Flavor of the month waifus that no one really remembers anymore.
Flavor of the month waifus that no one really remembers anymore
Remember and masturbate are two very different concepts
Such is life.
Is there such a thing as an "eternal waifu" that stands the test of time? I think not.
Its more of sluts that get shitposted about for longer than 2 years
Highschool of the Dead managed to do that.
People in that series are so retarded, they call her an oppai loli.
>flavor of the month
Choose one.
In dire need for a S2
Maybe the ones from older franchises like rei from evangelion and Saber from fate
I legitimately forgot about her.
And now I'm going to fap to her.
They already forgot her.
No but seriously I'll remember her the show made me pick up the LN.
A proper term would be ''fap of the season''. You know, those female characters that stand out in their respective season due to their design/sexual appeal.
Like pic related.
Not even the best in her show.
I'm GLAD people forgot about her
Plenty, but it's generally because the show itself has stood the test of time, not just the girl.
I'm pretty sure people intentionally forgot everything they could about that anime.
Look at these ugly hookers. I can't believe anyone in their right mind thought this shitty FotM anime was good, AND I can't believe anyone would waifu up any of these tasteless moe blobs.
>What is Horo
Good for like 2 episodes then ruined.
Ako is a good girl and so are her friends.
Mai is the perfect girl for me. Even if everyone forgets her, I won't.
You're right. The main cast is so much better.
Oh, is this done already? Time sure flies. All those gifs and image reactions from the first two episodes were for nothing, then.
>Oh, is this done already?
Its been done for well over an entire season. Where the hell have you been??
Her design ascended ''flavor of the month'' status though.
I was traveling abroad and didn't notice. Sorry user. ;_;
Not everyone forgot about her,
She was also bad written
Lum, Minmay, Bulma, Rei, Asuka, Faye, it's a long list.
Not even her manga could save her from monthly status
I don't want Tomoko be ever forgotten.
>fotm waifu
Nah, she still gets some threads.
Most of them are about people wanting to see her pregnant, or having intercourse with a male person with high melanin-concentration in their skin and being of African origin though. .
There was a very specific reason that people dropped Galko though.
Which is?
The "BBC".
She wasn't even best girl of her own show
so this. i dont know why jap faggots like to ruin what could be best girl every single time
Still cutest junk.
Except you clearly remember her. Characters who get really popular will stay in memory. The ones that didn't, well, you don't remember them.
Depends on whether you use "waifu" correctly, or in the Sup Forums "I got 15 new waifus this month XD" way.
bringing in the big guns
>Flavor of the month waifus that no one really remembers anymore.
most shows waifus end up like this cause 99% of anime is very forgettable
Everyone else may have forgotten.
It's more that nobody really waifus them for real, even if waifuing is largely a joke.
But Hestia gets oppai loli thread almost every couple of weeks.
Mark Zuckerberg is still around, user. I don't get it
that's true, but it also comes back to that nobody waifus them for real because the shows are forgettable
I still masturbate often to her doujins.
Maybe you just watch too much anime user
If I convert to Mormonism or Islam can I have more waifus?
How can forget the queen of NTR?
Didn't he died? I could have sworn I heard that google kidnapped him, and failed at injecting hai brain into their hivemind ai, and turned him into a battery, instead.
Or was that the Matrix? I get them confused.
that's not even the case it's just that digibro was right and it's not hard to tell when a show will be forgettable
No one will ever forget her
That is why she is no longer user's waifu. Pay attention to the game.
That's because anime used to have long running shows. Now it's all about shoving as many 1 cour LN ads into a season.
>that no one really remembers anymore
Except her novel is the best selling novel in Japan right now.
Top QT's whose series took a nose dive in intrigue
the waifu that was supposed to be posted in every waifu thread ever
i havent seen her in a good while, RIP user
Let's be kinda honest, her whole schtick was the blue ribbon.
When it turned out that the ribbon cannot really be used as a poorfag-substitute bra as depicted, people really quickly lost interest in her.
People wanted to waifu the ribbon, not the goddess.
The allahu akbar bitch from the shitty isekai show. What was her name again?
Wasn't that Overlord?
I have so many of these fotm waifus to post.
I could never forget my waifu
Aria has threads all the time.
It's one of the more widely liked anime here.
Don't know if this one counts as anime, but she sure as hell was fotm.
Shame that people forgot about this show already, I know it wasn't great but it was good for what it was and the eyecatches were wonderful
I remember
>that no one really remembers anymore.
Doubt it. She has too many fan arts to be forgettable.
Fino is the cutest demon in the universe.
She'll keep a special place in my autistic weeb heart.
I just want more Kashima.
Its a shame because she is absolutely high tier quality
>Posting slut lab
Chaika, forever. Not like typical sluts, get used up. Tossed away, like garbage. Chaika, eternal.
Id agree with you but I see Holo everywhere on Sup Forums from /a to /fit and even /k
I don't think you know what that word means.
Are you seriously STILL mad? Every last one of them eventually drops the charade and fulfills their truest desire of marrying someone actually capable of impregnating them and giving them a real family so there's really no need to be eternally fannyfractured. It's inevitable.
I wish there was more Milf Ako.
I wish MC would touch Ako.
>even /k/
That board is fucking full of weebs.