Swimsuits and tentacle porn. What more can you ask for?
Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san 24
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Why am I still reading this shit
You like a cock tease.
Its good 10/10
Chapter end.
Also dumping the special if no one has read it yet.
Tight thigh highs
Special chapter end.
What the fuck happened? Kogarashi never came back up?
something original?
>What more can you ask for?
That I don't feel like i'm literally reading To-Love-Ru every single chapter. Still an enjoyable series though.
tentacles? really?
could this gets in more generic
what the fuck is wrong with page 17
They were all tied up in one moment, then all of sudden they are back in normal.
No fanservice for yuuna?
why the fuck this chapter exist
I fucked up one of Chisaki's lines. Page 18 should be this. Time to go relearn past present and future tenses again.
So basically Chisaki wants to stop her classmates from treating Kogorashi like an idiot.
One Punch Man
A muscleheaded female harem member that Fuyuzora can go on adventures with and make all the other girls jealous.
>What more can you ask for?
I'm confused. How did this make it any better? How far off-shore were they in the boats? How did nobody see them all getting stripped? How did they get back to the buses at sunset and nobody noticed Fuyuzora was missing? What the fuck are the teachers even doing? How did they get their gym uniforms on when they would've left them on the beach or in the buses when they were stripped naked?
Jesus Christ, was this image upscaled from an image for ants or something?
Is there a Mega link for the volume raws?
I want to do lewd things to Sagiri
I want to do lewd things to everyone but Yuuna.
That's because you can't even touch her.
Technically speaking you can't touch Sagiri either.
But Yuuna's character just doesn't appeal to me.
Man I thought I would hate the boring normalfag girl but she's so good.
I don't know, she's only good as a friend to Yuuna. I don't want her to fall in love with Fuyuzora or cause him to become targeted by jealous boys.
Remove shitty ghost.
Ninja the best
She's pretty generic right now. I need her to get more character development before I can consider her better than Oboro.
I want to procreate with Oboro!
Oboro isn't much different. Her character has been done before plenty of times as well.
This entire manga is a fucking generic ecchi manga, don't expect any form of originality from it.
Better predictability than sudden NTR
I'm not complaining about generic, just explaining it for people who are dumb enough to argue about who's more original than who in a generic manga.
We've had too many "innovation" lately and most of them are fucking garbage. It's nice to back to the basic once in a while.
Is it me? Or have the ninja and the normal girl received more development than Ghost?
Well if they follow Ghost's storyline too long, the story would end too fast. Gotta milk them harem money first.
But you can.
Not in the harems I've read so far. Maybe someone like her was in Tenchi but I don't remember.
Nah, Sagiri hasn't had anywhere near as much development as Chisaki. We still don't know why Sagiri is a ninja, where she comes from, etc. Chisaki's got friends, she's become friends with Yuuna, and she's sort of the audience surrogate being dragged around the story. And Yuuna's basically gotten the standard love development thing.
I'd say the person with the most character development aside from Chisaki and Yuuna is Oboro.
I'm pretty sure the reason Sagiri is a demon exterminating ninja is because she was born into it.
So why were none of them around to help Fuyuzora when he was kidnapped by Japanese Army ghosts?
>What more can you ask for?
Setting, story, and characters that don't suck.
Literally Laura Bodewig.
But this story isn't that bad. It's also quite fun.
But not really. Her only motivation was to have Chifuyu in her family and she's played more stupid-innocent than actively attempting to seduce.
Oboro just got some stupid-innocent added the other week, at least for human customs.
>Male classmates are mad jealous virgins against the MC
Everytime. Why can't harem MCs get a proper bro? Nisekoi at least had Shuu
I dunno how it makes things any better. I just translate stuff as best as I can. Felt like the author tried to squeeze a bunch of stuff into the last few pages.
I think the only reason I kept reading was because I like how the MC looks like a literal beach bum. That and the whole "heh I was possessed by a ghost who was crazy good at x once".
This. Honestly, kid MC's crazy ghost adventures seems more interesting
Should've cliffhangered it when the conger showed up and just given us three more pages of ecchi.
>heh I was possessed by a ghost who was crazy good at x once
At one point he's gonna get possessed by a ghost who's crazy good at being crazy good and become crazy good at everything.
notMisaka is best
Procession by a strong martial artist coming soon.
That already happened against the black dragon guy.
Who's that supposed to be?
>I was possessed by a ghost who was crazy good at being a stalker once
>I was possessed by a ghost who was crazy good at being a rapist once
>I was possessed by a ghost who was crazy good at controlling tentacle monsters once
I have no beef with these generic ecchi manga when they don't take themselves too seriously, the genre is pretty entertaining and even somewhat original at times when comedy is prioritized over fighting. It's when a manga goes full 10 chapter long battles when shit starts getting stale for me. I would say that the only manga that I'm reading right now that would be the exception to this is youkai shoujo, which is half interesting half I'm really into monster girls.
>youkai shoujo
This shit got dumber and dumber as days go by. I stopped reading when they introduced the Youkai killing org or whatever the fuck it called.
I would've been fine with it being pure moe/ecchi shit, but then it tried to take itself seriously and failed big time. Now it's such a mess that I can't even enjoy the tits anymore. The story is a complete clusterfuck and the author's writing isn't exactly good.
Talk about wasted potential.
I agree with you completely on the org being a complete shitshow, this latest arc really should have ended with the eyeball dude getting killed unbeknownst to the main characters. This arc has been dragging on way too long but the only saving grace is that it seems like the entire org is going to be ass kicked out for at least a couple arcs, hopefully the author realizes how awful of a decision he made by not just focusing on cute monster girls and adjusts accordingly.
here's for anons who can read it raw
it's got furigana so it's not that hard
Which character looks kind of like this but with boobs?
Oh, for some reason I was thinking you were referring to the girl from Shingeki no Kyojin.
That's only the latest translated arc. The actual raws are about three months ahead.
Ever since the start the whole series has been building towards confrontations with evil youkai and spirit fusion. This didn't come out of nowhere.
But Youkai Shoujo already had fighting in it and the first chapter's plot opener that implies Junk-san got a lot of power from a youkai and also Momo's sister is really shady
The author was either going to go with human enemies or youkai enemies but there was clearly a plot beyond monster of the week in the making
>can't enjoy the titties
Where can I download the raws? Especially the volume raws so I can read it uncensored?
>uncensored version
is it already out as a tankobon?
Yes. But the only source I found was a shady Japanese blog that had a password-restricted raw and no password listed on the site.
Damn I really need to learn Japanese
The monster of the week is the last thing I want but there has to be some middle ground between the monster of the week Rosario Vampire and the battle harem Rosario Vampire II, I just feel that the author upset the balance in the latest translated arc by having an evil youkai fight lead into a simultaneous organization fight.
>still no chapter with MC petting the cat girl while she lies in his lap in human form
I want him petting Yaya when she's a cat. I want more chapters with her in general getting character development.
>Can't find A_Cat_Is_Fine_Too.jpg
Dear god, how could I lose it?
But I liked that battle harem
>Dear god, how could I lose it?
You probably had it saved as something else
Usually when I can't find an image which I feel I should be able to find easily it's because I named it something else for some reason
I never name files anything special. I just save them as whatever they were named as. I have a near-photographic memory and based on the images I see I know where I am in the folder and whether I'm close to the iagme I'm loking for or not.
>photographic memory
>used for enhanced shitposting
Sup Forums is truly a wonderful website
Isn't that the definition of autism?