Do you still lust me, puny user?
Do you still lust me, puny user?
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Who is this and why should I care?
Literally kill yourself you disgusting type moon cocksucker saber is the worst waifu and both you and takeuchi should hang from the same noose you horrid niggers
You ok?
Sir, I'm going to need you to calm down.
Literally who
im pretty sure im bigger than you
She's got a bigger dick, she just tucks it in her vagina so you can't see it.
>lust me
that's not how English works esl-kun
You shouldn't have gone so easy on him.
I wondered who this was until I opened the goddamn thread. Jesus.
She is Japanese, so I think she is doing fine with English...
Every single day
>Haruhi will never lock you in a closed space just for the two of you so that you can have cute vanilla sex forever
re-baiting™ won't work. plus if you consider Harui your waifu then you're in no position to comment on other people's shit taste
Petite. But shapely. Thumbs up.
Neither KyoAni nor fan artists seem to agree on what her body shape really is besides "perfect", whatever that may be
All fine
Stop fapping you dweebs
Would you destroy the universe just to be with Haruhi?
Nah, but add Mikuru to the mix and it's a deal.
That means it's time to stick it in you, right?
I want to suck Haruhi's tits.
Yeah, she can make another one
Who's that girl? Kind looks like Haruhi but with shittier artstyle. A parody cameo?
Yes. It's a curse that I will never be free of.
Wasn't she a lesbian?
>she will never be real
>she will eventually be won by Kyon
>she will never love me
>season 3 never
End this suffering.
>implying anyone ever stopped
>we just pretend endless eight never happend
That's the wrong kind of attitude, son
I want to spectrum her zx
I want to snack on Haruhi.
>snack bag is empty
Dat ass ain't about to be though.
Her breasts are too big
Your dick is too small
Well, here's hoping that seismic picks the one true goddess for his next game
What are Haruhi's parents like?
I really want to know dad. The only solid hint we got is that daddy likes baseball.
Her mom is bad at cooking so she has to do it herself. Her dad works a lot and is rarely at home. At least that's what I remember from the books
She has no parents, as she is God!
Her parents are a figment of her imagination.
We need to fap to her in order to worship her!
Or she will erase us!
Do it now, it's the only way to safely exist!
>those fucking thighs
I love these threads
Somehow i imagine her dad being a loud smiling guy who picked up some foreign customs during his numerous bussiness trips.
That one Haruhi artist is amazing.
Old, used, and abused.
haruhi mammamia
Doing god's work
How many aliens has she fucked by now?
Yuki pegs her.
You're the esl poster.
I like that
Haruhi is the best.
Ah these Haruhi threads... The nostalgia.
That's not canon Haruhi, you faggot.
Nagato Yuki-chan no shoushitsu never happened.
I can tell you're the main event at parties
>ever lusting after the version of Haruhi that some low-budget retards created, when it's the goddess you should want
really? hints?
it was interesting stoned
Not lusting after every version of Haruhi ever created.
There are no hints. She literally wants Kyon's dick from start to end in all possible univserses.
Every girl goes gay for big tits unless they have inferiority complex
Including the ones where Kyon is a girl.
New haruhi made my dick hard, but not hard enough to not drop that fanfic tier show.
Exactly this.
>it was interesting stoned
Well lots of stuff is under those conditions.
>really? hints?
There were theories that said Harui was a lesbian?
>Haruhi will never wish for you to be real
It's sad to know that we aren't really real because Haruhi isn't aware of us.
When I die, I will be with her. You too user.
Who are you, and why are you talking to me?