Would you date your best friend? Pic related
Would you date your best friend? Pic related
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I did.
Except she became my GF before becoming my Best Friend.
I wish I could, but he's not gay______:(
>would you date nobody
Been doing it my entire life.
Hey you fucking normalfags we are talking 2D here.
Fuck off with your blogging.
I love Kaoru. Best girl from Amagami SS by far
That's literally what love is. A best friend you can fuck. If you think otherwise you're delusional.
I don't have a best friend. All my friends are just people I work with and talk to at work.
I don't think they know that they're my only friends, but whatever.
A girl you get to know with the full intention of only dating is always a constant struggle with trying to impress her and wasting money
Dating your best friend who happens to be a girl means that both of you can have fun while dating. It's bound to cause more arguments since you are honest with each other but is also much more fulfilling.
Fuck off normalfags.
Yes. I couldn't be "just friends" with a girl like Kaoru, it's impossible.
I'm not gay
>You will never date a girl like Kaoru
>There will be no other girls like Kaoru in manga who will win
>Kaoru will never bite your ear playfully
Kill me
Kaoru is my waifu so yes.
What kind of normal "friend" lets people lick their bellybutton?
The best kind.
>if you have a job you can't come to Sup Forums
This is all I have, user.
I'd date my stalker
y-yeah, maybe no
but maybe yes
i think
He's actually telling you to stop blogging about your 3D life. We're on Sup Forums, you're supposed to read everything with the implication that it's 2D related.
Nothing wrong with a job but blogging about it on Sup Forums is wrong.
I don't have any friends.
Ayatsuji a best.
Would Kaoru be a good mother? How would she raise her children?
I think she would be a scary mom and would do most of the disciplining.
>penis biter
>best anything
is it possible for us to get amagami on pc?
I can only find japanese ps2 copies for like 150$
Patrician taste.
PC begging belongs on .
I know the feel. It hurts whenever I think about it, but I don't let it stop me from enjoying our friendship to the fullest.
Falling for friend tier girls is the best. Sexhair is a great bonus.
> it's
not into memes
posting objectively best amagami
There isn't a Ama I wouldn't Gami but Hibiki is best
She would be a kind and strict mother who would make her kids really happy
I tried OP
She said no
Top cute.
New season when?
I will only watch a new season of Kaoru raising her children.
>Ai free amagami thread
Literally the least interesting girl in the cast.
I like her too. I actually like every girl from amagami
Hey i liked Ai alot.
She was in my top after kaoru when I watched the show, but with time you realize how much better the other girls were.
Are there any other girls like Kaoru? Like really energetic and happy but with strong personalities
I don't have any friends, let alone best. Except darkness, I guess.
I will tell her that we are breaking up in a brief text and tell her that I cheated on her when she confronts me.
It will be a lie since I am devoted and pure but those tears will be fun plus the scorn and hatred she will give me will make me feel good.
Are the best
I need Kaoru in my life
Top creep. She should've fucked off after ruining many dates.
If my best friend was a cute 2D loli I'd date her.
She secured her love, nothing wrong with that.
Can someone explain to me why people like this fucking psychopath? She's a stalker who ruined MC's love life multiple times. Kaoru is the best girl because she actually has a naturally progressing relationship from best friend to girlfriend
>She's a stalker who ruined MC's love life multiple times.
Yeah, she was willing to screw over a bunch of other girls to be with MC. That's what some people like about her.
She went through at least six timelines to get dirt that she knew would turn off the other girls. Obviously deserves to win. And she was the one to protect his smile from the original skank in the first place. Oh, and she's a qt, so that's all that matters to some anons.
Is it ever confirmed she even has time travel powers or some shit?
I don't understand what's appealing about a girl who is an absolute bitch to all your friends for the sake of jealousy. She'd definitely murder MC in the future
I tried to. She went for someone else.
>absolute bitch
She just told them that he already had someone or something.
More like she cock-blocked and ruined any legitimate relationships the guy could have had. There's a reason she's a secret character because she is utter shit
>because she is utter shit
Don't be mean, she did nothing wrong.
If the other girls really liked him, they would have looked past shitty rumors instead of trusting a stranger.
>I don't understand what's appealing about a girl who is an absolute bitch to all your friends for the sake of jealousy.
She has a similar appeal to a yandere. The thing is she's a very shy girl who has always admired him from afar and does want she can to be with him when other girls come along. What she did was not nice but it's kind of enduring in a way what a girl is willing to do to be with you. And to be fair, she did feel bad about it, but it's not like Junichi cares --he wants a cute girlfriend and there she is.
I prefer Kaoru and Rihoko myself but I see the appeal. She'd be a really jealous girlfriend though.
I really can't get myself to like her. Don't get me wrong she's super cute but her personality just pushes me away. She really just seems like a more realistic version of Marika
if it Tomoko yes.
She showed how easily a lot of girls would win if they were willing to do dirty deeds for love.
>she did nothing wrong.
Holy hell I can't believe people try to defend her awful actions. Sure she prevented a humiliating rejection, but she had no right to ruin other potential relationships. Fuck Risa.
>potential relationships
Don't mean shit. Only actual relationships matter and she had as much a "right" to make things happen between herself and Junichi as anyone else.
They lost out, Risa won. Plain and simple.
Luckily for me, this shithead is a secret route in the game.
I wonder what happened to the real Tanaka-San.
Love is war.
Honestly, I think she's realistically hateable since I know girls irl would pull the shit she did. And she's actually the only character in Amagami I actually hate.
She's definitely not an easy to like heroine. What she does show me is that as much as Sup Forums goes on about muh bowls, they hate raw competition and prefer characters dick around until a conclusion.
But being fair, it was a tad extreme compared to the other cozy romances like Amagami.
Who was the comifiest waifu in Amagami? I know this has been said to death but I would have to say Kaoru. Too bad there isn't an imouto route
Kaoru isn't the comfiest, that'd be the fatty.
>What she does show me is that as much as Sup Forums goes on about muh bowls, they hate raw competition and prefer characters dick around until a conclusion.
No surprise there. One one hand, I like the idea of raw competition. On the other, the way she won in her secret route was a bit scummy. Even going to the point of humiliating Junichi if he rejects her.
>Who was the comifiest waifu in Amagami?
Rihoko obviously.
Rihocchi, she's sweet and relatively painless. But Kaoru is just as cute, it's hard for me to choose between them.
Kaoru >> Rihoko overall, but if you don't want to put in much effort and don't like to have as much fun, go for it.
I think Kaoru will be the one having fun at your expense, while you can have fun at Rihoko's. Do you want to tease or be the one teasing?
>"Do you remember a guy you were dating with back then and I show a picture of him with another girl? I'm sorry that photo was actually edited and he's my boyfriend now."
So the only difference between your male best friend and your girlfriend is that you can fuck your girlfriend? Are you stupid?
Best at biting penises.
Can you really have a best friend of the opposite sex? What is it like?
Every fucking time.
On the other hand, why are all Amagami's so fucking good? Why is Amagami so good?
Gonna go listen to some Check My Soul now since this thread is the shit.
I'd give just as much as I'd take with Kaoru.
How do you unlock her route, by the way?
Game translation when ;_;
That's cool. I'd give to Rihoko and get my share of amusement.
I feel you, user.
>On the other hand, why are all Amagami's so fucking good?
They are actual characters instead of just caricatures. Also maximum qt.
>Why is Amagami so good?
All girls get development (even when it's not their arc), and all girls get to win. It's realistic without being boring. Each arc has its own feel, without losing the feeling of the overall show.
Because every girl got development and it wasn't shit or forced.
Can someone explain to me why Kaoru is so popular? I like her but she seems like typical genki girl shit