Macross Delta vs G-Reco

Which one do you like the most and why?

Who is the best MC, Bellri or Hayate? Who is the best heroine, Aida or Freyja? Best mecha, Delta's or G-Reco's? Which show has the best plot and characters?

Did Kawamori finally surpass Tomino?

G-Reco is better.

Kawamori surpassed him with SDF.

That's such a big bait.
At least 100 responses incoming.

Why do this

Delta all the way.

I haven't even seen Delta to know it's better than G-reco.

The fact that Delta has Freyja already makes it better than G-reco

Stop embarassing yourself and go back to /m/

Go to sleep user

G-Reco had better animation and character designs, but everything else was terrible. Delta on the other hand is an okay show and Freya is great.

Considering Macross Delta is the exact same Macross show we've been seeing since the original, with only names and hair changed while the plots remain woefully predictable because Kawamori can't grow up, I'll have to give G-Reco the win on this. This is not to say that G-Reco is good, merely that it's a show as opposed to being a tired retelling of a past Eurovision.
t. Carl Macek, the Invid Flower of Life

shitposting goes to /m/

>Considering Macross Delta is the exact same Macross show we've been seeing since the original,
You're not even trying. Delta is different from the others macross.

Considering G-Reco is the exact same Tomino show we've been seeing since the start, with only names and hair changed while the plots remain woefully predictable because Tomino can't grow up, I'll have to give Delta the win on this.

The truth is both are low points for their respective franchises

>Considering G-Reco is the exact same Tomino show we've been seeing since the start,
I wish. I liked all his previous Gundams, even the ones I'm not a big fan of like ZZ were watchable, but G-Reco was fucking shit.

glad to see that Sup Forums has even worse taste than /m/

this is why we don't discuss mecha here

Was it really? I was going to watch the first one and zeta but unicorn and G-Reco was too much UNDERSTANDING for me.

Bellri is killed in Delta, so Delta wins.



Kawamori surpassed Tomino decades ago.

I can't think of a macross better than turn a though.


Not a Macross
Wasn't directed by him
Its worse than Turn A



G-Reco was an experience that was unlike any anime that was airing at the time and felt like Tomino actually gave a shit. Meanwhile Delta is this.

>using mob psycho's tome to shitpost
Fuck off and killyoursef.

You're going to have to explain yourself.

>Not a Macross
Kawamori show

>Wasn't directed by him
Like every show besides Macross Zero. Macross Delta isn't even directed by him. He only does the story board and supervises.

>Its worse than Turn A

Macross Delta is an experience unlike any anime that airing and feels like Kawamori actually gives a shit. Meanwhile G-Rekt is this.

On what? I loved Escaflowne outside its ending.

What the fuck is this?


Fanservice. G-Reco panders to girls and homosexuals, Delta panders to straight men.

>Kawamori show
>I can't think of a macross better than turn a though.
>Like every show besides Macross Zero
So he wasn't even the reason why its good. Coincidentally Macross Zero is the only one he's written and directed and its fucking shit.
Glad you agree

Macross Delta = Marvel flick

On how Escaflowne is anything like Macross except for being created by Kawamori.

Chief Director: Shoji Kawamori
Director: Kenji Yasuda

MC is taking a dump. G-Reco's MS have toilets built into them. I'm serious.

>Macross Delta is an experience unlike any anime that airing

I like both.

>Macross Zero is the only one he's written and directed and its fucking shit
Nice blog

It's got robbits.

Are you retarded?

>That Robotech on the pic
Nice bait.

It has a love triangle and transformable mecha. Did it have songs too? I don't remember any but I watched it 15 years ago.

You know, I didn't think anything about it when they first introduced toilets. Yeah, it does make sense, they can spend a lot of time inside. But they focused on those toilets so often it became stupid.

Nice argument

Double Zeta is better than both.

Can we all agree on this?

I actually like this. I mean what if you're stuck on patrol for a long time and you suddenly have to shit? Do you dock your Gundam in the main ship, get out, run to a bathroom, and take a dump, only to have to set up everything again to go back outside?

>But they focused on those toilets so often it became stupid.
Its literally brought up once

>Did it have songs too?
no. Yoko Kanno composed both Escaflowne and Turn A.

Well sure

But it's not anime.

Did you even watch the show? He's taking off his clothes because he's sweaty.

BvS is only good if you watch the Ultimate edition. G Reco doesn't have one.

Poop and toilet jokes are funny.

>BvS is only good if you watch the Ultimate edition.
What is this lie?

You didn't watch G-Reco, did you?

>a brief photo in comparison to half an episode of this

Macrossfags always lose.

I miss Bellri, I liked how crazy he was


>Macross Delta = Marvel flick

This comparison makes no sense. G-Reco was a goofy and colorful and was hated by retards. BvS was dark and brooding and hated by everyone.

Nice, I missed this edit.

G-Reco was hated by everyone, stop deluding yourself. The only ones who liked are retarded Tominococksuckers.

>G-Reco was hated by everyone
Found the retard


The characters in Delta are dull and one-dimensional
Bellri > Hayate
Aida > Mirage
Raraiya > Freyja


Delta is better in just about everything except for the lack of retarded browns.

Jesus the character designs in Delta are fucking shit

Did you figure out how to use the mirror?


G-Reco is better in just about everything except for the lack of retarded idols.

Nah from the notice that you claim that everyone hates G-Reco that's when I knew you were retarded.

They are better than the ones you posted at least, you'll have to admit that.

No of course not you must be fucking insane or have legit shit taste

Much better than Reco.

>IP counter didn't move

Okay, let me fix that, I didn't want to invisiblize your experience: Everyone who isn't a retard hates G-Reco. Retards love it, you guys can easily identify with the characters.

Yes, because I've posted in the thread already

>Everyone who isn't a retard hates G-Reco
>its hated on ANN, Reddit and MAL
Why does G-Reco shitposting backfire every-time?

Because you were samefagging

>invisiblize your experience
Yet you have the gall to call somebody retarded
Because calling G-Reco shit is the same as agreeing with MAL and ANN's tastes.

Delta obviously.

Everyone who says otherwise is intentionally trying to stir shit up.

>it's liked on /m/
See, retards like it.

G-Reco obviously.

Everyone who says otherwise is intentionally trying to stir shit up.

Same fagging what?

See G-rektards can't understand that people have different opinions about things.

Now this is legit same fagging.

Visuals and animation: G-Reco
Everything else: Delta

Tomino is a great guy but my love for Macross far surpasses my feelings for Gundam. Plus, G-Reco wasn't that great.

Delta is exactly how idol shows should be. The music takes a leading role, but there's still some moderate worldbuilding, character development, appreciable arcs etc. The idols and the songs aren't literally the only thing it has going for it.

Why are you comparing a music idol show with a non music idol show? Unlike gundamn a solid third of Delta is comitted to song and girls dancing around, so obviously they don't have as much time to play around with other factors of the show.

More like it's hated by every anime community on the internet other than some Tominofags retards on /m/. But keep telling yourself that the rest of the world is wrong and you and your four /m/ Tominofag pals are right. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Why do grecofags get so defensive whenever someone criticises their shitshow?

G-reco. As shitty as it is at least it's shitty in an interesting way. A wild ride that makes no fucking sense, but the animation is gorgeous. Also dat TSUKAME PURAIDOOOO

No one liked Bellri?

>Still no semi-AU Gundam about the humans living outside the Solar system

The hatedumb is real

Is this a bait thread?

>More like it's hated by every anime community on the internet
Hyperbole much?