, which was meant to happen anyway - she is her reincarnation after all), because her character arc was already completed with her death as a priestess.
Again, pretty sick. That's a shonen written by a woman for you (and I'm saying that in the best possible way).
I liked it at the beginning but it eventually got repetitive so I dropped it.
Kikyou didn't win so it's shit.
He's pretty cute 2bh
>Picking a zombified corpse over a tender high schooler
Kagome is shit.
Kagome is cute
Remember this poor fucker? Talk about drawing the short-straw in the genetic lottery.
>Seasons 1 and 2 were great.
This so much
At the end SesshÅmaru were banging the human girl.What a tsundere character
At least he had a cute loli following him around.
That one scene where Kikyou and Inuyasha were all lovey dovey and even planned to live together (before Naraku decided to be a fag and fuck everything up) was the only thing that stuck on my mind ever since I was a 10 yo.
>Sunrise will never do a remake of the series with only 50-60 episodes, a new director that knows better than to shove monologues and flashbacks in every fucking scene, and the original composer.
I know they just finished the series back in 2009, but still.
took too long to get anywhere
Naraku was the worst villain next to Aizen
characters were alright though Kagome was a pretty annoying Akane/Shinobu clone and Shippo was completely worthless
Should've stayed a pure find the macguffin quest instead of dealing with the Naraku clusterfuck it became since the setting was pretty good.
Kagome a shit, Kikyo was better.
I've only seen one season but I never got how there was a love triangle when both of the girls were technically the same person. And people seemed very worked up about who the MC would end up with but I just didn't get why it mattered, or how there could be two versions of the girl walking around anyway.
Kikyo > Kagome
it's weird being cucked by your previous life.
Shit taste
Naraku's human self was a criminal that ended crippled for life, then Kikyo took care of him out of pity, then he had the biggest boner for her, asked thousand of demons to fuse with him. After that he fucked Inuyasha and Kikyo's life because he was jelous.
More like Sailor Moon for boys.
It was one of the first anime I watched, so I have trouble judging it objectively due to nostalgia.
Still, I think it was at least average.
Also I liked the third move, when I usually think anime movies are shit, with only a few exceptions.
He has the shittiest luck, his father was fucking beautiful, same as his mother.
>Kagome realizing she has to face her problems and stop using magical fantasy Japan as an escape from her real world life, the series would be pretty top tier.
I was actually expecting something like this to happen. Though, I should have known better given that her initial love interest was so bland.
I wish this were the case. I remember buying 2 DVDs when younger and being utterly disappointed when the 3 (or was it 4?) episodes were mostly filler and 1 of actual plot. Some of them didn't even add to world building or character. Village gets plagued by something evil, Kagome is nice and everyone is fascinated by her, and not a single jewel shard was found.
If I see those fucking wasps one more time
It's fucking great and is not popular anymore so you all can stop pretending to hate it.
Kagome and Sango bae
suffers from takahashi syndrome
it ran all the jokes into the ground within the first 3 panels and turned it into 8 seasons and 5 movies
Naraku is in another castle.
Its still one of the better shounen out there IMO. The reason it looks cliched is because it started those cliches and a hundred thousand anime copy pasted said cliches.
Ass gay FGT
I still listen to My Will, Every Heart and Dearest.
You know you heard it.
It's not offensive but why bother these days when literally any other Rumiko show is vastly superior? I'd much rather talk about Ranma or Urusei Yatsura but all anybody's ever seen is this shit.
Has she done anything recently thats decent?
Megan Fox's favourite anime
the droning fucking monotony of the soundtrack is the only thing I remember
shippo a cute tho
She did Rin-Ne but I haven't read, watched or even heard anything about it so god knows what that's like. Her first three shows are immensely good but from there it gets messy. Ranma for instance has a lot of filler by the later seasons but it never feels half as empty as most of InuYasha.
>mfw she was anime-only
god damn it
I don't care if the story got down to shit, the soundtrack is still beautiful and maximum comfy
Post favorite track
But Sailor Moon is for boys.
It's like a combination of Inuyasha's fantasy elements and characters with Ranma's comedy.
It's not bad, but it went on for FAR too long.
I'd watch it again if all but the best filler were cut out, that might leave it with 70 episodes give or take a dozen.
Never fucking reply to me again unless you are contributing to the thread.
Is Final Act worth watching? I don't remember much from this show, but Band of Seven was pretty cool
It was pretty good, but they were adapting 1 volume per episode so the pacing is really fast.
>just finished
user that was 7 years ago
its about time for a remake
Manga. InuYasha looks great for an early digital show; it still looks like a traditional show at times because of the awesome color choice. But there's not much reason to, since the pacing is slower by the nature of the show.
They were both pretty fucking terrible actually.
This. Maybe I just have my nostalgia goggles on, but I feel like the OPs and EDs were pretty God tier.
She was cool.
Loved this anime when I was little, I find it disturbing that nobody up until now mentioned how fucking comfy this anime is.
I've never really understood people's aversion to filler.
Yes a lot of it is shit, but sometimes you get good stuff like Ayame.
Or 90% of the 1st Sailor Moon anime.