Why don't americans hate rich people?

why don't americans hate rich people?

In America the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires

Because the bourgeoisie pay them to lick their boots.

Why would anyone hate someone solely based on how much money they have acquired?

It's in the water. Send help.

Because Americans are autistic

Because I'm rich.

this, exactly same thing happening in Germany right now. They get money, they work, they don't care about migrants, else they get fired aka somebody else gets the job. It's a hamster wheel for survival.

They used to. It's class warfare now. has been for the last 30 years.

Because thats anti-semitic

Because they acquire it through the exploitation of their workers

Because I want to be rich

Because class warfare is a tenet of Marxism

Cause they're supposed to be smart and pay us for the jobs they create.

Learn to read faggot

>all employment is exploitation

I dont hate rich people either. I worked my way up from poverty to 6 figures. Why would I hate successful people? Its the poor that drain my income.

Don't lie. You're a broke ass NEET like the majority of Sup Forums

Every wealthy person does this? I was not aware.

Only broke people want welfare though, like reddit where you came from.

Shut your fag mouth, nigger

Because we have a lot of them, enough that you'll interact with them fairly regularly, and many of them are very nice people who just happen to be working in a lucrative field.
If you're referring to the ultra-rich and powerful, most people do hate them.

Because we've been trained to hate the poor.

>why don't americans hate rich people?
Explain your fevered mind user.

Only niggers want welfare though, like reddit where you came from, nigger.

Why hate the rich?

I want to use this term, but idk if we NatSocs can, or if it's just an exclusive red socialist/communist term.

I hate niggers for so many more reasons than that they are poor.

Ya and when you pay $0.99 for a burger you are validating that exploitation. Enjoy your consumerism goy

So is "Supply Side Economics."

The meme goes that all Americans consider ourselves "temporarily embarrassed millionaires".. it's not that we hate the rich or don't, we hate the systems of monopolization and unfair offshoring of jobs and profits..

burgerboys are stupid as fuck


Maybe because being wealthy actually takes hard work and if it were easy everyone would be wealthy.

Why would we hate ourselves? Even our bums have better lives than the majority of the human population. We're all rich as fuck, even if not compared to each other.

Don't make me steal your fucking food stamps, nigger

Yeah, because you blame your lives failures on them. You probably never even met a nigger. You probably hate liberals, Jews, Spics and women too...but only because you're a hater. None of them do anything to you but reflect your own failure.

It is not that we dont hate rich people. We really really hate poor faggots. They are scammers, always BUMPING your car with theirs to sue you for muuh PTSD, always cutting corners and being loud about it, always being a goddamn nuisance.


>wow, you don't want socialism welfare foodstamps for the poor?
>you must be a foodstamp using nigger
leftists pretending to subvert Sup Forums everyone
get your fat useless ass on back to plebbit you jungle monkey

We aren’t retarded edgy teen commies, OP.

It is literally a word that means “Burghers” = city dwellers = medieval city merchants and their ilk.

Because we live hilariously good lives regardless of relative wealth and aren't bitter misanthropes consumed with envy.

>why dont Americans hate rich people
you know how much of a pathetic baby this makes you? You literally cry "why are successful people not hated? they make me feel jealous and insignificant!" pathetic dude.

Eat a fat nigger dick, faggot

I would think niggers like you need to represent success before anybody could blame their failures on them. Not happening. Niggers are the one who want all this sympathy for being given houses and a real civilization to live in.


I don't find it worth my time to be angry because some people have more money than me desu. Left leaning nerds and other shit is worth more anger.

>I worked my way up from poverty to 6 figures
Tell us how leaf

I honestly think average white yuropian lives better than average white american.

Yes, leaf. Explain

its mostly luck even the people that work hard etc still mostly luck, this is a fact.

leftists like and do
what is socialism if not slave morality. purely resentiment from the weak and mentally dispossessed. those who wish, despite lack of intelligence or work ethic, to be financially equal to others who are worth something to society.

Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.

All the wealthy people I know, save for 1, are rich because their parent were rich and served it up on a platter to them.

With few exceptions yes. You can't get properly rich without fucking people over

Let me interject with ACTUAL experience with rich people. All the rich people -I- know, being someone who matters more than you, would be rich again if you got your nigger redistribution.

You'd be a failure again in less than a year and every person with an IQ above 80 knows it.

Unlikely if you include all of Europe. She does have her poor nations, after all. But regardless, the general sentiment that your life, your earnings and your success or lack thereof belong to you and you alone is a fairly uniquely American phenomenon.

Covetousness is one of the greater sins.

Christianity is also resentiment. It has more in common with leftist politics than one would expect. Christianity is weak and filled with pity for people who don't deserve it, and I'm glad I am not one.

I'm probably more white then you crybaby. I'm just not a pussy hater, that's why I called your faggot ass out. Why do you care so much about niggers? I'm willing you bet that every time you've robbed, got you ass kicked, or been cucked, fucked with or embarrassed it was by a white person.

If you stopped a nigger in the street and was like "this user hates you" they'be like who fucking cares? You with the shoe on the other foot would REEEE out and start talking about "civilization." Grow up, you're a failure because you've failed.

60% of US households will make it to the top 20% income bracket for at least two years. 40% will reach the top 10%.

Nope its not luck is just luck.
I have seen people work hard for decades with no result i have seen other people not lift a finger in their adult live while just being lucky. There is no "rules" there is no hard work equals good thing. This is all irrelevant and made up shit in reality. Its something invented by humans not verified by reality at all.

t. poorfag

I was using sin in a semi secular sense but I'm not sure I agree in any case. Christianity has flaws, to be sure - most notable among them I would say an unhealthy doctrinal tendency towards altruism - but the actual history of Christian praxis doesn't evince a socialist bent until the religion began to grow in Latin America.

Wtf I hate parents whom work hard to give their kids a better life

Because it's through explotation do you make egregious wealth,

Case in point, Goldman Sachs.

>more white then you
Nice try nigger, you can't even speak English.
Stopped reading there, dumb niggers aren't worth my time. Try graduating high school before talking about success, illiterate dumbfuck.

The niggers do

>I'm willing you bet that every time you've robbed, got you ass kicked, or been cucked, fucked with or embarrassed it was by a white person.
Kek, do you live in fucking Maine with 1950s greaser gangsters? This is not how the general US is.

Lay off the whisky, that way you could probably keep a job. I've worked since I was 14, went to college and still rent, don't have kids or debt. I'll retire at 45 that's my goal.

So don't fucking lecture me on how being bitter and angry somehow leads to prosperity. Money is just fucking money, hating niggers, spics, jews and women is just letting people live rent free in your poverty stricken head.
Haters are always poor as shit, they're haters because they need to blame others for their failure.

Exploiting whom? Employees that consent to a contract?

>if u dont want socialist redistribution of wealth u must be poor
Doesn't even make sense, nigger.

whats with all the commies lately

>can't even speak english property
>says he went to college
Things that never happened: the post

And is created because the rolling class control the media.
Americans are mostly serfs for the rich and powerful to do as they please.

It's sickening.

I'm not a nigger poorfag, and you've exposed yourself: If most of the people you grew up with aren't rich now it means you grew up in some shit hole. Handing wealth down is the American way, especially if you have boomer parents.

If most of the people you know now aren't rich, that means you're you're still poor. Don't lecture me, you pathetic half-wit, I haven't been unemployed in over a decade. Enjoy poverty.

We all know ((who)) the real problem is.
Being wealthy is itself, not an issue.
Everyone deserves to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Only niggers like think others should foot the bill for their poor life choices.

We are stuck between the Jews who want to kike us and the niggers who want us to pay for their alcoholism.

Consumerism is exploitation, or have you not heard of the video game industry?

Did you flip your argument around to arguing against socialism to try and call me stupid? You really are a sub-80 IQ jungle monkey. First you fail at grammar, now you can't even keep your argument straight. Nice try though, nigger.

btw, most the people I know are actually rich.
I meet people with celebrity who each own more in one state of residence than your entire poorfag nigger family will earn combined.

As if college is some great feat. Like anything it just takes money. My actual job is 50000 light years distant from what I graduated in.

Goddamn you motherfuckers...no wonder you're failures.

How exactly do you fuck people over by employing them?

>yeah, ok, i lied about being in college after bragging about it
>but college is nbd anyway
Fucking nigger.


Who cares, he's a fool.

I interact with the wealthy for my job and I know your statements to be true.

There is a reason that so many lottery winners end up in debt and broke after a decade or so.

People rise to the socio-economic status they deserve, regardless of where they were born or what situation they grew up in. Hate to say it but its true.

Wall Street are parasites!

Wealth through fraud is indefensible.

The real problem is YOU. You're a narcissist who can't accept that your failure is you own. That's why you blame and are obsessed with Jews.

The founders of America despised hereditary entitlement, that's why we've always had such a high estate tax.

You're only "stuck" and blaming Jews and niggers because you're not skilled, smart or adaptable. No successful person blames others, why would they?

i just got about 5 15/h 40h/week paychekcs at once. fuck you, that's why

what does one's net worth have to be to be considered rich in burgerland?

>if you don't think a family should own and produce all of a countries currency at interest you are jealous
Doesn't work like that, sweetie.
You're the one begging for gibs here, I just want the monetary system fixed and angry welfare niggers like you to be cut off.

No, unjust wealth is the issue I care about, thats why I don't target companies like Sega, and the such.

I however hate wall Street and the Pontiac schemes they use. Plus murdoch.

'Cause Murricunt dream

Look, I understand you're butt-blasted because I called you out for being a failure and a hater. You actually keep calling me a nigger because you're the biggest nigger you know and it kills you.

I didn't say college wasn't important to have, you're the one who put value outside of having the piece of paper. Everybody know that a person with a degree makes $1 million + over a lifetime than a person without one. Everybody with a brain, so not you, also knows that you can get that degree in anything it's work experience that matters.

Feeling dumb nigger? Because you are.

Obviously, certain jobs like Doctors, Lawyers, Physicist are specialists not technical skills so it's different. You can get a degree in American Sign Language and if you know how to code, you'll get a coding job and make $80,000/year easy.

Only a retard hates people that create jobs

that's why

Notice how leftists like all advocate for redistribution of wealth while simultaneously saying anyone who argues against them is "a failure." When logically only failures would want to flip the board and start over.

But once you confront a leftist with Jews they will quickly revert positions in defense of their masters to say -THEY- deserve all their money, but not anyone else. Why do Leftists defend kikes so adamantly?

I think it has to do with inflation, since Reagan ceos income is now 300x the median income of their workers.

Enron is a good example of corporate greed.

250k USD per year income is usually considered the cutoff for the 1%.

Although the average American does consider a six figure salary to be quite high.

Then why am I rich from being in IT for 15 years in New Jersey? I haven't made under $100,000/ year in 7 years.

Or is that not the "rich" you're talking about?

"Interact with the wealthy." Does that mean you're a waiter?

I know you're black and ignorant and LARPing as a college graduate but you don't need a degree for ASL or coding. Nice try though, socialist nigger.