ITT Greatest lines ever spoken

ITT Greatest lines ever spoken

I'll start

Other urls found in this thread:










Scooby Doo (2002) anime adaptation.


"Hell this is my own life, how I decide to waste it is my own damn business"

- Batou , Ghost In The Shell: SAC , Ep. 24

You joke about it, but i distinctly remember a scene from Scooby Doo where Fred and Daphne get surrounded by nazi robots and they commit suicide by blowing themselves up.

SD got pretty brutal as the years went on.




You understand nothing! I would do anything to save them. Anything in the entire world. The whole city can hate and revile me, I don't care! I'm not going to let anything stop me now!


still mad


He deserve it.


I think nozaki knows that chiyo likes him but he is just messing with her.

Mystery corporated was fucking rad show.



Should we tell him?


-Crab-baby monster


God bless Penguins san.

requesting screencap of this quote analyzed next to LotGH


Plus "The line between stupidity and justice is paper thin"

You and I must be the only people on Sup Forums who have watched this.

It had quite a few to get a discussion going but it wasn't major popular.


This, I can't remember anything as memorable as this scene







Truly words to life by at this point in time.


fake and gay



This fundamentally depends on what Araragi means by human.
If he means it as in being a member of the human race then he's got it backwards; the more friends and social interaction you have the more you become part of the crowd, turning even more into a default human.
On the other hand, if he means it in terms of personhood and how that relates to being human, then he's spot on; the defining characteristic of people is the individualism consciousness allows, which grows in solitude and usually erodes in company of others.

Fuck off.

I'm a fucking faggot, god help me






You're not something your something something




Really makes you think





Best mayoigirl.

>tfw you spend 10 minutes searching for an image

not sorting your image collection is suffering

Aiight.....there it is, greatest line...hands down.



kys twitterfag

This anime had only good lines.



Best line, best line, and more best line.

Great lines; The anime.




>tfw i wake up at 3:30 every morning to walk to work





If ANY of you can watch this whole thing without at LEAST grinning once, i'll be fucking shocked.


My most quoted.

Worst show of 2016.


>mfw there are nonwhites posting on my Sup Forums








Top best.
