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Woah! Jake. I was just talking to your father- what do you have there?

E-van jelly on!


"Neon Genesis Evanjellyon, whew! Wow! What does he do?"

Too soon.

"Wellll he's a good guy, he can fly, and he has a silver sword that kill bad guys!"
"Yeah and he's 60 feet tall."

How else should it be said? I think most people base it off the base it off the pronunciation of "evangelical".

I know the Japanese runes go something like ヴァンゲリオン so its a げ sound.

did they really sell eva toys at department stores

So was the movie good or is it all a meme?

Yes. They also used to sell Gundam model kits back in Target, Kmart, and Toys R Us as well back when Wing and MSG were airing for the first time on Toonami.

>good guy

no fun fact it was from robin williams personal collection
personally i liked it, really fucking weird. also in the movie robin goes "photo developing is an art, it isn't something any fool can take a week long class in and master" and he actually took a 3 day course for the movie or so

>reifag is okay with mpes being called good guys


God, that movie was fucked up.

I actually have the 002 from this figure-line. The packaging looks very similar.

Yes, the nips pronounce it with a hard g, even though that's not how it should be pronounced. Similar to Ghibli, which in nipponese is pronounced with a soft g when it's an Italian word pronounced with a hard g.

>missing the point of that entire scene
Asukafags everyone.

>keel-chan is okay with mpes being called toys
>keel-chan is okay with rei being called a toy, too

>Robin Williams will never play Gendou ;_;

Fucking Elevens.

>I've been pronouncing it with a hard G all these years without realizing
>I even pronounce 'Evangelical" with a J sound

And people get angry when you pronounce gif as jif

Just read the pronunciation bit on wikipedia.

>Graphics Interchange Format
>Let's pronounce it jif because I like Jif's peanut butter

I'm laughing here, really.

But was he a reifag?

pic related
"Evangelical" does use a soft "g" though, that's correct.

>kill bad guys

>kids not understanding nge
what else is new.

I always thought that Asuka was supposed to be a villain.

>I've been pronouncing it with a hard G all these years without realizing
You should be using a hard G sound for evangelion
It's a made up word and they use the げ sound which is with a hard G

Did he had watched 3.0 ?

Why do you think he hung himself?

Pretty sure this movie came out before rebuild. Not that it makes this kid's description any less ridiculous, but if you gonna shit on it at least don't refer to rebuild.

>It's a made up word

It's just greek and means gospel, it's not "made up".

But yes, it's pronounced with a hard g, same with "genesis" in the title.

I heard after the film Robin Williams actually became a fan of Evangelion. Sadly, the movies weren't good enough from killing himself.

Actually he was always a fan and the toys in the movie were actually his.

If so, how did what the kid said not make him cringe?

Because he understood the symbolism of the series.


this scene was what sold me on the idea that Robin Williams was a massive anime fan. Only people who've seen EoE would be draw the connections between Robin's character and the mass production Evas.

what was the point?