Can we talk about this race
Elves are made for _ _ _ _
Other urls found in this thread:
Chapter 2 when?
Sils. Elves are for Sils.
Nice to see some vanilla elf for a change.
chapter 2 where?
finne is a flat brown elf where he pays him a visit to see if she's ok then ends up fucking her
Elves are natural sluts.
And I got excited thinking CH2 was out damnit.
Elves bond to one partner for thousands of years, user.
Humans, on the other hand.
Go to Sup Forums archive, ctrl+f, type in elves. Summed up how to avoid these threads.
>this thread again
I hope you die in a fire
>not desperately breeding with a different elf every day
This guy sounds like a complete faggot. Also we just had this thread
Have an episode;
How do we make Elves more interesting?
Make their Ears even longer and even more pointer.
Make your own fantasy race instead of ripping off elves from Tolkein.
Then call them elves.
Ummm what? i only kill orcs and fuck elves
You can't. They have no place in the eternal Kingdom of Jerusalem
>Not doing what Jesus and the Jews would do.
>Not just buying the land peacefully and paying the inhabitants to leave.
Oh, user.
whats name of this anime?
Elf porn is even worse than NTR, the point of it is to take better and more intelligent race and degrade it by low scum like humans or orcs
Everyone enjoying this need to be tortured and killed
>Jews are on the same level as Saracens.
You just talked shit about Jesus as well in that.
Tell me what makes Elves fascinating?
They are basically:
-Humans with longer pointy ears.
-Long ass lifespans
-Sometimes higher IQ than humans
-Stereotypically live in Forests / sometimes made out to be Hippies.
-They can only cast nature magic or some shit, and can't become Paladins for some reasons.
-They usually come in the color of: Albino, White, Tan, Black, or Purple
I don't understand why people care about them? They are basically Humans.
I'm sure if there was a group of humans it was 100% morally acceptable to rape and murder people would talk about them a lot too.
>I'm sure if there was a group of humans it was 100% morally acceptable to rape and murder people would talk about them a lot too.
You can do that to Humans already, and people do talk about them, but the groups names vary.
They're humans but better.
Male elves that aren't traps.
>Sometimes higher IQ than humans
Elves tend to have higher intelligence and dexterity stats than their human counterparts, therefore elves are made for the thief and mage classes.
Elves are better suited for Paladins since they're much stronger. They have the height, the bright hair, the faith. Everything.
Traps get old fast when that's all there is.
Fuck off Blizzard
The original Tolkien elves are not necessarily stronger than humans, but are faster and more resilient.
Wait is this fanfic or is it from somewhere?
/tg/ being /tg/ if I remember correctly
Chapter 2 is finally set to appear in Anthurium 41, it goes on sale 12/08 (a bit over two weeks) though it'll probably be month or more after that before we get scans.
On the plus side, that preview page says it'll be 46 pages.
Make manga adaptation of Silmarillion
Sounds about right. Seems like a kinda revisionist-hfy sorta deal
Fushigi na somera-chan
>implying they wouldn't shit it right up with SoL bullshit.
Even if the children of Hurin are literally Japan's wet dream, it could only end badly.
Okay once again
>Make faithful manga adaptation of Silmarillion
Again, they'd just fuck it up. They couldn't not.
what game is she playing?
>5 AM
>Have to be up at 8 for work
>See this posted
Time to fap.
>being Sup Forums
>not working nightshift
what are you doing nigger
Dumb neet poster
Betting she's playing a really crazy fast and intense arcade game.
Elves are made for love, elves are for hugs.
Elves are miracles.
>it's an elf thread
Frig off UK its 2am here, middle of my shift
>tfw I once worked 5d12hr night shifts.
>tfw I shitposted on Sup Forums while on the job.
>tfw the pay was nice and better than most average jap would ever get who would work more hrs than me.
>tfw I had to quit the job because it fucked me hard when it came to class and being arms deep in blood.
>tfw I shitpost during the afternoons now.
I miss that job.
I love that part.
>Not playing Dark Souls 3
Shit elf
What length and angle is the most perfect one for elven ears?
I never finished that game.
I just stopped after beating the second demon. Maybe I should get back to it. Mikami was cute.
Don't be like that, elves are nice.
>Can we talk about this race
There is nothing to talk about. Japanese elves are the most boring, bland and uninteresting elves. Prove me wrong.
>playing dark souls 3
shit taste
even 2 was better.
>implying 1 was not the best
Was that fully translated?
>Implying Demon's Souls isn't last good Souls
12hr shifts are rough, i wouldn't blame you for quitting on that alone. I only have 3 or so a month and they suck ass, its like you live to work
Really? Another elf thread? Those degrade either into standard shitposting threads or /tg/ discussions. I don't get it, usually Sup Forums is pretty on-topic, but for some reason these kinds of threads stay up, despite breaking rule 1. and being in general off-topic.
She;s probably playing Final Fantasy Dissidia Duodecim. Or FFXI, because that's where she's from. Also hands off mai waifu.
>the dying race
>natural sluts
I hate japan sometimes.
that was never implied.infact the opposite was implied seeing as how there are only 3 dark souls(not counting demon's) games and i implied the 2nd and 3rd were shit
Yeah I stopped beating after second demon too
Take it back
Instead of playing the game she's from, she'd be more likely to be playing XIV.
Yeah, but I've never sen anyone that excited to play XIV.
I will purge YOU
Japanese elves are shit, make place for the real ones.
That little bitch on the left is going to be fucking smashed.
Yeah, but it was still so glorious that Blind Guardian made a song about him.
Thats what you think. You'd be right.
Maybe if all elves weren't so bad and they were as good as this dude, maybe we won't hate em. But no, we all can't have a Vamirio and Azudora to be both the male and females of the elven race.
>implying facing down the most powerful being short of God is something a little bitch would do.
People don't understand the glory of battling foes when time stands still (at the iron hill).
I'm just saying, that guy should at least bring his squad armed with Glocks, or fucking Bazookas. That tall motherfucker looks like he's packing some serious heat.
Why is everyone in these elf threads so fucking stupid?
He has faith on his side. He won't fall to no mother fucker.
>clothes on
>up skirt
>not cow/blimp tits
I need this in my life.
You are literally biting on weakest bait ever posted in an elf thread
elves in the rain
Place them in places they aren't usually. Like Beach Elves, Sky Elves, Mountain Elves, Swamp Elves, Volcanic Elves, etc.
No body ever talks about elves seriously here. They just self insert themselves into their fantasy and post them here. Sometimes,I wonder if everybody here aren't just people who talk about how they like to be raped by monsters on /jp/.