Sadly, K-On! was the peak of Kyoani

Sadly, K-On! was the peak of Kyoani...

It wasn't even the peak of Yamada.

its the peak of everything


But it's true, Post 2011 Kyoani is awful

>Tamako Love Story
>Tamako Market
>Koe no Katachi and VEG on the horizon

>not Lucky Star

At least they knew how to use different character designs back then. And then Nichijou was the last we ever saw of that.

They should go back to adapting manga. LN's tend to be cancer anyway.

>only good part was the mascots
>Katachi: we'll see
>VEG: will bomb hard; Kyoani will get bailed out by Aniplex

>memes and delusion

K-On!! is basically the peak of anime

>Kyoani designs are all the same maymay

K-on is their magnum opus after all.

>Th-the eyes are slightly bigger/smaller different times!

They've taken work from their old slavemasters Kadokawa before; are they too good for Aniplex?

Or does le eebul Aniplex really have such a bad rap that they've sworn to never work with them?

>VEG: will bomb hard

20k sales at minimum.

Shaft sold their soul to Aniplex to bail them out after Vampire Bund bombed and now look at them. Godani is much too smart to make that mistake.

SHAFTfags are getting salty again

Enjoy bankruptcy once 3gatsu bombs, which it will because they're going to apply their cost-cutting ARTISTIC Monogatari direction to another show completely unsuited for it, and this time aimed at normies who'll just wonder what the fuck is going on.

Answer the man's question. Is Dogani too good for le eebul Aniplex?

>le eebul

>I can't respond coherently so I'll just invoke le Sup Forums bogeyman
>I'll save le Aniplex bogeyman for the next Madoka or Monogatari thread

Well, I know this is bait and averybody hates K-ON, but the movie is very good, I mean, It is much much better than the shitty first season.

Azusa is my waifu after all.

Who are you quoting, Sup Forums-kun?

The only sad thing about K-On! in any way, shape or form, is that it didn't go on forever. I would've even settled for a "K-On! Repeat", third season, the way Non Non Biyori pulled it off for their second season

He was quoting you, Sup Forums-chan.