>King Arthur is a fucking girl
Why do people like this garbage?
King Arthur is a fucking girl
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Because why the fuck not
Because she's cute and submissive, weebs love that.
It's cool
For the waifus.
She's literally a "Servant." She's loyal and submissive to her master. Also she needs to slurp her master's semen to recharge her mana.
Basically Japanese escapism trying to cuck the US in fantasy world, because they got cucked in the real world.
Western fans who waifu Seibah are just pathetic cuck. They like to watch their waifu suck her literal master's dick to regain her mana
Because at one point in the prequel Sir Lancelot hijacks a jet plane and has a dogfight with a Babylonian God-King over the city whilst everyone else teams up to kill Cthulhu in the city below.
Because it's actually good. If it's done by Nasu, at least. It's not like he does her disservice or fucks with King Arthur too much, or worse than any other writer of King Arthurian legends. He actually did his research too by having her pull Caliburn instead of Excalibur.
I'm seeing you in every Fate thread. Will you get a trip already
I don't get why people are so butthurt about this. It's not like anybody has had any experience with the original MYTH other than watching that TV show Merlin or one of the movies
King Arthur is a fucking football player.
There's nothing that Japs can't do that we haven't done to our fucking selves.
Because the world is interesting, it's treatment of magic is interesting and most of the characters are interesting.
Shirou, the protagonist, appears at first glance to be a donkan harem protag but instead we learn he's an utterly broken human being with absolutely no self worth. His main antagonist in the best route is another utterly broken human being who wants to see the entire world suffer out of self pleasure. The next best route has himself from the future completely twisted by his ideals. The best written heroine is literally rape worm food that somehow, someway managed to avoid being completely mindbroken despite years worth of said rape worm abuse starting at a young age.
Really though, the heroines are the weakest part of this series.
What does King Arthur have to do with US? Not that I'd expect an Amerifat to be able to differentiate one part of the Western civilization from another.
Is there an official name for the sword in the stone? In Fate it's Caliburn, but that just tends to an alternate spelling of Excalibur in real world lore. SitS is just that as far as I'm aware.
>nasu good
Yeah, no. World is interesting? I'd concede that, but what he ends up doing with it? Garbage. He can't even keep his timelines straight and just makes shit canon whenever he feels like it.
>It's not like he does her disservice
Chuunicucks are THIS delusional
King Arthur being a girl is very believable if you think about the age she drew Caliburn that stuck her in an androgynous not-puberty stage of life and pretend she didn't wear frilly dresses under her armour.
Now it's all the other fucking gender bends and Saber look-alikes you should be disgusted by. Arthur should have been the ONLY one.
Where's your trip? Why are you posting as an user?
There was a girl that actually became the Pope, so why not a King?
because she's really cute
>Gilgamesh is a Sand Nigger in real life yet turned into a Blonde Hair Swedish looking pretty boy
>Yet no one complains
>Yamamoto Isoroku is a female archer
How come nobody knew that?
This. So much this.
And the real blonde pretty boy Alexander is turned into a tanned ginger. Fucking japs.
>Sand Nigger
What's the difference?