
It's over. Bleach ends next week and there is literally no way that it'll be good.

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I love Orihime! I'm so glad it'll be finished so soon.

All I wanted was to see Rukia in a short skirt again. That was the best part of early Bleach.

I hate my life and just want it to be over with


Why did the openings and endings in Bleach get worse as the anime went on?

They were trying to mimic the quality of the series.

When you start at the top you can't go anywhere but down.

>bleach endings 28 through 30 were great
>bleach opening 13 through 15 were great
Come again?

Absolut fucking shit taste. They were all good. Name a single bad opening.

Quick - post best Quincy

>Summarize your thoughts on Bleach as a whole in THREE WORDS

Total fucking shit

The ones by Scandal



>Being under the impression it wil end next week
The epilogue chapter will be 4 chaptes

Waste of potential

then again, it could be naive of me to think that it had potential depending on who you ask

There are no good quincies.

I love Rukia
Ichigo a shit
Kubo sucks balls
Fuck you Yhwach

OP6, OP9, OP10


WOKE UP WITH YAWN THIS MORNING, opening 5, the one with matsumoto, rukia, and Orihime dancing in the streets, CHANGE, and all the filler openings were bad.

You're kidding right?

Best OP: Asterisk

Best ED: Life

Who's that?

Would Ishida Oneshot Renji?

Yeah this was pretty bad. The song was sort of catchy though
>the one with matsumoto, rukia, and Orihime dancing in the streets
What were they even thinking

I guess it's that Chad guy everyone keeps talking about.

Can't tell you how happy I am about Ichi/Ruki not happening. Why would you force a romance where it doesn't belong?

I'm so glad Kubo didn't sell out to the autists and ruin their friendship.

>Not liking LOVE IS RATION


Even if I agree

Better than IchiHime. And God forbid RenRuki.

Ignore orihime posters do not reply to orihime posters

>Better than IchiHime. And God forbid RenRuki.

They are already canon. Kubo confirmed them.

Are the Quincies the Uchihas of Bleach?

>mfw I found out Tonight Tonight Tonight is by the same guys who did the Kappa Mikey OP

This is true, my dad works for Viz and he said so.

You're cute user

Wow, Hime is pretty lewd.

Fuck, really?

Finally this bloated, trashy piece of shit will die and history will remember Kubo for the utter hack that he is.

>be Ishida
>mom's dead
>grandpa's dead
>dad is a cold jerk
>girl you like has the hots for your erstwhile rival and now friend
>join the final villain's army to gather intel and come to terms with destiny
>get BTFO and lie on the floor uselessly
>until jerk dad comes and gives you an arrow made of your mom's bones

>Implying people won't call Bleach a treasure in 5 years or more.

>friendzoning Ishida this hard

I always liked this opening even though its about as filler as you can get

>gives him the chance to see her strip
Obviously she was trying to tease him and his beta response so disgusted her she had to shove him away. Sounds like it's his own fault for being a cuck.

That is some of the most extreme wishful thinking that I have seen in months, user.

Im sure the world will remember ISIS fondly in 5 years too, right?

Orihime was a lot cuter back then. If she still looked like this I would have zero problems with her winning the Ichib owl

Orihime is the cutest.

>Im sure the world will remember ISIS fondly in 5 years too, right?

I know it doesn't have a single chance in hell of ever becoming canon, but Ishida/Orihime would have been cute as fuck.

>this shit is finally dying

Good fucking riddance.

>I thought I was with Tatsuki

Remember when Orihime used to be a fun character?

>"I thought I was with Tatsuki."

I miss her crazy daydreamings and boke with Tatsuki as tsukkomi. It was better when she wasn't so fixated on Ichigo and only had a mild crush on him.

Kappa Mikey is some unironic shitposting if I've ever seen one

Why was the lightning so sexy if it Never Meant to Belong?

Do you think Orihime is a top or a bottom?

Aizenfags BTFO and on suicide watch lmao

Literally confirmed bitch-fodder tier.

>Bleach ending
>No IchiRuki resolution

Perriot staff must be on suicide watch

>i-its actually Renji!!

I'm going to list the only good endings in Bleach.
>Thank You.
>Happy People.

That's it.

Bottom, she'd do anything for her husband.
Aizen jobbed God in one chapter. He didn't even use Bankai.

>natural banter with flow and humor
>Orihime's crush is wholesome and casual, not obsessive
>interaction with other characters
Early Bleach was so based.

When's the last time we had a Bleach chapter with this much text and panels?

"Getting placed with someone" ultimately means nothing, and neither does Orihime's feelings if they're not returned. Orihime gets continually placed with the likes of Sado and Ishida as well. To begin with, has she ever wanted a relationship with Ichigo? IIRC, she has only ever wanted to be helpful and depended upon by Ichigo. In this light, her story could as well be finished, because she did it. Especially when she's keen to play herself out in favor of Rukia - although Rukia is somewhat similar.

Rukia's and Ichigo's (apparently non-romantic) feelings toward each other are stronger than toward the likes of Renji and Orihime. This is a plain fact at this point, but it may as well change in the epilogue. Ichigo merely holding hands with Orihime would blow it all out and confirm IchiHime. It wouldn't surprise me at this point, honestly.

Bottom at first, but when she gets used to it she'll become playful and starts doing all kinds of funny stuff. Ichigo would play the straight man and call out her ideas just like people call out her food.


are you serious?

>Do you think Aizen is a top or a bottom?

I'm so fucking glad. Pierrot is a piece of shit.

That's a shitty writer. Seriously he could lick Kichimoto's and Kodaka's boots.

>Aizen jobbed God in one chapter. He didn't even use Bankai.

He literally did nothing and got side-stepped like the Renji of the situation lmao

These Aizenfags tears are gonna be glorious, don't kill yourself yet retard.

>hands touching


Rukia prefer her old time childhood friend Renji.
Ichigo basically fixed their relationship and acted as Renji's wingman.

this translation is making me cringe


Whose hands are those even?

Quiet you.



>are when all of our relevance completely disappeared.

It's the truth.

>Perriot wanted Ichiruki
>The musical writers wanted Ichiruki
>The merch makers wanted Ichiruki
>The Japanese fans wanted Ichiruk

>They're not getting Ichiruki

Is this the greatest KUBO of all?

And then the Soul Society arc happened.

>Inoue has a crush on Ichigo
>Renji has a crush on Rukia
>implying IchiRukia ever had any chances to begin with

>Kubo's favorite character

So no pairings at the end? great way to piss off everyone who stuck around only for the pairings.

Sode no Shirayuki was a really pretty sword, shame we rarely saw it unless it was being shattered.

>Not giving the people what they want.
That's why Kubo's a hack.

>killing a non villain character in Bleach

Ichigo and rukias. In the second Op, after they're both spinning around the sword.
The lyrics are “Tsunaida kimi no te wo // I held your hand”

Did Kubo ever come out and say who his favorite character(s) was?

IIRC he said Mayuri was the most fun to draw and Rukia was the first character he designed but I know nothing else beyond that.

Who are those three girls in the blue maid outfits? Filler characters?


Kubo wouldn't pair Rukia with someone who changed the sex of their Zanpakuto to a boob beast.

Renji is just a comedic relief character, and so is their duo.

They're their classmates who were around during the first arc.

>the whole series was written just to blueball shippers after a decade

Love this song.

He said he loved drawing Mayuri, Kenpachi and Komamura because they felt 3-dimensional.

I'm going with Kurotsuchi being his favorite.

Post Ichigo and Orihime please