Is this the most overrated anime out there?

Is this the most overrated anime out there?
This is The Beatles of anime.

I think I enjoyed naruto better. though I have the fondest memories of naruto from when I was like 15 and this I saw at age 24.

Nice pasta fag

2003 > Brotherhood

What? if anything every thread about FMA on the archive is about how it is the best shounen or something along those lines.

I'm starting to think that's the case but I watched brotherhood because I trusted my friend's taste.


>Is this the most overrated anime out there?

That would be The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya.

that's slightly good though, fma is just... underwhelming to say the least. Even for a Battle Shounen.

Gintama is probably the most overrated anime of all time.

Each has his quirks, I can't decide which is better, I liked the darker theme of 2003, but brotherhood was the perfect manga adaptation, but i have some extra love for the 2003 version

Only on MAL

>watched the first serie when I was a kid
>anime was not very popular at the time
>watched dubbed in my non-english native language
>voice actor couldn't care less about this shitty cartoon for nips kid
>get the same voices as in some TV commercials and low budget movies
>OPs and EDs music were ridiculously catchy
>laughed at every failed attempt to get a grasp of european culture/history by the authors

kek af
best time of my life, but FMA:B is cringe-tier

brotherhood is meh, 2003 is good

I thought the hivemind thought the complete opposite, this is surprising.

That would be Eva

Those few hipsters hardly represent the majority.


Have you heard of mirai nikki and SAO?

No, Eva is one of the best things the medium has put out. Not recognicing that is being MAL tier,

It's from google images. Check your autism.

Haven't seen them but haven been lured into watching them because opinions on them are pretty modet.

FMA:B is praised fucking everywhere as the best anime ever and it is very mediocre.

I feel like you have to read the manga back when it first came out to fully appreciate it. I watched Brotherhood back in 2011 and I thought it was at most, a gracefully generic shonen anime. There was nothing in there that stood out to me over any other shonen shows I've seen, nevermind what other anime from other genres could offer.

If had read FMA back when it first came out to see how it contributed to the genre and see what things it did first, maybe I'd like it better.

As it stands now, it's leagues below shows like

Eden of the East
Code Geass
Samurai Champloo

to name a few.

>I have the fondest memories of naruto from when I was like 15
>and this I saw at age 24
You still watching naruto?
Might have some nostalgia goggles on there friendo :^)

Also I think it might have to with the fact that naruto tends to spawns more spergs and pathetic weeabos compared to FMA.
Its like the acceptable alternative for One Piece, Bleach and Naruto.
Its a start in the right direction for a people who like shonen.

Nice bait though OP

Misadventures of Haruhi is no less overrated.

Anything in the monogatari series is overrated as all hell.

those are newfags, i still prefer brotherhood over 2003.

Monogatari is the Nirvana of anime

It's pretty good for a shonen tbqhwyfamalam.
It was a large scale story that was conclusive and well directed, like the author actually thought the story out before writing it, and that already makes it better than 90% of the genre.

That's not Hunter x Hunter.

Shinobu is its only saving grace.