Max is best waifu, better than all your crap 2d waifus. You can connect to her.
prove me wrong.
Max is best waifu, better than all your crap 2d waifus. You can connect to her.
prove me wrong.
>prove me wrong.
>prove me wrong protip:you can't
you're wrong sorry
Go fuck your selfie
Max is better than all of your 2d waifus.
Especially Onodeira.
this is an anime board
Isn't this anime?
Hello Victoria
I thought I was on Sup Forums Max a shit
>talking shit about our waifus
I will gouge your fucking eyes and sew them to your fucking nu-male groin, where your manhood is supposed to be, just so I could kicl you with my giant fucking feet you twat.
Stop jerking each other off hot pockets.
fuck you cunt max is best waifu
your 2d waifus don't speak softly and carry a big camera now do they
Max is so shit on vidya, you came here
haha look at me I look like your waifus now
Fan fiction of an anime written on Tumblr
Kinda hot. Cover her face more
Max are your thoughts on Re:Zero and Final Fantasy Spirits Within?
back off you idiot I'm not a sandnigger-chan
Shitposting on Sup Forums isn't gonna stop 80% of Life Is Strange being an abortion.
This "game" is complete trash and if you like it you should genuinely feel bad.