Trump is about to EO off Obamacare

Forget the slide threads and get comfy Sup Forums, shit is about to get real as fuck.

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do it now!

if he tries to force healthcare on the populace he's no better than obongo.

nobody forces a product on me.

do it or we will all vote for whoever that black guy was in the republican primaries was in 2020 just to fuck with you


Do it, Drumpf. You'll be impeached so fast your head will spin. Get ready for HILDAWG!

>the power of the pen

>if he tries to force healthcare on the populace he's no better than obongo.

He's just the right's Obama at this point. He's literally a fucking traitors to the constitution and republic.

Who made these apocryphal pepes, by the way?

Except car insurance

i love how clinton is still brought up as relevant
let this meme never die.

What did double sevens mean by this???

Rand Paul is a fraud, a sham, a snake oil salesman, a con man, a liar and scum. He is The Establishment dressed as a Libertarian and should be tarred and feathered like the rest of them for his role in The Great GOP Deception.

So you don't like him?



>muh constitution
if you guys still think muh constitution is going to save you from healthcare reforms you seriously need to slow down on weed and my little pony
I don't give a fuck about your purist view on Rand. I do give a fuck about a healthcare bill drafted by Rand and validated by the God-Emperor himself that will BTFO the D.C establishment for eternity and beyond.

Holy shit, back to back

Anti-inflammatory bump

I'd have to see the plan, but I don't see a way to just "make" affordable healthcare of high quality


>((((one post by this id))))

You're welcome to take up arms against the deep state in accordance with your Second Amendment rights and Constitutional right to overthrow a tyrannical gouvernment.
Just don't cry when you regret creating a power vacuum.

Everything you posted is completely true, but I'm still curious to see what comes of this. Health care is one of the main things Trump ran on, he had an enormous part of his campaign page dedicated to it, and its well thought out. Though the fact that none of the GOP had a health care bill ready to replace the ACA shows they're all frauds and liars. Trump's campaign put more thought into revamping the insurance industry than the entire GOP has in 10+ years.

That is unfortunately true, but kicking out leeches and pre-existing conditions-riddled fucks to lower premiums for normal people while BTFOing the entire liberal world in proportions unseen since the election is good enough, I'll take it.

>1. Completely repeal Obamacare. Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate.
>No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.

>2. Modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines.
>As long as the plan purchased complies with state requirements, any vendor ought to be able to offer insurance in any state

>3. Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system.
>Businesses are allowed to take these deductions so why wouldn’t Congress allow individuals the same exemptions?

>4. Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Contributions into HSAs should be tax-free and should be allowed to accumulate.
>These accounts would become part of the estate of the individual and could be passed on to heirs without fear of any death penalty.

>5. Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals.
> Individuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical-related procedure.

>6. Block-grant Medicaid to the states. Nearly every state already offers benefits beyond what is required in the current Medicaid structure.
>The state governments know their people best and can manage the administration of Medicaid far better without federal overhead.

>7. Remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe,reliable and cheaper products.
>Congress will need the courage to step away from the special interests and do what is right for America.

That was Trump's campaign plan.

How much you wanna bet he's trying to spook congress?

The left is so fucking hypersensitive they think twitter, the modern version of writing in the sand or a bathroom stall wall, is somehow legal documentation. He says shit, they go fucking mental, and generally either exposing their horseshit or going along with whatever they're supposed to, jerking their superiority boners all the way.

Betcha a cookie he's just trying to light a fire under congress, the general idea being people will now piss and moan and cry, scream "impeach, impeach!" to the heavens...but slowly more and more will push to fucking pass something, if only to stick it to mean, mean trump, even if they have to make some compromise. Look how he just made them eat shit over DACA doing the exact same goddamn thing.

It's not even chess, it's telling a 4 year old they can't stay quiet longer then you, and enjoying a few hours of peace before they crow about how they beat you.


What you want to keep in mind is that the Corker feud has officially launched the midterms campaign, and Trump is now going to increase fire against the establishment cucks that conspire against him since the election. He is wiping them out, that's the plan. Look at what Bannon says over the last days. We are entering a new stage in the war.

Trump can EO his way through an Obamacare abrogation, Thomas Wictor has demonstrated it some time ago - check his Twitter, it's his pinned tweet. It is possible that he is doing a power play against the Congress but what is more likely is that he doesn't even need to.
I believe we are rather approaching the time of truth establishment Republicans. Either they team up with Trump and keep their seats, or they keep cucking out to protect their Beltway status and connections, and Trump is going to unleash hell on them until they are primaried out by Trump-friendly shitlords wherever necessary.

Trump doesn't need Congress to repeal Obamacare.

Ah ah a literal baby despot, burgers are stuck with a borderline twitter addict with tantrum issues

>trump isn't serious about getting the nomination!
>trump isn't really going to run!
>trump doesn't want to be president!
>t-trump won't even be sweared in

Are strategists really mad that trumps supporters are not tied blindly to trump? Trump supporters have certain principles that they want to see enacted and are unwilling to support anyone who doesnt support them.

Weird its almost like they only want sheep.

I know he's a manlet but jeez... take it easy on him.

The founders set up a republic so the president had LIMITED power. He can veto bills, not establish bills. Trump is literally a fucking traitor who should be impeached for some of the shit he's done. It's time to return to the founders vision of CHECKS AND BALANCES

link to tweet

but Sup Forums trumpists are sheepingly gobbling anything trump spouts
you do not look like a sheep at all with your weak attempts at shilling

>but Sup Forums trumpists are sheepingly gobbling anything trump spouts

The cult of trump

They replace the Christian religion with the "god emperor" and Israel

>the first president in about 30 years to receive a prominent youth vote
>and continued enthusiasm after the elections have ended
>and someone to call out the press and media for their bullshit
>this terrifies the globalist

>the first president in about 30 years to receive a prominent youth vote


Trump did awful with youth voters, even in the primaries.


big if true

typical trump gobbler deflecting legit statements and proving my point

Generation zyklon is about as redpilled as they come from the 'factory. stats plz?

I think he meant the first *republican president in 30 years.

Obama did it all the time and got away with it.
That sets an arguable precedent and would give credence to the idea that Congress and the Senate are corrupted and need cleansing.

You don't have to own a car

Undoing unconstitutional healthcare is the opposite of forcing healthcare on us, faggot.

>GOP are frauds
And this is one of the main reasons the Republican establishment didn't want Trump.

The GOPe expected Hillary to win back in 2014 or earlier, so they LITERALLY had no plans for a victory.

Even when Trump appeared to have a shot, the GOPe was against him.

All those years of complaining about ObamaCare, and they had no plan

>god emperor
why do you faggots come here? you can't even vote yet in all likelihood. the age for Sup Forums is 18 (i know because a mod banned me for 30 days for joking about being 12, thanks faggot mods)

Interesting perspective. Sounds much smarter than our government actually is though.

you sure look like you know a lot about gobbling, friendo
judging by your comment I'd venture to estimate you're probably the one around 18 here, most likely with a faggy teen body who plays the alpha online


That ain't true, theres a reason Trump hasn't shit talked him even though he also killed obongocare replacement, also Rand used to be a doctor or his father was a doctor so he knows a little more than the average politician.

All these nigger shills about to get btfo by The God Emperor Trump and The Good Senator Paul. I will say their names when I pray.

>that meme
just kidding lefty-memes are only ironically funny, because of how bad they are
thanks cuckblue

>t. Berntard

Wow more deflection, more "no u", more hiding behind ad hominem.
Why is nu-pol incapable of reading the fucking sticky?

>40% of youth votes is 'bad'
jesus christ turn off cnn for a day faggot

>Trump had a secret weapon he made with the Randlet all along

Explains a lot t b h

Praise him!

I remember when Sup Forums wasn't full of ignorance.

I used to support Trump but now....
Yeah fuck off...

Taco Bell nigger detected
Digits confirm no comp


>he uses memes unironically
wew lad

The only people who say this are nu-pol. I think its one of the mods from T_D. You have to go back.


The problem is, if he EO's it, a future President can simply EO it away.

>muh sticky
sure kiddo, I'm totally buying your frame
Not gonna lie, former Drumpf voter here

>we can't trick principled voters into supporting our establishment fraud senate nominee
>no one is in control, what do?

GOP strategists are clueless. They don't understand voters because they never leave DC.

A Taco Bell nigger like you would not understand.

>if he tries to force healthcare on the populace

He's just going to eliminate state lines so that there's more than 2 options for insurance. More options = more competition = lower prices. The biggest part of Obamacare was disallowing them to compete across state lines. Some less populated states have literally one insurance provider option and get fucked hard because of it.

I highly doubt he'll enact any kind of single payer nonsense.

>The founders set up a republic so the president had LIMITED power. He can veto bills, not establish bills.

WTF does establish bills even mean?

The role of the executive is to execute laws passed by the legislature. This is true for Mayors, Governors and Presidents.

The legislature has NO POWER to dictate how these laws are executed. That is up to the executive branch. However the executive cannot break the law either. They must follow what is laid out. But some statutes are very vague and provide a lot of flexibility. Obamacare is a mess of vague statutes with a handful of crippling, specific mandates.

Whatever happens I expect a lawsuit to follow. Only the courts can stop trump.

It's funny because they actually like Miley Cyrus. That's how fucked they are in the intelligence department.

>Except car insurance
>Except taxes for the military, schools, roads, fire service

Also "forcing healthcare" LOL. Do you want to die in a ditch?

Both political parties are just trying to forward their agenda and serve the donors.
However we did get lucky that Hillary isn't in office dude. We would be worse off than canada.

The delegates will finally be mine

Feds too big. Every 8th grade awoooo poster knows that. Pretty obvious he doesn't believe in those things either.

That plan was horrible and you should feel horrible.

>1. Completely repeal Obamacare. Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate.
>No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.

OK, go crash the individual insurance market. You have no idea what you are talking about.

>2. Modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines.
>As long as the plan purchased complies with state requirements, any vendor ought to be able to offer insurance in any state

THEY CAN ALREADY DO THIS. HOLY SHIT you fuckers are retarded. They just don't because they don't want to "comply with state requirements". They'd rather sell the shittiest insurance plans they can where they already are.

. Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system.

OK sure. This will save people like $300. Whoo big win. /s

. Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Contributions into HSAs should be tax-free and should be allowed to accumulate.
>These accounts would become part of the estate of the individual and could be passed on to heirs without fear of any death penalty.

Not against this, but only well off people will use it. It doesn't fix shit for poor people.

. Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals.
> Individuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical-related procedure.

All for this, but you need more than feel good words for this to work.

>6. Block-grant Medicaid to the states. Nearly every state already offers benefits beyond what is required in the current Medicaid structure.

No, this is dumb.

>7. Remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe,reliable and cheaper products.

Sure, go ahead.

>Feds too big.
I can make shit up too. FEDS TOO SMALL!

Name some actual programs you are against and why.

>responding to info pulled off the campaign site as if I wrote it myself
Stay in /leftypol/ you limp dick faggot.

Please go back to /leftypol/
you socialist faggot.

Just stating it was a dumb plan.

Sure. Healthcare is a pretty obvious example. EPA, which has been discarded at this point. Medicare at this point is pretty much fucked. Education regulations and insitutions. SPECIFICALLY the food services. Welfare and most financial aid programs aswell.
I feel like the tenth amendment just isn't exercised enough when it comes to taxes on states. There shouldn't be some weird system where the states give all their money to the fed and then the fed with a bunch of fucking pork in it gives the same money back to the state.
I mean the point is for the states to run its own policies and allow other states to run accordingly depending on their results.

He already tries using Twitter this exact way. Now I think hes actually saying what he's going to do, Congress be damned.

I'm all for HSA's. Using my pretax money for healthcare gets me so erect.

Everything you wrote was wrong. Get out.

Fuck off cuck.

State how I was wrong if you are convinced otherwise.

HSAs are good. I have no problem with them, but they aren't a long-term solution.

great news! millions of americans will celebrate on the streets soon!

why isnt this cunt using the power of the bullet before soros paid agents kick off the cival war 2.0 in the states, all cheeto man has gotta do is make a call from his bunker to his special forces and give them their santa's lists

You a fan, a phony, a fake, a pussy, a Stan
I still whip yo' ass, you 36 in a karate class?

>THEY CAN ALREADY DO THIS. HOLY SHIT you fuckers are retarded. They just don't because they don't want to "comply with state requirements". They'd rather sell the shittiest insurance plans they can where they already are.

They can't sell across state lines unless they comply with every single state. What some are proposing is make national requirements for an insurance to comply with to be able to sell in every state or to let an insurance company be based on one states requirements and then be able to sell nationally. Instead of some states just having 1 insurer this would allow for a state like North Dakota to have potentially dozens of options. The insurance companies will have to compete driving down costs and raising benefits to the customer.

>hating the constitution

Fugg...this is the storm


You're having a tough time tonight