Why do boys make better girls than girls?
Why do boys make better girls than girls?
Boys know what boys want
wtf I like SAO now
Their unwilllingness to be raped makes me harder
Vaginas are gross desu senpai
Has any one of you fucked a trap in real life?
btw does anyone wanna kik
You didn't before?
Because you like dick. Sorry man, I think you're a faggot.
Gender Bender > Traps
Dat ass.
>what's wrong?
>I see.. It's alright, you worked really hard
>There there
>Ok! That's enough!
>Anymore than this is bad!
>When I started thinking about you... You see.. M-my di..ck.. got bigger... Iam really sorry..
Oh god I think Iam gay
There is no way that is a guy.
Fuck off with this trap shit. Gender bender is superior
how do you feel about gyarus?
innate homosexual tendencies.
because men are better at everything
The magic of 2D coupled with the desperation of sex starved incel weebs.
Ryoma said it best.
I want to go to penis land.
1) Because the intention is clear. When boys wear sexy/cute clothing, they know exactly why it's arousing for guys but they wear it anyway despite/because of that.
2) Because they know how to please a guy more than a girl can. Same biology.
3) Because they're much more obtainable. A boy in trap!mode is always up for sex, a girl might not be.
>hate idolshit to dead
>cute girls(male) are just fine with me
Welp I guess OP is right.
I'm not gay, I swear..
They make better girls to you because you're a repressed homosexual.
No, I'm a straight man! Please don't confuse my penis
Fuck off already faggots
Because faggots have lower standards and will be okay with any generic girl as long as it caters to their shitty fetish.
Daily reminder that it's not gay to like 2D traps as long as you see them as girls. They're made to bait fujoshits and to please otaku's many fetishes for moeshit.
>balls peek
Just thought I'd let you know that I'm 5 days clean from masturbation or porn and this thread brought physical pain to my groin area, fuck
All that soft
>expect a genderbender thread
>shitty trap dumb
I hate you fucking faggots
Are traps just a meme or do people actually like them?
some of us actually like traps
>Cross-dressing Boys & Futanari Succubi
Best doujin, or BEST doujin?
Please share the panda links this is my fetish
>baited with straight up girls with 'feminine penises'
Yeah alright, even they admit to having limits.
>tfw no qt 2D trap gf
Traps are the meme.
You like feminine guys. You are bi/gay. Get over it and stop pretending it is something else.
I am literally married to Astolfo.
Feminine guys are not the same as traps. They're literally draw a girl, give it a bulge, call it a boy. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean only gays like them.
Why do they make female kirito so girly?
Should be fucked senseless
Don't tell me that turns you on?
a-as if!
Two of my fetishes in a single picture, how can I resist?
Boys don't have bodys like that faggot!
Your best trap panda!
Because they actually know shame
>you will never tongue a cute feminine male's navel
>he is pretty good at giving fellatio that will break your hips
So is there a doujin or more lewd art for this?
Why do faggots still feel the need to speak for all men when they are like 5% of the board?
You don't actually love girls so go to the board they made for you
gay people dislike the secondary sexual characterics of women a lot.
This is my way of saying, do not speak out of your ass.
Also I have yet to imply anything/spoiler]