>able to talk to girls
>able to socialize
>able to fight bullies
So the """NEET""" backstory was basically a red herring to drag in all you autists to watch this shit show, right?
>able to talk to girls
>able to socialize
>able to fight bullies
So the """NEET""" backstory was basically a red herring to drag in all you autists to watch this shit show, right?
neet means he's a lazy fuck, not an autist
Pretty much.
But he is an autist, just not in a crippling way.
>found the 12 year old
NEET means Not in Education, Employment or Training.
So basically a lazy fuck.
You can be lazy as fuck and still be educated
The creators of this kinda made him a fully functioning part of society and then had him stay at home and called him a NEET. Then they gave him several mental disabilities when he went to the other world...
>shitty relationship with his parents
>lonely with no friends
>plays games all day to escape reality
>never held a girls hand
>starts to panic and act weird as soon as he is forced to socialize with others
How the fuck is he not a typical /r9k/ NEET? Only a dumb fake robot or a normalfag would ever claim Subaru to be a bad person.
>stay at home
He went out shopping in the very first episode, and even seemed to enjoy it
He spends all the time flirting with the girls. He has no inhibitions. It makes no sense.
>starts to panic and act weird as soon as he is forced to socialize with others
>shitty relationship with his parents
>lonely with no friends
>plays games all day to escape reality
>never held a girls hand
>starts to panic and act weird as soon as he is forced to socialize with others
This is never stated explicitly other than "lol, the MC is a NEET".
Lol he went for provisions!
That can be applied to literally everything you idiot
>You should have a greater debt to me than you could ever repay!
So he's a fucking liar all along
Do you even know what NEET means?
Real life NEETs rarely if ever leave the house.
But then a NEET isn't educated
I thought that was a Hikikomori?
that's a hikikomori
/r9k/ is populated by normies now
I guess you could call Subaru a "failed normie" because he displays a lot of traits of the normie, but as shown in the pic, is desperate to be loved.
>>able to talk to girls
>>able to socialize
>>able to fight bullies
Are we watching the same show? He can't interact with people without sperging out, and all he does is get pushed around.
its the exact same fucking thing
NEET =/= hikki
There's so many idiots posting stupid shit in this thread that I don't even know where to begin telling you how wrong you are.
When was it ever stated that he was a NEET? In the very first episode he was carrying bags of shopping, which showed he left the house and did his own shopping instead of having mummy do it for him. The shopping contained apples and other fruits, not a NEET diet at all. And he wears a tracksuit, which indicates exercise. He is not a NEET and they never pretended he was
It's an adaptation, you know?
learn first what NEET means faggot
>He spends all the time flirting with the girls
He tries. And he fails.
>He has no inhibitions. It makes no sense.
Because he's an autistic NEET with no experience.
Every time? What do you think those silly poses are?
Yes he is a "failed normie", just like Elliot. Real robots are pretty much non existent and they don't even care about relationships.
You're a retard.
NEET is: It has nothing to do with being shut-in, you could stay outside all day and still be a NEET.
As a NEET I can explain these three things
One, NEETs do shop, just not much becase we have no income
Two, fruit is delicious, even to NEETs
Three, NEETs can wear tracksuits if at least 1/128th of their heritage is slavic
no it isn't you fucking retard
Why would you parrot a term without even understanding it?
How did you become this stupid?
lol im such a nerd *has sex with multiple partners*
>Real robots are pretty much non existent
Actually there are a lot of them, and their numbers are increasing rapidly due in part to china's drive to become one of the top automated countries by 2020.
So 50% means I should probably live in my tracksuit huh...
This is bait at this point.
lmao, if NEETs and Hikkis are the same then don't you think japs would just use one word to describe them? Hikkis are shut-ins while NEETs aren't necessarily shut-ins.
Yes, as long as you meet a minimum DRS(daily recommended squats) quota.
What the fuck this thread...
A NEET is just someone who isn't working or going to school. Anyone can be a NEET.
A hikki is a shut-in who can't leave the house and has social anxiety.
Holy fuck why are you all so dumb.
track suits are fucking degenerate
also if you really are a NEET, then please kys.
Leave or lurk.
You have to go bck to Reddit
It's truly amazing how most of this fanbase is stupider than the average nigger.
I think that's an Sup Forums thing. I see it there a lot.
t. Sup Forums
Stupid thread. I could be a NEET and still get pussy everyday. But I can't be a hikki and get pussy everyday. That's just impossible, unless it's incest.
There you said it yourself. The fact Subaru can remain casual in social situations and talk to girls proves that he doesn't have social anxiety
That's now what NEET means. It means you're currently not in school. You could've gotten your Masters or Phd, but if you're Not Employed, Employment or Training afterwards, you're a NEET.
You weren't expecting Sup Forums to mindlessly parrot a cool term they read somewhere?
See: Christmas cake, tomboy, NEET, Gary Stu, loli and many more.
Fucking newfags, you gonna congratulate yourself for trips next you retard?
Fuck off.
nerd doesn't mean you don't have sex either
What the fuck does that have to do with his post?
He's pointing out that you people cannot even differentiate between hiki and NEET.
That's really rude and mean, why would you say that?
Fuck this fanbase.
If this is some weird falseflag thing to make me hate Rezero, then congratulations, it's working.
Kill yourself.
Even if it technically just means he just don't do nothing professional, you will never use "NEET" to a son of a rich who spend the day fugging girls.
Tracksuit aside, he does specifically say that he exercises a lot, with the "I'm a NEET, I don't have anything better to do" explanation.
I don't get why this show is so popular. It's really predictable and the characters are super annoying to a fault.
*Becomes one punch man*
Every single isekai LN adaptation has a terrible, underage crossboarder fanbase.
Yes you would.
Subaru is one of the most autistic characters in the history of anime.
I find it not hard at all to believe he's a NEET.
Please don't try to act comical, you're not funny.
If he is not under employment, education, or professional training, he would be a NEET.
That is all a NEET is.
Doesn't matter if you'd personally call him that or not.
Correct, although this one is popular as fuck compared to (most) other isekai and thus more vocal.
>Even if it technically just means he just don't do nothing
What the fuck is this shit.
You could, but you won't. It's like when you say that a country is first/third world, the original contest was just to say which countries are pro URRS, US or neutral, but now it's a different meaning to say which country is good, average and shit.
Be that as it may, I still take some mild pleasure in your annoyance and as such I will not stop any time soon.
Pity is not annoyance. I sincerely hope that you don't act that way in front of anyone.
Those terms are nothing alike.
Using the term 'NEET' to describe a man not in employment, education or training is literally the one and only way to use the word, regardless of whether he browses Sup Forums all day and pisses in a bottle, or if he fucks 3dpd models every night.
Stop your ridicilous damage control.
You were wrong, face it.
he is in education but he just dont attend classes
so he is not a NEET only an absentee
I'm not speaking about any character, I'm addressing your misunderstanding of the term.
Pity arises from disgust or detestation for what someone else is putting themselves through. That must be some sort of slight discomfort to you, and no matter how small a victory for me.
From what I recall the term was first used by the British to classify young people in particular, the kind who not being in education, training, or employment would make them ner-do-wells, I don't think they used the NEET classification for retirees and pensioners, or just anyone who fit the acronym.
You're a funny guy
He's also fit and exercises. And he was outside his house when he got transported to the fantasy world, yet he called himself a "shut-in". I don't get it.
I thought he was a delinquent
>for once a Re:Zero thread isn't shitposting about Emilia or Rem but exclusively on Subaru
That's because the writing is terrible this arc. We have to have this character be utterly retarded with his thinking and emotions in order to explain the lore in the edgiest way possible.
Yeah, the fact that he was not only stronger than but also a better fighter than those street thugs felt like a pile of shit to me.
I mean, I know they're just street rats and shit but given that fact they should have been in a fair few street fights growing up and if he's a NEET shut in he should have been in a grand total of 0 fights.
Frankly they should have beaten that tar out of him. What kind of NEET can handle three muggers in a fight all at once?
hiki is autist
neet is lazy
Sup Forums is hiki and neet in amerifat so they get hiki bucks from the government
Wasn't there a theory that he was originally from the fantasy world and had his memories erased and banished to Earth? Would explain why a NEET of all people is physically fit, sociable, and fairly competent in a fight against much stronger enemies. Looking at the stomach lady and the dogs.
Kill yourself you underage fag.
Oh ok
in the post gamer normie era. nerd has become co-opted by people who think it just means someone who likes "nerdy" things like video games which are now in the realms of normie culture.
What the anime or the LN/WN? Because I'd pin you as a retard if you say the latter.
or in anime, people who think entry level things like miyazaki films count as nerdy
You think the typical JP male wouldn't try endlessly to woe their 2d heroine?
kill this damn thread
It's not explicitly stated but it was all implied in the first episode you fucking moron. Why do you want every detail spoonfed to you?
>And he wears a tracksuit
So does Kazuma and he was clearly a NEET too.
I was sold on the groundhog day plot and cute girls.
Yeah keep shitposting you cunts you'll never bait me to watch this shit!
>this thread
RE: Zerofags definitely win award of worst fanbase of 2016 no contest.
>This thread
Why is it considered good though? I tried watching a few episodes and it seems to be around the same level as SAO.
Your comment is terrible user, not the arc.