Avert your eyes edition.
Other urls found in this thread:
First for Best Boy
Wrong pastebin
Gappy makes me happy
why was the last thread deleted?
Most likely people reporting the thread cause of the pictures
Because mods are fucking idiots
Why do you post this in every thread?
Post ending themes you want for future parts.
Part 7: youtube.com
Oops, sorry user. I just grabbed the first one from Google without thinking.
A shitposter, mods decided it was easier to delete the thread than delete the shitposter.
OK so what exactly is the audio disc that comes with BDv2 tomorrow? It's not the OST, that released separate.
a random stand disc
So why did mods nuked thread? Was it the guy posting shit
Also it can be assumed that joseph found out about hermit purple's power by trying to take a picture, getting frustrated and breaking his camera
>Why do you post this in every thread?
Because I can, however this is my lowest energy DORAO post, yet.
Jobin Brojo or main antagonist?
Larry Kujo is the main antagonist, Joshuu is the brojo.
He's the Hol Horse of JJL
Fuck off
I completely forget about that bonus. It's another OST CD ("Daydream").
I would guess that the contents are not the same as Vol.1 ("Good Morning Morioh Cho").
Undertale scat poster who wasn't banned for some reason so they just deleted the thread because they're great at their job.
My bad, intended for
speaking of it, did they ban naranciafag or did he just stop posting?
Yeah he's banned.
My Nigga
What do you think of stands that are mundane and practically combat useless but were great for the most random things. Like a bed thats is the most comfortable always or a ice box that makes everything the perfect temperature.
Good for real life, but I personally think the best stands, and best abilities in fiction in general, are the ones that are useful for both mundane and combat uses.
The turtle form part 5 is fuckign sweet
I want more of these, I don't think it makes sense for most stands to be battle-orientated when we've already seen people can get mundane ones (Moody Blues, Pearl Jam, etc)
I know it's specified as someone's "fighting" spirit but it seems that's been abandoned by Araki as evidenced by the stands that aren't used for combat at all
I'm gonna say Hey Ya!
Its nice every so often to get a confedance boost and good advice
as If I haven't already seen that 500 times.
Here's some good advice for you: Kill yourself, or at least learn how to spell confidence.
Grammer Nazis are autistic as fuck
Can I buy this if I don't live in Japan? Will they charge me more than the 2400 gook shekels stated if I do?
Please respond. OST soon.
「Once in a Lifetime」
Tells you where your beautiful house or beautiful wife is.
Alternatively, creates a slip n' slide underneath you that you can use for transportation.
Someone translate this for me
You might be able to buy from the japanese itunes store if you create a japanese account, but your payment might be denied if you're using a non-japanese payment method... I'm not sure though, since I've never tried it myself.
Keep us posted.
Use guguru toransureito
Why so many people draw her with dark skin?
I can't even select the text to copy paste it, friendo
Probably because of the dreads, or whatever the hell her hair is actually supposed to be
It's the dreads. She's supposed to be Mexican though, so she should probably be lighter.
The dreadlocks.
She looks bitter
Like a lot of Central and South America's chocolate options
Yeah but everyones souls so far have been weird and violent as fuck.
I agree.
I think we're going to get mire through part 8
Its nice but kinda just nice its like if I could always have a convient canadian who cheered me on.
Fuck I wouldnt mind that.
Mexican though some overdo how dark she is
What the fuck, it just says, "The pleasure of being cummed inside," over and over.
If you've got a gift card / code enter it here.
Billing address:
F John
Surname (katakana) First name (katakana)
Postal Code
Prefecture Town / Precinct / Village Japan
Building name / Room number
Area code Telephone number
There you go. This should give you an idea of what they're asking you.
They need the name in katakana as well? So they know how it's read, I guess?
Nips pls rip the OST faster.
Yes, it's actually common practice in Japan, since their naming system doesn't make any sense. If you need a katakana transliteration of your name just ask, I can give you that. Although I could see why you wouldn't want to write your own name on Sup Forums.
Man what the fuck, how am I supposed to put my name (John) in katakana?
So hating on Part 2 is the new-cool now to fit in here?
Damn Part 2 is shit.
Wouldn't it make more sense for it to confuse your enemies than to tell you what's going on?
ジョン is the commonly accepted transliteration.
It could also just be used to remove the water from the bottom of the ocean.
Well the thing is that John is not the name used in my debit card, John is just the name I used for the account I registered.
The name in my debit card is Jonathan (haha like JoJo) so how do you spell that in katakana?
ジョナサン is the transliteration you want then.
It's a requirement to enter the thread a name starting with Jo?
My name starts with Jo as well, though it's not pronounced "Joe"
So I just put my real country's address and phone number, let's see how this fucker goes.
>inb4 they charge me double
Go back to fighting the 36 Karses on Mars, Jorge
You've just been pierced by the arrow and you get a stand named after the last song/album/band you've listened to. What does it do?
Neither are, like, half the JoJos
thats araki,
regards, araki frogs.
Get your Jorge Joestar facts straight, Jorge only needs to go up against 35 Karses. Original Kars likes Jorge(and also breaks his spine to make him less of a manlet).
Oh, I'm retarded, sorry.
It's not the same as any Jojo's actual name
Here's the updated version.
I didn't know Otaro Maijo lurked these threads
『Station to Station』
Summons a spectral train that can be used for transportation
OK. That didn't work, error with the postal code and prefecture town / precint / village thing
How does this even work?
>Hot For Teacher
What does it do?
It melts people to death. Slowly
The first field asks you to select which (Japanese) prefecture you're from, and the second one which city/village/town/district. I suppose it doesn't work with non-japanese credit cards. Maybe you could try to buy a japanese itunes gift card?
Welp, the dream is dead. It's giving me an error about my debit card number, seems it recognised that the debit card number is not from Japan.
Sorry senpaitachi.
Lazy. The target of this stand is now slow as fuck
>launches baseballs at high speed into people's throats as an attack
>Vitamin C Requiem
can now fuck around with the substance of anything, thus it can easily turn adamantium into liquid, and then reshape it to a bunch of knives or some shit.
Thanks for trying user ;_;
>what do it do
no idea
The only thing that comes to mind is to try to use this: play-asia.com
Either way you tried, don't feel too bad. We'll have the OST in a couple of days anyway.
Good job.
>21st century schizoid man
>King Crimson
>In The Court of The Crimson King
Motherfucker are you shitting me
Enemy's skin will begin to blister, bleed, eventually go gangrene, and fall off.
Stuck in the middle with you. It always leads me to annoying but useful people that help me out. Has a side effect of making shitty people like me.
>Back in Black
What does it do
I need some meme wallpapers for a jojo fightstick
Whos that Pokemon?
I got the perfect one.
Ariba Derchy
Surely someone will upload or rip it soon enough anyway.
>Let Mom Sleep
Lets Mom sleep, I suppose.
Has the power to create an apparition of the target's mother who can possibly be used to guilt trip them
Since it's a fucked-up mix of Wondewall, I guess it 'folds' space in weirdass ways. Like something out of Inception. Neat.
fuck thats insanely good