Why always loafers

why always loafers

Do people actually religiously take their shoes off like that?

They never wear outside shoes inside. Watch more shit.

Because murrican leather.


>wearing shoes indoors

Why the hell would you wear your dirt and shit covered shoes into your nice clean house?

Why can't they wear high heels all the time?

Some countries actually clean their streets you know?


kys lad

Wait, this can't be a serious post, can it?


Do you use public restrooms? Congratulations on having walked in piss

It's pretty fucking rude to ask someone to take off their shoes, user. We're not living on a farm and we all know you're not japanese.

As a second generation Japanese immigrant fuck you yes I am. Even then that culture has still spread to the islands of Hawaii where I live

It's pretty fucking rude to walk into my house (which you might notice if you were to enter has a conspicuously placed shoe rack, containing shoes that people took off before entering) wearing shoes.

I have never had a single person balk if I ask them to take off their shoes. It is totally a cultural thing though, don't assume it is just japanese or even national.

> rude to ask somone not to track dirt in
> its my house
Ok so next time I spit in your eggs dont bother to ask me not to cuz that would be rude

This is also common where I live in GA. It's so humid, muddy, and moist outside it's pretty common for people to take their shoes off before they go inside someone's house. It just creates such a mess here. I think it's a culture thing that's developed based on climate really...

We do that here in Minnesota too though. I don't know, it just makes sense. Especially if you have a lot of carpeted floors (which I do)

>Hawaiian japanese
Fuck, I'm sorry for your loss man

Because in most civilised countries people take off their shoes before coming inside.

Obviously anyone would follow their friend's pretentious house rules, but imagine for a second being a functioning member of society working a white collar job, and having your boss and his wife over for dinner, or a client and his kids, or your the old coot father of your maiden waifu, and basically forcing them as soon as they enter the door to take off their fucking shoes because they're so dirty and you're not. It's insulting and presumptious as fuck.

And it's not like they have a choice, you're forcing them implicitly because they'd be the obnoxious dickheads if they refused your house's rules, no matter how insulting they are. Bet you tryhards don't even have guest room slippers to offer them.

So you live on the farm

Yes you fucking slob.

>because they're so dirty and you're not
You think I don't take my shoes off in my own house?

Where the hell do you live, you autist?

Obviously you don't walk in with dirty shoes. He was talking about "religiously taking their shoes off", as in "always, dirty or not".

I'm american and my family has never taken off their shoes at the doorway, but I never mind doing it at other (purely american) friends houses. Doing it automatically will never make you look bad.
Its just something people either care about or don't, but respect it if they do

But what do you when you enter a normal human's home where the host and his guests all wear their basic articles of clothing?

Just shed into your nighties and walk around barefoot like a barbarian? Checkmate NEET

>Doing it automatically will never make you look bad.

Doing it automatically here makes it look like you are making yourself overly comfortable. Basically the same as walking past them, plopping down on their couch, putting your feet up on the coffee table, and turning on the TV, all without asking permission.

>Doing it automatically will never make you look bad
Kek you just flash your smudged whitey tighty's wherever the world takes you?

>be at house party
>only guest in socks

>be at dinner party
>only guest in socks

>BBQ in backyard
>only guest watching longingly from behind glass screen door in socks

Also this

How does pausing in the doorway to take off your shoes equal that in any way? If the people don't care about it they will tell you when you start taking them off, if they don't they will let you do it and appreciate you for it

A party is entirely different and you (probably) know it.

I take my shoes off. The host will tell me if they don't mind me leaving my shoes off. Or they're my friend and I know their rules re:shoes.
Some people have carpets you baboon. Have you ever cleaned tread in dirt out of a carpet?
If it's a barbecue I can usually leave my shoes by the porch door.

Regardless this is shoeposting and certainly not anime.

Yes, you would look like a madman if you tried walking into anyone's house with your shoes on.
I bet you're confused when they change their outerwear shoes to innerwear shoes in school anime.

How is it different? If anything it's even more severe. Wouldn't your pristine house be completely dirty as fuck with all those filthy shoes walking around in it?

Yes, it's a sacred ritual.

It's polite to ask. I'm the user sperging out about it but I still ask anytime there are shoes by the door. I've never said anything because it's just a peeve but why the fuck do you retards always think it's okay to have that rule and not have room slippers for guests? It's disgusting, we wear shoes for a reason, I don't care how clean you think your feet are. I've only ever seen them in Japanese, Chinese and Indian households - and they're always disgusting plastic flip flops anyway

Doing it without asking might as well be as rude as not doing it when the host clearly does - at least in countries where it's not the universal standard. It's extremely presumptuous, as he said, it's making yourself comfortable at a level that would only be appropriate with good friends, not acquaintances.

OP has a point. Why loafers?

Hosting a party implies a relatively large amount of people attending. It would be impractitical to have them remove their footwear especially if there is a backyard available. I don't know why I am explaining extremely basic societal minutiae to a autist but here we are

I guess this is just a difference in a experience or opinion, I don't know which. But if the host does something here, you are supposed to follow.

They're easy on the shoulders.

It's also impractical to demand anyone take off their clothes to enter your home.

And what about dinner parties? You're not hosting a feast. Doesn't it gross you out to eat dinner with people's stinking feet out? Imagine going to a restaurant and everyone is just wearing socks or barefooted

That goes without saying no matter where you come from. But hosts also have a duty not to employ cruel & unusual punishment on their poor guests

>we wear shoes for a reason
Because streets are dirty/dusty/wet/snowy/have dangerous things on them.

No laces? So easy to take off and put on.

Doormats exist, user

>demand anyone take off their clothes to enter your home.
I'll kick you out of my house if you wear your hat or overcoat inside. I don't see why wearing shoes should be any different.

But user, that's my fetish.

Again, dinner parties, regular parties or related are quite different from just having a guest or two over. Nobody expects people to tie up their dress shoes just to take them off at dinner.
This is a area where a pinch of common sense will take you far, I don't understand on this is hard for some people

Perhaps consider that in places where you do not live, it is not considered cruel and unusual punishment.

Consider perhaps that some people might consider it a relief to take off their shoes after a long day, when going to a friends house to relax and relish the opportunity.

Consider perhaps that it would be considered cruel and unusual in some places to force a person to _wash_ their carpets every time you stayed over.

Not everywhere is the same you ass.

They're attractive

wew lad

>Consider perhaps that it would be considered cruel and unusual in some places to force a person to _wash_ their carpets every time you stayed over.
It doesn't work like that. Guest is king - up until he disrespects the host, of course. Haven't you ever read the Odyssey?

I understand very well how to behave with your kind, I'm just trying to understand the mindset behind its adoption in the west. How do you justify such indiscriminately rude autism on your guests?

You don't even give them their own room slippers. None of their own smelly, wrongly sized $2 plastic hello kitty flip flops! It's tyranny. Where they walk is too dirty for you, but where you walk is pristine and clean and they better just deal with it. How do justify yourself, footfag?

>implying that's actually clean
Go on lick the floor then.

Lick your own floor

timestamp it, too

don't forget to include your feet

High heels are lame, just draw taller girls instead.

Wearing your shit-stained shoes in other people's house IS disrespectful you fucking mouthbreather.

>Haven't you ever read the Odyssey?
>Applying western values to an Asian custom.

Yes, you degenerate. Anyone with good hardwood floors knows the value of not wearing shoes in the house.


Don't know about you guys but I have a doormat.

lol you havent been to hauula or waianae often have you?

And I've got some deodorant. Fuck showers.

Not really, I'm from the Big Island.

Flawless analogy, mate.

country bumpkin of the 808

I thought that was the people on Molokai? Though given that we've got Waimea I see what you mean

You mahus need to fuck already.

>importing Asian customs into the west without any of its surrounding context
Seriously user, where are my plastic hello kitty flip flops? I don't want your dirt and dust getting on my freshly starched whitey tighty's

Not every Asian home has house slippers.

user just accept that no one wants you to come into their house. You get no flip flops. You get nothing. Good day sir.

Watch eyecancer if you're too stupid to know better, but I wish your sort wouldn't expose other people to it with screenshots

so is wearing shoes in the home a US thing? I live in Canada and every household I've been in takes their shoes off at the door, Asian or not.

leave the thread buddha heads. lava nippers are hopeless cancer

I think the custom in the west is connected to areas with a lot of snow or a history in farming. It has nothing to do with dirt from city streets.

>your nice clean house?

My house is a sty and half dilapidated. I don't give a shit. Leave a mud print from your shoe on my wall, who fucking cares?

Anal losers.

As a Canadian whose area has neither (though a lot of rain), there are both houses where I do and do not take my shoes off.

I think it's entirely cultural and regional and likely correlates with many different factors.
Would be an interesting topic of research if you were and anthropologist.

Also loafers make sense when you're trying to skip animating shoe untying. They also make sense when you take your shoes off wherever you go.

Why would you not take off your shoes? You don't make your house dirty and it's way more comfortable than keeping your shoes the whole day on. What are the cons? You're too lazy to take them off?

This, I wouldn't feel comfortable in such a spotless house. It's like going to my rich grandma's where I'm afraid to even sit on the nice sofa.

> You're too lazy to take them off?
Apparently this. Murricans never cease to amaze me.

>good day sir
i want reddit to leave

I remember a scene from a Japanese movie, Dark Water or something, in which the protagonist stops to take her shoes off while her daughter is drowning. Japanese autism is powerful.

It's from a film, user.

Do you wear your fucking shoes in the house, user? You need to watch way more anime if you still don't understand this

Case by case. In London, most people do.

Staying for like 5 mins, don't.
Friend, relative, anyone coming over for some time or in general, yeah remove it
Casual or formal parties/dinner stuff, don't.

Ching ching chon nip nip nong, am I correct?

Fucking cuck.