
Get in here and wait for decent subs

Shit subs


>wait for decent subs

They aren't coming.

Some good user is rewriting Vertical TL right now.


Kiss-shot stare at your thing.

>he will never help you save yourself

why live?

This scene was just insane. So well directed.


Because u Sup Forums's user. Whoever was Araragi if he posts on 2ch?


He really stole the show once he showed up.
Are you okay

So what? Daijobu.


Literally the best anime EVER
how can other studios even compete?

Who's doing it?

They have more than one good series.

What a lovely thread!

No. Daijobanai.

Worst comes to worst we'll get the Aniplex subs someday.

What a thirsty kitten.

Kisama urusai!

Damn Sup Forumsnons, I'm so hyped right now! I need more kiss-shot


Nandatto?! K-kisama!!

I wish for someone to dump the srt file instead of the subbed movie.

Already downloaded the BD rip from the magnificent user and I dont want to download the same shit again.

>Not making your own subs from the vertical translations you bought

Kono yarou fuzakeru na!

good lord

Fuzakeru no ha omae darou

Wake up Nobu!

Yeah, the zebra crossing is a mess.
What the hell was Shaft thinking?

I know commie is out, but who is working on this?

Kuso kurae! Skebe otoko!

I'm not a catfag but holy shit she looks delicious there

There should be some anons who have vertical release and can match japanese words with TL.

Why are Commie out?

10 more minutes oniichan

Not translator.

Do I watch Kizu before or after Owari and Koyomino?

Kizu is chronological first.


Oh man should I just watch the raws?

If you can at least understand decent Jap but still shitty at it, the subs can do.

Chronological in anime Bake first.

Yeah but Owari aired first. So it's one of those release dates vs in universe chronology order choices.

Kizu is first in story.

Bake then this
Everything else u can skip

>OP pic
For a second I thought there was a Tiger and Bunny sequel airing.


But Bake included pantsu scene of Kizu and meet Kiss-shot.

Did you watch Haruhi in chronological order too?

Don't listen to these two. You can try out Nise, it's completely different from bake but it can be good depending on what you like. Just drop it after 3 episodes, if you don't like it.

Bake is the worst one though.

Nise is good. 2nd season is better. Honestly if you really enjoy Bake I dunno why you would skip anything

Tell me why

I was an absolute fan of Bake and watched it several times
Than Nise came out and it was the biggest disappointment ever. Everything after that was on the same level of trash.

Check the staff and you could easily see why. I haven't seen Kizu yet but at least the Bake director is finally back.

>retaded bakefag

Who End Roll on loop here?

Just can't get enough

>retard who can't even see the obvious quality drop the serie suffered as it lost it's original staff, nor know that Nise was basically a joke novel that should never have been published

Second season and Owari are objectively better than Bake. Nise too, unless you're from tumblr and naked loli vampire triggers you.

> first Shinobu talk since Kizu
> Kaiki
> sisters
> Kagenui and Ononoki
> Hitagi at her best
> joke novel
Fuck off

>people arguing about seasons again
2bh after bake i liked the characters and directing style so much i was going to watch everything regardless

Second season still had shit directing and visuals overall. I dropped it then
Maybe if Kizu is actually good I'll give the entire serie a second chance.

Nisio said it retard

> Nisio said it
So what? How does it make Nise bad?

Anyone why Shaft took 6 years to produce this?

Nise was bad

Stare at the thing and the thing will stare back at you. Hard.


>retards still parroting the postscript from nise when he says the same shit in every novel

from kizu
If "Bakemonogatari" was a novel written 100% for hobby, then "Kizumonogatari" is a novel written 120% for hobby. Originally it was a bunch of stories the author, me, should have been satisfied the moment he finished writing them, and should have sealed them without letting them catching the eye of people

>mfw has been living in Japan for 4 years and understand every minute of this.


> Shaft took 6 years to produce this
Because their budget consisted of 2 packs of ramen noodles

subs fucking where?

> meme subs

Tatsuya Oishi just took a long time to finish the storyboard.

Dat everything.

Cat's tats



I expected him to be way stronger or at least to have a decent fight . Somehow Guillotine Cutter reminds me of Guts so I wanted to see more of him

Why is Shinobu a boy?


>Somehow Guillotine Cutter reminds me of Guts
yeah gee i wonder why

Jesus Christ my heart and dick.

He's so handsome.

Noses and cheeks are slightly redder than the rest of the face.

I want to pop that pimple on her little loli butt.

It's not just the eye . Just think about it , he's a mere human fighting against supernatural shit , he was also described as being nasty by everyone . I hope at least they will explain how did he stole both Kisshot arms

>decent subs

what's so funny about it?

Stop fighting, listen to the soundtrack and wait for subs.

Someone recommended me this and said this is twilight for men. Is he right?

The optimism

> this is twilight for men.
Does it sound like good recommendation?

Why does everyone have a tumblr nose in this?

Have Coalgirls or Horrible said whether they're doing it?

That looks Japanese to me

HS rips from streaming sites, and CGi doesn't make their own subs

>garbage for men.

The series is very enjoyable and interesting, but it is in no case even comparable to twilight. The only common thing are vampires.
