Why didn't she wait for him?
Why didn't she wait for him?
Satoru's mother changed hospitals without telling her. She just left her a note telling her to live her life and forget about Satoru.
This is canon.
Cause Airi is best girl faggot.
Why would someone want to fuck something less than perfection.
Because she's a shit
It was a good anime for cucks like me.
Where? I read the manga and this wasn't shown.
>no sauce
Standard practice to believe you are full of shit without evidence
It's in that extra chapter.
The only reason I remember is because everyone is salty from that
This made me so mad when the chapter dropped.
Why did the author have to destroy even Subaru's mother ;_;
Manga writer was clearly a massive Airifag, but as a consequence of so extensively fleshing out the arc of Satoru saving Kayo and developing their relationship so much, it was unforgivable to do what he did and decide to ship him with Airi in the end. In fact, the story wouldn't have been any worse if Airi was never present, with the second revival modified some to account for the fact that Airi wouldn't be there to help Satoru.
That's some shit.
Reminder that Kayo would've waited and been faithful to Satoru until the day he woke up if it wasn't for Satoru's nigger lipped whore of a mother shipping him off elsewhere.
Mum was right though. She probably thought Satoru was going to be a vegetable for life.
When you give up on your son sooner than one of his classmates, you know you're a terrible parent.
google the chapter you lazy shithead
Feelings you have during childhood do not persist through adulthood.
You'd know this if you weren't so pathetic.
As far as I know, the speed and completeness of Satoru's recovery after the length of his coma is basically medically unprecedented. The fact that he woke up and was able to eventually return to a normal life after that long is a medical miracle.
If Kayo ever wanted to do shit like fall in love, have kids, have a family, etc., she needed to take that step and move on for herself. She could've waited for Satoru the entire time, and that would likely have been a lonely, unfulfilling, and miserable experience, not to mention an enormous commitment for what was essentially a childhood crush.
If Satoru's mom really moved him without telling her, I think she did the right thing. Kayo doesn't have an obligation to anybody just because she's alive. She has the right to go live her own life and find her own happiness. Satoru's mom was right to encourage that.
Why should she? She was a fucking kid back then and if any of them had feelings for each other then they would've changed by then. I ain't gonna waste my time waiting for a possible relationship.
She knew that Airi is Satoru"s fated woman.
Oh so author responded to the backlash by killing another character's likeability. What a fucking hack.
Did he actually get any backlash? Was the nips pissed off too?
I don't know but I can tell you it reached far in the western fandom not just Sup Forums.
I know the western fandom is split in the middle from it, but us baka gaijin don't mean shit to the Elevens in Japan. If the nips were mad, then there might've been backlash that the writer have to response to. If it's in the west only, he can easily ignore it.
This hurt.
A lot.
Kayo a shit
Airi a shit
Sachiko best girl and best mom.
Seriously should have ended with MC and her together. Stuck with him through the worst of times.
Used goods are for plebeians.
Actually there is a canonical way for the author to change this.
It could lead into an interesting story about morality.
> Expecting someone you went out with for a week when you where prepubescent to wait around for 15 years while youre in a possibly permanent coma.
You people live in fucking La la land. No Life experience at all