Why do you Sup Forumsnons hate himouto so much? I understand it's Moe which most of you hate any way, but why is it thst much worse than other meaningless Moe SOLs featuring kawaii girls?
Why do you Sup Forumsnons hate himouto so much? I understand it's Moe which most of you hate any way...
the characters are fucking obnoxious, main girl is especially insufferable
I don't hate her.
I haven't slept well in the last few weeks because I didn't post "sleep tight hammers" when I saw the pic. Fucking bitch cursed me.
Check this out
She was cute.
Cancerous fanbase, for example OP; who didn't even have the decency to put anything in the subject field so that it might be picked up by my filter.
Copy pasted characters,little sister is a complete bitch and just when you think she's about to change her ways she reverts back to being a cunt,epic gamer nerd references,horrible soundtrack and all round nothing special about the show.
It's an okay watch but the reason people like yourself love it so much is beyond me.
I hate everything about this bitch. Her voice her personality her shit . And I don't even hate moe but I hate umaru bitch
>I understand it's Moe which most of you hate any way
Fuck off back to Sup Forums, umaru is a cunt and not moe at all
And she's entry level newfag anime which has been made a shitty meme by faggots, and thats why most of Sup Forums hates her
It lacks substance and any real progression in the story. This is my opinion though and I know a lot of people eat up the show but for months the best people could get out of the series was " on the front page " thread
>progression in the story
read the manga for it, it's so short you can reach the last chapter less than a hour
You'll hate her in the first volume
This is a TSF's mom ใงใใ
the new chapter is out
thx mod
>baby hand
I think Umaru is very cute.
Stop image.-kun
pls stop
you have issues