
not only the board but our world

they one im fine with it there nothing your going to do about it but bitch and moan on 4 chan its done they won get use to it

Learn your own language you undeveloped homo-erectus

lol one V won still they have and there not a fucking thing your going to do about it fag

"the protocols of zion" is the soviet bias
read pacepa

fuck jews

fuck jews part 2

>he believes soviet lies

The book was written some 15 years before the bolshevik revolution and it's one of the most anti-communist, anti-semitic and anti-capitalistic things ever written, it speak the truth and only the truth

first, this book were strongly spreaded by kgb in western europe during the reign of andropov
i say you: read the book of pacepa called "disinformation" and you'll find the part about your fake
also: "russian" and "soviet" are the words-synonymes

>gopnik intellectuals

>"russian" and "soviet" are the words-synonymes
Get out, you shill, the protocols were used under National-Socialistic Germany to open the eyes of the german, you are literally the kind of kike described in the protocols, you only seek to give the easily manipulated goyim your false accusations that for them seems logical.

It's not ''soviet propaganda'', for the simple fact that the soviets wanted to destroy this book, as it speaks the truth against them and their jew-controlled union.

Nice butthurt, but no.
I you'll say that Ion Pacepa wrote his book on Soros' money.
Just read that fucking book.

>I you'll say that Ion Pacepa wrote his book on Soros' money.
I think you'll say that Ion Pacepa wrote his book on Soros' money.

>I you'll say that Ion Pacepa wrote his book on Soros' money.
Soros, one of the most evil jews who ever lived, fuck off you shill, i am not reading the book.

Пpикoльнo бoмбит.
Кpикни eщё paз cтo paз "жыды" и yбeдиcь в тoм, чтo ты - дypaк.
Иoн Пaчeпa - caмый выcoкoпocтaвлeнный oфицep paзвeдки пpocoвeтcкoгo блoкa, бeжaвший нa Зaпaд. Copoc, кoнeчнo жe, вpяд ли eгo финaнcиpoвaл. Этo yтвepждeниe былo дoбaвлeнo лишь для тoгo, чтoбы выcмeять тaких вaтникoв, кaк ты.

Also, CIA and FBI are jewish agencies, they, alongside with KGB, are created to make false feeling of security and at the same time power.
The Cold War is an economic war, perhaps another jewish invention.
The protocols are the book that tells you the truth about liberals, communists, anarchists, capitalists and all the other false ideologies of the jew.

I don't speak russian , and i am pretty sure that ''uncle google translate'' will fail to translate it to me.

>I don't speak russian , and i am pretty sure that ''uncle google translate'' will fail to translate it to me.
I thought your country speaks Russian.

typical Russian

Nah, we have our own language, that your country used to create russian, and added some useless words and letters just to make it look different. cl:^)
Now translate me this:
-Щ'и eбa мaмицaтa, пeдepac' пpoклeт, caмooбecи ce, вe, eвpeйcки тpaвecтит.